
néng lì shuǐ píng
  • ability level
  1. 大学生体育能力水平,集中反映了大学体育的质量。

    University Sports ability level , focused on the quality of university sports .

  2. 准确评价运动员的竞技能力水平是科学地制定训练计划的重要前提。

    Accurate evaluation of competition ability level is the precondition of scientific training program .

  3. 这张表格会让你大致了解能力水平可以怎样评估。

    This table will give you some idea of how levels of ability can be measured

  4. 几乎在所有英国国立小学里,孩子们都在能力水平不一的混合班学习。

    In nearly all British state junior schools , children learn in mixed ability classes .

  5. 对于已获得ISO9001:2000认证的软件开发组织,我们讨论了它会遇到的向所期望的CMM能力水平转化的问题。

    For a software development organization that has received ISO 9001:2000 certification , we discuss the issue she will encounter to switch into the desired CMM capability level .

  6. 显然,研究NBA,学习其先进的技术、战术将会带动我国篮球运动的发展,促进运动员竞技能力水平的提高。

    Undoubtedly , studying NBA game and learning from NBA 's advanced skills and tactics will help to promote the development of China 's basketball game and the increase of the athletic level of Chinese players .

  7. 通过运用SPC技术的统计方法、控制图,提高过程能力水平,实现从结果控制向过程控制、从人工控制向自动控制的转变,起到稳定提高片烟产品质量的作用。

    By applying in statistical methods of SPC and control chart , the process capability levels were improved , the transformation from result control and manual control to process control and automatic control are preliminarily achieved which improve the production quality of slice tobacco .

  8. 努力提高自身的动态能力水平,提高非核心业务外包的长期收益。

    Enhancing the dynamic capabilities to raise the long-term performance of outsourcing .

  9. 难度是指作业相对于学生现有实际能力水平的难易程度。

    The degrees are difficulty , capacity and process .

  10. 作文是学生各种知识和综合能力水平的综合反映。

    Composition is the comprehensive reflection of students many-sided knowledge and manifold abilities writing teaching .

  11. 随着年级水平的提高,小学生的阅读能力水平也随之提高。

    With the rising of grade level , the reading ability of pupils is also rising .

  12. 体育教师使用计算机及制作课件能力水平有待进一步提高。

    The level of using the computer and the manufacture courseware ability waits for further enhancing .

  13. 医学生临床实践能力水平的高低是评价医学教育质量的重要指标之一。

    The clinical practice ability level of medical students is one important target to appraise medical education .

  14. 工厂生产实习成绩是工科院校学生能力水平的主要体现。

    What embodies especially the capability level of students in engineering colleges is the score of produce practice .

  15. 毋庸置疑,教师的教学设计能力水平对于该门课程教学质量是至关重要的。

    There is no doubt that theteachers ' instructional design capability is essential for the quality of the course .

  16. 研究采用3(年级)×2(场认知方式)×2(视空间能力水平)×3(问题表征方式)四因素混合实验设计,探讨了这四种因素对小学生数学应用题解题水平的影响。

    Visual-spatial ability , cognitive style and representation strategy are three important factors that affected the pupils ' mathematical performance .

  17. 这种能力水平主要通过审美感知力、审美想象力、审美理解力三个方面来体现。

    It can be materialized through three basic aspects , that is , aesthetic apperception , aesthetic imagination and aesthetic comprehension .

  18. 然而,高职学生职业能力水平是衡量高职学生质量高低的核心标准。

    However , higher vocational students ' vocational competence is a core criterion to measure the quality of higher vocational students .

  19. 为此,我们提出了能力水平的概念,也就是将每学期的15个学分对应到15个能力等级。

    To accomplish this , we invented the concept of competency-levels , where each semester credit hour corresponded to15 competency levels .

  20. 研究得到以下几个主要结论:1、普通高中生数学建模能力水平普遍较低,数学建模意识比较薄弱。

    Senior high school students ' mathematical modeling level is generally low , and their sense of mathematical modeling is weak .

  21. 有利于提高情动力、注意力、意志力、自评力、调控力等认知心理能力水平;

    The level of recognizing mental ability such as emotion-experiencing ability , concentration , will-power , self-assessing ability , adjusting ability and etc ;

  22. 在一些条件下,若能力水平越高,则最优工资越高,最优努力越多;

    Under some conditions , the higher the ability level is , the higher the optimal wage and the more the optimal effort .

  23. 当前我国大学生创新创业能力水平总体不高,创业教育无疑是解决高职毕业生就业问题的一剂良药。

    The current level of university innovation is not only high , entrepreneurship education is a best medicine to solve the unemployment problem undoubtedly .

  24. 专家们的评价也认为实验班学生物理观察能力水平高于对照班学生水平。

    Experts also believe that the evaluation of experimental physics classes students observe the ability to control the level higher than the level of classes .

  25. 随着社会的进步和商品经济的不断发展,社会对劳动者和技术人员的知识和能力水平的要求越来越高。

    With the progress and development of our society , requirements for knowledge and capabilities of social workers and technicians have become higher and higher .

  26. 影响模式选择的关键因素主要有3种,包括:外部技术获取的难易程度、企业技术能力水平和技术势差。

    For another , there are three key influence factors of pattern choosing , including the difficulty of obtaining external technology , technological capability and technology distance .

  27. 路径分析证明预期的研究模型是成立的,教师表现主要受到个人情境知觉以及个人职业能力水平的直接影响。

    Path Analysis suggests that the previous research model is right , that is , the teacher performance is mainly affected by personal situational consciousness and professional capacity .

  28. 因此如何强化乡镇政府公共服务职能,提升乡镇公共服务能力水平,是本文探讨的主要问题。

    Therefore , how to strengthen the public service function of township government to improve the level of rural public services is the main problem discussed in this paper .

  29. 在泰国学习文学文化都是在大学阶段,因为学生的汉语基础能力水平高了,适合学习文学文化了。

    In the Thai study literature cultural aspect is , because the student in university of Chinese foundation ability level is high , for learning a literary and cultural aspects .

  30. 衡量可持续发展能力水平的主要标准应当是生态承载力,包括资源承载力、环境承载力、承载压力度和生态弹性度。

    The main yardstick to measure the level of sustainable development ability should be the ecological carrying capacity including the carrying capacity of resources , environment and the ecological flexibility .