
cǎo yuán qì hòu
  • Grassland climate;steppe climate
  1. 近47a内蒙古荒漠草原气候变化特征

    The analysis of the climatic change of the desert steppe in the Recent 47 years

  2. 内蒙古草原气候特点与草原生态类型区域划分

    Regionalization of Grassland Climate Characteristics and Ecotypes in Inner Mongolia

  3. 玛曲草原气候资源利用与牧草生产力的研究

    Analysis on Climate Resource Utilization and Pasture 's Productivity in Maqu Grassland

  4. 玛曲草原气候生态环境变化及牧草产量灰色预测

    Environment Variation Characteristic and Gray-relation Forecast on Pasture 's Yield in Maqu Grassland

  5. 山地森林草原气候带;

    Mountain forestry grassland climatic zones ;

  6. 黄河首曲流域草原气候变化特征及其对牲畜生存的影响

    Climatic changes over the grassland around the first meander of Yellow River and its influence on animal subsistence

  7. 在1.49~1.36Ma期间,草本植物有小幅下降,但蕨类植物增加幅度较大,显示了干冷草原气候特征。

    During 1.49-1.36 Ma , herbs declined slightly but pteridophytes increased relatively greatly , revealing a dry-cold grassland climate .

  8. 约在2.45~2.11Ma期间,草本植物迅速上升,气候变得干旱寒冷,显示出灌木草原气候特征;

    During ~ 2.45-2.11 Ma , herbs increased rapidly and the climate became dry-cold , indicating the characteristic of the bushveld climate .

  9. 侧柏形成于地质时期干暖的森林草原气候,比现代森林草原高出2&3℃以上。

    The Platycladus orientalis was developed in the dry and warm climate of forest-steppe during geological times , 2 & 3 ℃ warmer than the climate of such regions at present .

  10. 该矿是内蒙古干旱草原气候区典型的含金硫化物石英脉型矿床。研究表明:自全新世以来该氧化带一直处于干旱气候控制之下;

    The Sain Us gold deposit is a typical auriferous sulfide quartz vein deposit in the arid grassland climatic zone of Inner Mongolia The oxidation zone has been controlled by the arid climate since the beginning of Holocene .

  11. 结果表明S1形成时期植被为疏林草原,气候温暖较湿;

    The result indicated that the vegetation of S_ ( 1 ) sedimentary periods was savannah forest grassland , climate was warm and weter ;

  12. S0形成时期植被为森林草原,气候温凉干旱。

    The vegetation of S_ ( 0 ) sedimentary periods was forest grassland . climate was warmer , cool and droughty .

  13. 草原的气候变化无常。

    The climate on grassland is capricious .

  14. 岛屿上干燥的草原性气候被原始的白沙海滩加重。

    The island 's dry savannah climate is punctuated by pristine , white sand beaches .

  15. 承德坝上地区,属寒温带半湿润草原季风气候,森林草原生态系统脆弱,自我恢复能力较差。

    The climate in upper dam region of Chengde prefecture is that of frigid temperate zone , semi damp grass land and monsoon .

  16. 晚全新世植被为干草原,气候寒冷。

    The results indicate that the climate in the Early Holocene was colder and drier , Middle Holocene was warmer and wet and Late Holocene was dry and cold .

  17. 至现在,植被为典型的蒿草草原,气候温和偏干,农业和畜牧业相对发展,人类活动加剧。

    - today , vegetation was the typical grassland of Artemisia , with comparatively temperate arid climate , the agriculture and animal husbandry was comparatively developed , and influences of human activities on environment have been enhanced .

  18. 北方典型草原由于气候特点及超载过牧等不合理的草地利用方式,使该区域水土流失严重,草场沙化退化面积不断扩展。

    In north typical grassland areas , because of some unreasonable using modes , such as climate features and over loading , soil and water loss is serious and the area of sand desertification and degeneration extends constantly .

  19. 利用黄河首曲流域草原牧场气候资料和牧业生态定位观测资料及统计资料,分析黄河首曲流域草原牧场气候变化特征,及其对牲畜生存的影响。

    Based on the climate data of plain meadow and the zoology orientation observational data of animal in the first meander of the Yellow River area , the climatic changes and its influence on the animal husbandry are analyzed .

  20. 初步研究结果表明,在青海环湖地区草原性气候区土壤缺乏灌水的条件下,油菜对多年生牧草第1~2年生长的影响最小,其次是对燕麦、青稞的影响最大。

    The study shows that there is a great deal effects of the annual crops on the growth of the perennial forages in the first and second year under the condition of lack of irrigation and the steppe climate on Qinghai Lakeside .

  21. 第三阶段针叶、落叶阔叶混交林-草原,反映气候温和略湿(Q14);

    Mixed forest of conifers and broad-leave trees-grassland , reflecting temperate and little moist climate ( Q 1 4 );

  22. 第六阶段以常绿栎类、落叶栎类、松为主的针、阔叶混交林-草原,反映气候温暖湿润(相当于亚大西洋期,Q34)。

    Mixed forest of broad-leave and conifers trees-grassland , Quercus ( evergreen ), Quercus ( deciduous ) and Pinus being the main components , reflecting warm and moist climate ( Q 3 4 , Sub-Atlantic period ,) .

  23. 草原区区域气候变化对物种多样性的影响

    Effects of grassland regional climatic change on plant species diversity

  24. 植被以草原为主,气候温干,先人以旱作农业为主;

    , climate was temperate and arid with grassland vegetation , ancestors planted dry crop ;

  25. 由于超载过牧、人为开垦草原和全球气候变暖等因素的影响,使草原生态环境遭到了严重破坏,草场沙化、退化现象严重。

    Since overloading the animal husbandry , artificially reclaiming the grassland , global warming and other factors , the grassland ecological environment has been seriously damaged .

  26. 运用地层中植硅体组合解释过去草原植被及气候变化的关键之一,是要了解研究区现代植硅体形态及表土植硅体组合与现代植被的关系。

    The use of modern phytolith assemblages for the interpretation of fossil phytoliths shows phytolith analysis is an effective method for understanding the grassland vegetation and climate changes .

  27. 根据气候因素阿拉善荒漠区可划分为中温带草原化荒漠气候区,中温带荒漠气候区和暖温带极旱荒漠气候区。

    According to climatic factors , Alashan desert region can be divided into three classes : mid temperate steppe desert climate zone , mid temperate desert climate zone and warm temperate hyper-arid desert zone .

  28. 内蒙古草原的畜牧业气候

    Livestock husbandry climate of the steppe in Inner Mongolia

  29. 阿根廷是南美洲的一个美丽的国家,与优雅的殖民建筑物,滚动潘帕斯草原,宜人的气候和温暖的人。

    Argentina is a beautiful country in South America , with graceful colonial buildings , the rolling pampas grasslands , pleasant climate and warm people .

  30. 甘肃草原火灾发生与气候、植物群落的盖度和地上可燃物量关系密切,火源以自燃和人为为主。

    The occurrence of grassland fire in Gansu closely related to climate 、 coverage of plant community and aboveground combustible materials , and the fire source was mainly ignition and artificial .