
  • 网络forms of energy;energy form
  1. 蓝绿藻将光转化为化学的能量形式。

    Cyanobacteria convert light into chemical forms of energy .

  2. 想象和情感是你们作为物质生命所具有的最集中的能量形式。

    Imagination and emotions are the most concentrated forms of energy that you possess as physical creatures .

  3. 电能是非常有用的,因为它可以很容易地转换成其他能量形式。

    Electrical energy is so useful because it is readily converted into other kinds .

  4. 循环Exergy损失主要原因是能量形式的转换和不可逆换热。

    The Exergy loss of the cycle is mainly due to the energy conversion and irreversible heat exchange .

  5. 分析结果显示:指标能量形式对土地因子的筛选结果好于货币形式,其中以产值(KJ)的筛选结果最为稳定、合理。

    The results show that the analysis results of indexes of energy form are better than those of indexes of money form .

  6. 基于一个能量形式的Lyapunov函数设计了倒立摆稳定控制器使得摆趋于上平衡位置,并且使得小车位移和角度都收敛于零。

    A stability controller was first designed for inverted pendulums based on a Lyapunov function with the form of energy , the pendulum was then raised to its upper equilibrium position and the cart displacement and angle were both brought to zero .

  7. 目前人类所知唯一能在水下远距离传播的能量形式是声波。

    Acoustics is the only propagation energy for long distance underwater .

  8. 毒素制造了十分酸楚的音乐,是非常缓慢的能量形式。

    Toxins create very sour music and are a very slow energetic formations .

  9. 最终他们纯粹以能量形式生存。

    One in which they live as pure energy .

  10. 分子能对于动物是最重要和最有用的能量形式。

    Molecular energy is the most vital and useful form of energy to animals .

  11. 有人认为他们可能被用来存储一种古老的能量形式。

    Some think they were perhaps used to store an ancient form of energy .

  12. 该望远镜的设计是为了探测伽马射线,伽马射线是最高能量形式的光线。

    The telescopes are designed to detect gamma rays , the most energetic form of light .

  13. 这些神祗或者有着切实的物质形态,另一些则更像是一种抽象的能量形式。

    This divinity may be in a tangible physical form or a more abstract energy form .

  14. 声空化会以特殊的能量形式来加速植物染料提取时色素的释放或染色时染料与纤维的结合。

    Cavitation produces a kind of special energy to accelerate color matter release or fibers absorbing dyes .

  15. 处于敌意和攻击底层的能量形式,对爱的临在是绝对的忍无可忍。

    The energy form that lies behind hostility and attack finds the presence of love absolutely intolerable .

  16. 在此基础上,阐述了热声系统中两种重要的能量形式:声功和总能流,得到了它们的可用公式。

    Also two important energy forms of thermoacoustic system : acoustic power and total power are discussed in details .

  17. 电能是最重要的能量形式,它广泛用于我们的日常生活中。

    The most important form of energy is electric energy , which is widely used in our daily life .

  18. 生物质能是太阳能以化学能形式贮存在生物中的一种能量形式。

    Bioenergy is a sort of energy , which is shaped by solar energy in form of chemical energy .

  19. 通过数值分析,获得了结构在不同地震激励下,各能量形式的发展变化及能量分布,并对各个塑性铰可能位置进行了详细的塑性耗能分析。

    By numerical analysis , energy of different types and distribution are obtained , with the plastic energy analysis of possible plastic hinge locations .

  20. 德布罗意波波速佯谬的谬点不是群速、相速问题,而是能量形式的混淆。

    The paradox point of velocity of DeBoglic wave is not either group velocity or phase velocity , but the confusion of energy forms .

  21. 陆面所接收的太阳短波辐射主要以感热和长波辐射的能量形式释放。

    In this area , the short wave radiation accepted by the surface is mainly released by sensible heat flux and long wave radiation .

  22. 生物燃料是太阳能以化学能的形式存在生物中的一种能量形式,直接或间接地来源于植物的光合作用,被视为一种清洁的可再生能源。

    The bio-fuel which is clean and can be regenerated as a kind of sun energy in the biology comes from the photosynthesis of plant directly or in directly .

  23. 振动机械能是一种存在范围很广的能量形式,尤其在许多人们比较难以进入的地方都有振动源存在,研究振动能量收集技术具有更普遍的意义。

    Vibration of mechanical energy is a kind of energy forms which exists a wide range of energy , especially in many places where people are more difficult to access .

  24. 它们的能量形式决定其在某一个能量层次上原型,并决定它们与神经-肌肉系统,体轮,7种光能的关联,进而与人类进化的关联。

    Their energy forms define what the archetypes are on an energetic level and their links to the neuromuscular system , the chakras , the7 Ray types of energy and hence human evolution .

  25. 从功能梯度材料板的热平衡方程出发,在问题域的不同方向采用不同的理论方法,通过求解能量形式的加权残值方程得到了热传导问题的解。

    On the basic of heat balance equation of FGM plates , different methods are used in the different directions . The solutions of heat conduction problems are obtained by method of weighted residual .

  26. 作为导气式供弹机驱动器,弹簧储能驱动器可将能量形式转化后储能,从而缓冲供弹机中各工作构件的撞击,改善其受力状况。

    As a driver of gas operated feeder , spring energy storage driver can transform energy form to store energy so as to buffer strike on working parts of feeder to improve forced state effectively .

  27. 从最初的能量形式到最后的使用形式,能的形态可能已经完全改变了。

    Energy cannot be used up , it is only changed from one form into another . What starts out as one form of energy may be a totally different form when it reaches its final use .

  28. 船舶在航行时,必须的能量形式是动能、电能和热能。供应这些能量的装置是推进装置、发电装置和供气装置,这三个装置都直接消耗燃料。

    Sailing ship , the required energy form of kinetic energy , electricity and heat , Supply of these energy devices is propulsion , power generation equipment and gas installations , These three devices are directly consumed fuel .

  29. 20世纪70年代以来,随着高效、大功率换能器装置的出现,超声作为一种新的能量形式作用于化学反应,它与化学相互渗透,开辟了化学反应的新通道。

    With the appearance of efficient and powerful transducer in 1970 's , ultrasound plays a role in chemical reaction as a kind of new energy . The permeation of chemistry and it opens up a new channel for chemical reaction .

  30. 你的心脏跳动、推进割草机、棒球在空中高速飞过、水落入水轮机、用撬杠撬开石头等等,所有这些都是机械能,当然,在转化之前它是另一种能量形式。

    Your heartbeat , the pushing of a lawn mower , a baseball speeding through the air , water falling onto a waterwheel , the prying up of a rock with a crowbar-all are mechanical energy , which , of course , was another form of energy earlier .