
  • 网络Energy diplomacy
  1. 冷战后美国对里海地区能源外交

    The Post-cold War Caspian Sea Energy Diplomacy of the United States

  2. 俄罗斯能源外交战略与中俄油气合作

    Russia 's Energy Diplomacy Strategy and Sino-Russia Oil Gas Cooperation

  3. 新现实主义视角下的中非能源外交分析

    Sino-Africa Energy a Analysis From the Perspective of the New Realism

  4. 能源外交:世纪中国外交的新内容

    Energy Diplomacy : the New Content of Chinese Diplomacy in the 21st Century

  5. 由此,中国的能源外交策略被视为理所当然。

    Hence , China energy diplomacy strategies were postulated .

  6. 能源外交:印度的地缘战略认知与实践

    India 's Energy Diplomacy : Geo-Strategic Perceptions and Practice

  7. 21世纪的能源外交简报

    Fact Sheet on Energy Diplomacy in 21st Century

  8. 中国石油安全与能源外交

    China 's Petroleum Security and Energy Diplomacy

  9. 2004年能源外交非常活跃。

    2004 boasted very active energy diplomacy .

  10. 小泉政府的能源外交

    On Energy Diplomacy of Junichiro Koizumi Administration

  11. 中国能源外交与地缘政治

    China 's Energy Diplomacy and Geo-politics

  12. 第四,地缘政治也是掣肘能源外交的重要因素。因此,如果俄罗斯政府在能源战略上出现重大判断和运作失误,也可能给外交带来负面影响。

    Hence , any wrong judgment on energy strategies may produce negative effects on Russian diplomacy .

  13. 能源外交实践

    Energy Diplomacy in Action

  14. 实行多元化的能源外交战略对中国未来经济的发展具有重要的意义。

    [ content abstract ] A diversified energy diplomatic strategy Is of great significance for China 's future economic development .

  15. 而美国在中亚主要采取双边能源外交,加剧中亚国家之间的互不信任。

    The bilateral energy diplomacy that Obama administration has taken in central Asia increased the mistrust between central Asian countries .

  16. 因此,中国应通过能源外交、上海合作组织等强化其中亚地缘战略。

    Therefore , China should strengthen his influence upon Central Asia by means of energy diplomacy and projects of Shanghai Cooperation Organization .

  17. 能源外交是为缓解能源危机,确保韩国经济运行安全。

    The aim of " Energy Diplomacy " is to alleviate S.Korea 's energy crisis and guarantee its security of economy operation .

  18. 能源外交是国际经济关系的重要组成部分,同时也是国际政治关系的重要内容。

    Energy diplomacy is an important part of international economic relations , and it is also an important content of international political relations .

  19. 把握好哈萨克斯坦的能源外交,对于把握哈萨克斯坦整体的外交策略,对于促进中哈关系都具有重要意义。

    Anyway , to know Kazakhstan energy diplomacy well will be helpful to know the overall diplomatic strategies of Kazakhstan , and be helpful to promote Sino-Kazakhstan relationship .

  20. 在此情况下,如何通过能源外交来确保本国的能源安全供应,日益引起各国政府和国际社会的重视。

    Under the circumstances , the government of many countries and international society increasingly attach importance to the way energy diplomacy can guarantee energy security supply to a country .

  21. 与此同时,日本在油气资源方面实施自主开发,加强能源外交,不断巩固与油气生产国的关系。

    At the same time , free exploiting , strengthening energy diplomacy and solidifying the relationship with petroleum and gas producing countries are applied in carrying out oil and gas resources .

  22. 最后,综合分析了美国在里海地区的能源外交特点并对其前景进行了前瞻性的预测。

    At last , give a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of the U.S energy diplomacy for the Caspian Sea Area and give a prediction of the future of this foreign policy .

  23. 然而,加拿大每年原油出口95%以上供应给美国,这严重影响着加拿大能源外交政策的独立性。

    However , according to statistics , more than 95 % of Canadian oil is sold to the United States every year , which cripples the independence of Canadian energy policy severely .

  24. 能源外交是国家在国际关系中对外施加影响,谋求国家自身利益的一种重要方式,是国际政治经济学研究的重要内容,同时也是国际关系中研究国别关系的重要手段。

    Energy diplomacy is a way of influencing other countries and secure interests in international relationships , which is AN important content that international political economics and a way of studying the relationship between different countries .

  25. 鉴于亚太地区石油市场的庞大以及俄罗斯的能源外交战略,今后亚太市场将是俄石油出口的重点研究方向。

    Given the large size of the oil consumer market in the Asia Pacific Region as well as Russia ′ s energy diplomacy , the Asian Pacific market will be the key target market of Russian oil .

  26. 普京政府以突破北美、稳定西欧、争夺里海、开拓东方、挑战欧佩克为总体思路,全力拓展能源外交。

    Putin has made all possible efforts to promote energy diplomacy by the general strategy of " Breaking though North American , stabilizing western Europe , competing for the Caspian Sea , exploiting the East and challenging OPEC " .

  27. 美国与各大国在中亚地区能源外交竞争并不会导致大国之间交恶从而威胁地区安全,主要威胁在于地区国家之间及国内不稳定因素。

    The competition of energy diplomacy between the United States and the great powers will not lead to vicious competition and threat to regional security . The main danger comes from the unstable relations between the central countries and their domestic instability .

  28. 通过实证分析,作者认为21世纪上半期欧盟仍将是俄罗斯能源外交的重要方向,双方的能源合作具有广阔的前景。

    Through such a positive research , the author argues that EU will still be the major direction of Russia 's energy diplomacy during the first half of 21st century , and the prospect of their energy cooperation will be bright and broad .

  29. 近年来,俄罗斯作为唯一油气净出口的世界性大国,不断推进能源外交战略;中国作为与之比邻而居的世界第二大石油消费国,却正在实施石油供应安全的国际化战略。

    In the recent years , as the only net oil gas exporter in the world , Russia has continuously put forward its energy diplomacy strategy , while the neighboring China is implementing internationalization strategy for oil supply security as the world second largest oil consuming country .

  30. 能源外交属于国际能源政治范畴,是国家间利益多次博弈与利益置换达到暂时平衡的过程,它推动国际能源秩序的重组,是构建新的世界政治经济格局的重要推动力量。

    Energy diplomacy is in the context of international energy politics , is a process of multi leveled game and interest exchange that reach to a temporary equivalent . Energy diplomacy now has become a critical power to propel reorganization international energy order and international political economy order .