
  • 网络Robotics;robotic;Introduction to Robotics
  1. 《机器人学》是一门与科技发展紧密结合的多学科交叉的综合性学科。

    Robotics is an integrated course that combines multi-disciplines and technology development .

  2. 主要工作如下:1、介绍了群机器人学的含义、特点和发展现状,分析了研究群机器人系统的相关理论和方法,总结了群机器人学研究的主要内容。

    The main work and research results lie in the following . 1 . We introduce swarm robotics definition , characteristic and the art of development . We also analysis swarm robotics theory and method , summary swarm robotics main research content . 2 .

  3. 本文在机器人学的理论基础上,将机器人模型建立在D-H坐标系下,根据变换方程推导出一组简单实用的方程来实现运动学方程的正解。

    Founded on D-H coordinate system , a series of kinematics equations are deduced to realize kinematics forward solution by means of transformation equations .

  4. 在机器人学的理论基础上,建立了机器人模型的D-H坐标系,并对相邻坐标系间的变换矩阵作了改进,使D-H方法更具有通用性。

    D-H coordinate systems of the robot are set up , and the transformation matrixes of near two links are improved on to make D-H method more general .

  5. 人的手指极为灵活,随着各个指节的运动参数的变化,其运动形式也千变万化。该文引用了机器人学中的机构学里的Denavit-Hartenberg矩阵方法来合成手指语。

    The paper introduces Denavit-Hartenberg matrix in robotics to synthesize the finger language , and also detrudes a kinematic and rever-se kinematic function to simplify the finger movement process .

  6. 卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)的机器人学教授戴维•伯恩(DavidBourne)正带领学生研发一款软件,以便让机器人有能力判断应该把零部件放到什么位置,并能够探索不同的装配方式以确定最优途径。

    At Carnegie Mellon University , robotics professor David Bourne and some of his students are working on software that enables a robot to cope with uncertainty over where a part will be on the assembly table , and to experiment with ways to put things together until they find the optimum methods .

  7. 引入机器人学中的运动学分析方法研究了变动几何约束网络的运动学模型.基于ISO/TC213的特征分类,定义了三类变动几何约束(VGCs),给出变动几何约束网络(VGCN)的概念;

    Based on kinematic analysis method in robotics , three kinds of variational geometric constraints ( VGCs ) are specified based on the feature classification in ISO / TC 213 , and the concept of variational geometric constraints network ( VGCN ) is defined .

  8. 该公司还将大举进军机器人学领域。

    The company is also mounting a significant foray into robotics .

  9. 它将是机器人学和编程的良好工具。

    Will be a great learning tool for robotics and programming .

  10. 2001年,创立教育机器人学的基础理论。

    In2001 , the educational robotics foundations were established .

  11. 在教育领域,许多院校已在学生中开设了机器人学方面的相关课程。

    In the field of education , Many universities set up courses in robotics .

  12. 基于网络远程机器人学的人-机接口界面分析研究

    Research of Human-Computer Interface on the Internet Telerobotics

  13. 机械臂运动学及路径规划是机器人学中的重要研究内容。

    Kinematics and path planning of manipulator is an important research content in robotics .

  14. 在工业控制、机器人学和临床医学上有着广泛的应用前景。

    There is a broad application in industry control , robotics and clinical medicine .

  15. 冗余机械臂是机器人学研究的前沿领域。

    Redundant manipulator is the frontier of robotics .

  16. 随着机器人学的应用与发展,机器人应用也越来越广泛。

    With the development of robotics , robots are used more and more widely .

  17. 这使得这篇指南对于简略地学习机器人学工程的基础是有用的。

    This makes the guide useful for learning the basics of robotic engineering in general .

  18. 为了成功模仿人类的外貌与行为,石黑浩把认知科学融入机器人学。

    To emulate human looks and behavior successfully , Ishiguro yokes robotics with cognitive science .

  19. 应用上,倒立摆在航空航天,机器人学等领域都有重要的应用。

    The inverted pendulum in the aerospace , robotics and other fields have important applications .

  20. 这对于进化计算和进化机器人学的发展都具有重要的意义。

    This is of great significance to the development of evolutionary robotics and evolutionary computation .

  21. 本文首先简要概述机器人学并解释包容体系结构概念。

    This article starts with a brief overview of robotics and explains the subsumption architecture concept .

  22. 地图创建技术是人工智能和机器人学中的一个热点问题。

    Robotic mapping has been a highly active research area in artificial intelligence and robotics recently .

  23. 其研究成果可广泛应用于机器学习、自动控制、机器人学等诸多领域。

    The production can be applied in machine learning , automation and robotic fields so on .

  24. 进化机器人学研究的若干问题

    On some issues of evolutionary robotics

  25. 机械臂轨迹规划是运动学逆解的实际应用,是机器人学的一个非常重要的研究领域。

    MTP is the practical application of inverse kinematics , having been a very important robotics research field .

  26. 本文从属于机器人学、人机交互与模式识别等多个领域,以开发机器人人机交互的方法为目的。

    The paper contains the filed of robotics , human-robot interaction , patterns recognition , and so on .

  27. 微动技术是机器人学理论的一个重要分支,也是发展微机器人及相关微技术的基础。

    Microrobot possesses significant sense to the development of MEMS , and also in an indispensable content of MEMS .

  28. 六自由度串联机械手的位置逆解问题一直是机器人学研究领域的难点和热点之一。

    The inverse kinematics of 6 DOF manipulator is one of the main concerns and difficult problem in robotics .

  29. 这两个人在国际社会机器人学杂志上发表文章,详细的介绍了机器人如何成功的进行欺骗。

    The pair detailed how they managed it in a paper published in the International Journal of Social Robotics .

  30. 手术仿真是一个极具挑战性的研究课题,涉及诸多研究领域,如计算机图形学、计算机视觉、生物力学、机器人学、医学等等。

    VR with a medical application combines research in Computer Graphics , Computer Vision , Biomechanics , Robotics and Medicine .