
cǎo diàn
  • Grass mat;pallet;straw matress;petate
草垫[cǎo diàn]
  1. 草垫的缓冲作用减弱了她下落的冲击力。

    The force of her fall was broken by the straw mats .

  2. 门厅里一股子清煮白菜外带破草垫的味儿。

    The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats .

  3. 我们在地上摊开一条草垫作为临时床铺。

    We shook down a straw mattress as an improvised bed .

  4. 地毯、草垫、席类、油毡及其它铺地板用品;

    Textiles and textile goods , not included in other classes ;

  5. 露茜离开的时候,她的室友路易斯还在她们有六张榻榻米草垫的房间的床上。

    Her roommate Louise was still in bed in their six-tatami matted room when Lucie left .

  6. 这座姐妹花园还包括一座养蜂房,蝴蝶草垫,一个起伏的海龟造型的山丘。

    The Sisters'Garden includes an apiary , butterfly meadow , and a turtle formed by a rolling hill .

  7. 甘草一般由整个植物制成并被用来饲养家畜。而稻草一般被用来给家畜最草垫。

    Hay is made from whole plants and used for animal feed , straw is used mostly for animal bedding .

  8. 贝勒医学院的研究人员偶然发现,饲养在玉米棒子作为草垫的大鼠“既不繁殖也不展示生殖行为。”

    Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine accidentally discovered that rats raised on corncob bedding " neither breed nor exhibit reproductive behavior . "

  9. 随着夜晚渐长渐冷,我们把草垫和单薄的床换成了厚厚的动物毛皮和偷来的毯子。

    As the nights lengthened and grew colder , we exchanged our grass mats and solitary beds for a heap of animal skins and stolen blankets .

  10. 雅克一号和二号坐在铺了草垫的旧床上,下巴放在手上,眼睛盯着补路工。

    Jacques one and two sitting on the old pallet-bed , each with his chin resting on his hand , and his eyes intent on the road-mender ;

  11. 例如说,许多农民仍然享有“必需品”的权利&采割欧洲蕨用作牲畜的草垫和其他用途的权利。

    For example , many rural tenants still have the right of " estovers " the right to cut bracken as bedding for livestock and other uses .

  12. 这个字用外面冰天雪地、人在屋内草垫上取暖,来表示寒冷的意思。

    This character carried the meaning of coldness by depicting a scene where a person kept warm by sitting on hays in a room while it was icy cold outside .

  13. 在自然水域中,采用聚氯乙烯泡沫板材以及竹框草绳、草垫浮体,对13种作物进行水面种植。

    In 1995 ~ 1996 , in the Three Gorge Reservoir area , floating culture experiments were made of 13 crops on natural water surface , supported by polyvinyl cloride plastic plates or straw blankets .

  14. 分析了铁路运输卷钢使用专用座架进行装载加固的现状和缺陷。阐述了凹型、L型草支垫的研制开发、技术参数及稳定性计算。

    The present situation and problems of coil steel transportation were analyzed and the development , technical parameters and stable calculation of was introduced .

  15. 草地下垫面地表温度与近地面气温的对比研究

    Comparative study of grass land surface temperature and near-surface air temperature