
cǎo mù huī
  • plant ash
草木灰 [cǎo mù huī]
  • [plant ash] 草、木、树叶等烧剩的灰,含钾,常用作农家肥料,用来促使苗杆变硬、抽穗

草木灰[cǎo mù huī]
  1. 施草木灰使蕨菜粗灰分和粗纤维含量升高。

    The application of plant ash led to increase the crude ash and fibre .

  2. 骨粉和草木灰P使用成本分别为5.6和7.3元/千克,可以作为增加堆肥P含量的辅料。

    The P use-costs of bone meal and plant ash is 5.6 and 7.3 ¥ / kg , respectively .

  3. 泥炭土、风化煤和草木灰等原料N含量最低。

    The N contents of peat soil , danty and plant ash are the lowest in the 21 raw materials .

  4. 对山苍子的播种繁殖育苗、扦插繁殖育苗进行了探讨,结果表明:用草木灰揉搓种子和H2O2浸种,均能不同程度地减少种子中的发芽抑制物质,其发芽率分别提高了17.5%和20.0%;

    The seed and cuttage propagation of Litsea Cubera were discussed . The results showed that the restrained substances of seeds can be reduced by kneading seeds with plant ash and soaking seeds in H_2O_2 . The rate of sprout can increase 17.5 % and 20 % respectively .

  5. 草木灰对土壤中敌草隆吸附及微生物降解行为的影响

    Influence of Wheat-Straw-Derived Ash on Diuron Sorption and Biodegradation in Soil

  6. 用草木灰替代氧化铅制作松花蛋的工艺研究

    Research on Making Preserved Egg with Plant Ash Instead of Lead Oxide

  7. 用草木灰和氧化淀粉改性脲醛树脂胶粘剂的研究

    Study on Urea - formaldehyde Resin Modified by Plant Ash and Oxygenated Amylum

  8. 古代陶范原料配方含有草木灰的化学判断方法

    Method for Chemical Discrimination of Plant Ash in Row Materials of Ancient Chinese Pottery-moulds

  9. 草木灰就是一个例子。

    Wood ash is one example .

  10. 另外,白瓷釉可能是加有草木灰的钙釉。

    In addition , the glaze belongs to calcium glaze in which plant ash was added .

  11. 草木灰还田与秸秆还田相比,敌草隆的田间吸附量将提高9.7倍;

    The ash adsorbed 9.7 times more diuron than wheat straw when leaving them unburned in the field .

  12. 因为,草木灰里面的碱性物质,与油脂里的硬脂酸发生了化学反应

    Because , the plant ash alkalinity matter , has had the chemical reaction with the stearic acid in the fat

  13. 灰颜色,在词典中的释义就是像草木灰的颜色,介于黑色和白色之间。

    Gray color , the interpretation in the dictionary is like the color of ash , between black and white .

  14. 另一种常见的习俗是把草木灰洒在水缸旁边,因为人们认为这样可以引龙来布施雨水将其灌满(撒灰引龙)。

    Spreading plant ashes around jugs was also common , as that would urge the dragon to fill them with rainwater .

  15. 选择高锰酸钾、石灰或草木灰、腐熟农家肥等有机投入品对根肿病的控制效果和施用方法进行了初步尝试。

    Studied on effect and applied method of potassium permanganate , calcareousness lime or plant ash and compost for control Plasmodiophora brassica .

  16. 可食海草一种可食的,淡味海草施草木灰使蕨菜粗灰分和粗纤维含量升高。

    An edible , mild - flavored seaweed . The application of plant ash led to increase the crude ash and fibre .

  17. 研究了小麦秸秆、草木灰、黑碳和含灰土对农药敌草隆的吸附行为以及敌草隆在含灰土和无灰土中的微生物降解速率。

    Sorption of diuron by wheat straw , its ash arising from burning , ash-based black carbon and ash-amended soil was studied .

  18. 伴随着目前秸秆发电厂的兴建,提取秸秆燃烧后草木灰中丰富的生物钾资源受到越来越广泛的重视。

    With currently enormous construction of the straw power generation , leaching of abundant biotic potassium in the plant ash is catching more and more attention .

  19. 南方瓷釉是用瓷石加草木灰或釉灰(石灰石与草木一起煅烧而成)配成。

    The glazes in South China were prepared with a mixture of china stone and grass wood ash or glaze ash ( limestone was calcined together with grass wood ash ) .

  20. 其它几种物质也可用来施用石灰,如?壳灰、灰、渣磷肥(性炉渣)草木灰和工业水泥的副产品等。

    Several other materials can be used for liming purposes , such as , baked or burned oyster shells , marl , basic slag , wood ashes , and cement industry by-products .

  21. 由于氮、磷、钾配施能减轻豌豆根腐病危害,所以目前应多施草木灰、堆肥等富含速效钾的肥料。

    Because the use of N , P , and K can decrease the root rot disease index of pea , more plant ash and compost contained abundant available K must be used .

  22. 原料配比:玉米秆90%+5%碎麦秸+5%草木灰,对五种草菇均有增产效果,且原料来源广、成本低。

    Materials ' combination : maize stem ( 90 % ) + broken wheat straw ( 5 % ) + plant ash ( % ), which has a positive effect on production increase of five major types and which is low-cost available almost everywhere .