
yàn sè hú
  • barrier lake
  1. 汶川地震堰塞湖的雷达遥感识别研究

    Identification Research of Barrier Lake in Wenchuan Earthquake Using Radar Remote Sensing

  2. 救援者已准备好炸破唐家山堰塞湖。

    Rescuers are ready to dynamite Tangjiashan barrier lake .

  3. 基于GIS的小流域面雨量预报技术研究&以汶川地震灾区堰塞湖面雨量预报为例

    Research on the areal precipitation forecasting technology for dammed lakes in Wenchuan Earthquake disaster areas

  4. 3S技术在堰塞湖应急治理中的应用研究

    The Application 3S Technology in Emergency Control of Earthquake-induced Dammed Lake

  5. 基于DEM的堰塞湖1/3溃决模拟及人员撤离方案研究

    Research of 1 / 3 dam breach simulation and personnel evacuation scenario based on digital elevation model DEM in a quake lake

  6. 沉积物中Pb、La含量火口湖高于堰塞湖,而V、Co、Ba堰塞湖高于火口湖。

    The contents of Pb and La in sediment of crater lakes are higher and the contents of V , Co , Ba are lower than those in barrier lakes .

  7. LeJeuneKaba表示,来自堰塞湖的霍乱也非常令人担忧。

    LeJeune Kaba says malaria from stagnating pools of water also is a big worry .

  8. 汶川地震堰塞湖分布规律与风险评估

    Distribution and Risk Analysis of Dammed Lakes Reduced by Wenchuan Earthquake

  9. 地震形成的堰塞湖,对下游威胁极大。

    Barrier lakes made formed by earthquake threaten the lower reaches enormously .

  10. 四川汶川5.12地震滑坡堰塞湖遥感监测分析

    Using Remote Sensing Data to Monitor Landslide-dammed Lakes Caused by Wenchuan Earthquake

  11. 四条河流的高水位引发了山体滑坡,形成堰塞湖。

    High water levels along four rivers triggered a landslide creating a barrier lake .

  12. 地震、滑坡等原因都能造成河道堵塞形成堰塞湖。

    Earthquakes and landslide sometimes will block up river channels to form barrier lakes .

  13. 经过两次爆破,堰塞湖水位下降了一米。

    After two blasts , the level of the barrier lake decreased by a meter .

  14. 要妥善处理堰塞湖,减少灾害损失,需要掌握一些水文信息。

    Some hydrological information is needed for properly controlling the barrier lake and reducing disaster loss .

  15. 由于地震引发山体滑坡并堵塞河道形成的湖泊称为地震堰塞湖。

    Earthquake-induced dammed lake is the lake caused by an earthquake-induced landslide blocking a river channel .

  16. 地震诱发的堰塞湖初步研究

    Preliminary study on earthquake-induced dammed lake

  17. 世界最大的淡水湖:苏必利尔湖岷江叠溪古堰塞湖的发现

    Lake Superior Discovery of huge ancient dammed lake on upstream of Minjiang River in Sichuan , China

  18. 两次地震都产生了堰塞湖。

    Both created quake lakes .

  19. 汶川大地震都江堰市白沙河堰塞湖工程地质力学分析

    Engineering Geo-mechanics Analysis of the Barrier Lake in Baisha River at Dujiangyan City Induced by Wenchuan Earthquake

  20. 考察结果表明:天池系由山崩岩流阻塞河道积水而成的堰塞湖;

    The observed results show that Tianchi is a weir-block lake formed by a river blockaded by landslide .

  21. 导出的涧江上堰塞湖的水注入到了流经绵阳的涪江。

    Water from the lake on Jianjiang River flowed into the Fujiang River that runs through Mianyang city .

  22. 更北的地方,地震造成的滑坡泥石流拦断了一条河,如今成了唐家山堰塞湖。

    Landslides during the earthquake dammed a river further north , creating what is now called the Tangjiashan lake .

  23. 部队的目标,是位于北川县城上游的唐家山堰塞湖。

    The aim of the army is the Tangjiashan quake lake located at the upper reaches of the Beichuan County .

  24. 稳态型堰塞湖(亦称死湖),可以存在很长时间且湖积水量很大。

    Steady-state dammed lake ( also called dead lake ) can exist for a long period with very huge water storage .

  25. 那场地震,位于更远的山里,导致了山体滑坡,形成了堰塞湖,并造成了可怕的洪灾。

    That earthquake , located further within the mountain range , caused dramatic landslides and catastrophic draining of lakes behind landslide-dams .

  26. 她们的房屋在地震中倒塌,随后又被唐家山堰塞湖不断上涨的水位淹没。

    Their homes were toppled by the tremor and then flooded by the rising waters of the Tang - jiashan quake lake .

  27. 古堰塞坝和古堰塞湖应对地质灾害监测和水利工程建设有很好的启示。

    A better understanding of paleo-blocked dam and paleo-landslide blocked lake would have important significance in monitoring geological hazards and in water-conservancy projects .

  28. 中国政府计划拨款两千七百万美元,处理因为这场地震形成的三十多个堰塞湖。

    The government plans to spend about $ 27 million to deal with these more than 30 lakes that formed after the earthquake .

  29. 在十堰市,一座湖北西北部的城市,一场大规模的泥石流已经形成了两百万平方公里的堰塞湖。

    Shiyan city , a city in northwest Hubei , a two-million square kilometer barrier lake has been formed by a massive landslide .

  30. 而数百万年来,山崩形成的大坝与堰塞湖也一直在改变着四川等多山地震区的地形。

    And the landscape of mountainous earthquake zones such as Sichuan has been reshaped naturally by landslide dams and lakes over millions of years .
