
  • 网络Iwate;Iwate prefecture;Iwate-ken
  1. 中国驻日使馆宣布,将协助本国公民撤离海啸破坏最严重的四个地区宫城县、福岛县、茨城县和岩手县。

    The Chinese Embassy offered to help evacuate its citizens from four of the areas worst hit by the tsunami Miyagi , Fukushima , Ibaragi and Iwate .

  2. 公共支出主要与福岛县、宫城县以及岩手县的清理和净化活动有关,这三个县在去年的地震和海啸中受创最重。

    Spending was led by clean-up and decontamination in Fukushima , Miyagi and Iwate , the three prefectures hit hardest by the earthquake and tsunami last year .

  3. 那是日本岩手县的一个小渔村,人口大约只有5万人,

    It 's a small fishing town in Iwate Prefecture , about 50000 people ,

  4. 岩手县的人再一次在超市里排起长队。

    For the people of Iwate Prefecture , it was long queues at supermarkets again .

  5. 先遣队在地震当天就抵达了遭受重创的岩手县。

    Advance units arrived in battered Iwate prefecture on the same day of the quake .

  6. 在隔壁的岩手县和宫城县,海啸吞没了整个社区,军队在沙滩上发现了数百具尸体。

    Troops are finding hundreds of bodies along the beaches where tsunamis swept out to sea entire communities in Iwate and Miyagi prefectures .

  7. 在日本东北部的岩手县,太平洋沿岸五公里处一条小河的上游保留着一座小城的遗址。

    UP A shallow river , five kilometres from the Pacific coast in Japan 's north-eastern Iwate prefecture , lie the remains of a town .

  8. 除了宫城县,青森县、岩手县和福岛县也感觉到强烈震动。东京的建筑物持续摇晃超过一分钟。

    Besides Miyagi , the prefectures of Aomori , Iwate and Fukushima also experienced strong shaking . Tokyo 's buildings continued to sway for more than a minute .

  9. 根据东京中国大使馆网站的的信息:救援队周一早上在日本东北部岩手县大船渡市开始搜索与营救。

    The rescue team started search and rescue operations Monday morning in Ofunato city of Japan 's northeastern Iwate Prefecture , according to the website of the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo .

  10. 日本的其他世界遗产,比如岩手县的平泉,岐阜县的白川乡,日本南部的屋久岛,近年来申遗成功后,都出现了游客增加的现象。

    Other heritage sites in Japan including Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture , Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture and Yakushima Island in southern Japan all saw an increase in visitors after they joined the list in recent years .

  11. 6月16日,日本岩手县的一家商场举行了第12届年度世界掀桌大赛,这场离奇的比赛要求参赛者将一个小茶桌掀得越远越好。

    On June 16 , a shopping mall in Japan 's Iwata Prefecture hosted the 12th annual World Chabudai-Gaeshi Tournament , an offbeat competition where participants try to flip a small tea table as far as possible .

  12. 福岛已经表达了想作为2020奥林匹克运动会一个部分的渴望,同时还有2011年三重灾难的最严重受损地区&东北区的岩手县和宫城县。

    Fukushima has already expressed a desire to be part of the 2020 Olympics , along with Iwate and Miyagi , the two other Tohoku region prefectures that were the worst hit by the 2011 triple disaster .

  13. 事实上,今年的赢家——岩手县大公牛篮球队的一名队员——就抒发了对篮球队的热爱,大喊“大公牛加油!”然后让塑料鱼飞了8.29米远。

    In fact , this year 's winner , a member of the Iwate Big Bulls basketball team , channeled the love for his team , yelling " Go Big Bulls ! " and sending the plastic fish flying 8.29 meters .

  14. 日本的海外游客数量一直在增长,但是由于日本大东海地震以及2011年3月宫城县、岩手县和福岛县等沿海地区发生的海啸,日本东北六县的旅游业一直停滞不前。

    Overseas traveler numbers have increased around Japan , but tourism in the six Tohoku prefectures has remained stagnant since the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami hit the coastal regions of Miyagi , Iwate and Fukushima prefectures in March 2011 .

  15. 3月14日,日本岩手县大槌町,一艘船被冲到屋顶,四周被无数碎片包围。11日,日本东北部海域发生8.9级地震并引发可怕的海啸。

    A tsunami-tossed boat rests on top of a building amid a sea of debris in Otsuchi , Iwate Prefecture , on March 14 - days after a magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck off the northeastern coast of Japan , triggering a devastating tsunami .

  16. 富士山将迎来人数骤增的游客。日本的其他世界遗产,比如岩手县的平泉,岐阜县的白川乡,日本南部的屋久岛,近年来申遗成功后,都出现了游客增加的现象。

    Mount Fuji is bracing for a big jump . Other heritage sites in Japan including Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture , Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture and Yakushima Island in southern Japan all saw an increase in visitors after they joined the list in recent years .

  17. 这些地区与从北部的岩手县到南部的福岛县的所有沿海小城一样,遭受的破坏之严重,简直难以形容。

    That is not true of the residential areas closer to the coast , where the destruction , as in town after town up and down the coast , from Iwate Prefecture in the north down through Fukushima in the south , is all but indescribable .