
  • 网络China Manned Space Engineering Office;CMSEO
  1. 中国载人航天工程办公室(CMSEO)表示,计划在2020年完成空间站,正好是国际空间站(ISS)计划退役的时间。

    The China Manned Space Engineering Office has said it plans to complete the space station in 2020 , just as the International Space Station is scheduled to retire .

  2. 中国载人航天工程办公室表示,神舟十二号载人飞船已经成功与在轨运行的中国空间站分离。

    The China Manned Space Engineering Office says the Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft successfully separated from China 's orbitting Space Station .

  3. 同样是在该新闻发布会上,中国载人航天工程办公室主任王兆耀表示,我国将在明年上半年发射第一艘货运飞船天舟一号,与天宫二号完成对接。

    Also at the news conference , Wang Zhaoyao , the agency 's director , said that the country will launch its first cargo spacecraft , Tianzhou 1 , in the first half of next year to dock with Tiangong II .