
  • 网络mechanical determinism
  1. 随着现代科学的发展,传统的机械决定论已被概率决定论所取代。

    Traditional mechanical determinism has been replaced by the probabilistic determinism with the development of modern science .

  2. 规律是必然和偶然的统一,机械决定论是不正确的,非决定论也是错误的,辩证决定论才是正确的理论。

    A law is the unity of necessity and contingency . Mechanical determinism is incorrect , non-determinism is wrong , and it is dialectical determinism that is the correct theory .

  3. 代替非决定论和机械决定论的,是辩证决定论。

    The dialectical determinism replaces the non-determinism and the mechanical determinism .

  4. 其四,混淆机械决定论和辩证决定论的局限。

    Finally , it confuses the ambit of historical determinism and historical non-determinism .

  5. 本文通过对林业科学技术的重要理论适地适树的科学内涵和哲学内涵的剖析,认为1、适地适树理论从林业科学技术领域冲破了传统的机械决定论;

    One of the most important theories in forest science and technology , " tree species in the suitable sites " is dissected .

  6. 在《嘉莉妹妹》中,自然主义被德莱塞的机械决定论诠释得淋漓尽致。他主张人是一种化学机械,其生活被他自身的化学性所决定。

    In Sister Carrie , this element is best illustrated by Dreiser 's theory of " chemical determinism ", that is , human being is a chemical mechanism and his life is determined by his chemistry .

  7. 历史观上,视人类历史为实践基础上不断生成的过程,以实践批判机械决定论、庸俗进化论和超验论;强调人的主体性和历史发展的多样性、偶然性。

    In the view of history , to see history as a becoming process based on practice , with the mechanical determinism , vulgar evolutionism and transcendentalism replaced by the theory of practice ; highlight the human subjectivity and diversity or fortuity of history development .

  8. 但是,基于人性与物性的区别,适用于自然科学的机械因果决定论解释原则并不适用于心理学。

    However , because of the difference between physical property and human nature , the mechanical causal determinism principle ( which applies to science ) does not apply to psychology .

  9. 马克思主义的历史决定论长期以来一直被人们歪曲为非科学的宿命论或是机械的经济决定论而横遭批判。

    For a long time Marxist historical determinism has unreasonably been distorted as unscientific fatalism and mechanical economic determinism .

  10. 所以,教育管理科学理论建设和实践活动展开必须实现从机械论、决定论和本体论思维向有机论、生成论和实践论人学范式的转换。

    Therefore , the construction and practice of educational management should realize the transform in thought from mechanistic theory , determinism and ontology to organic theory , generative theory and practice in human science paradigm .

  11. 从17世纪到20世纪晚期,在伽利略、培根、笛卡尔和牛顿等所创建理论的基础上,出现了一种以机械论、决定论和还原主义为特征的现代科学范式。

    From the seventeenth century to the late twentieth century , there emerged a modern science paradigm , which was based on the doctrines established by such scientists as galileo , bacon , Descartes and newton , with mechanism , determinism and reductionism as its characteristics .