
  • 网络Competency;Competence;ability
  1. 能力素质模型在企业人力资源管理中的应用

    The Application of Competency Model in Enterprises ' Human Resources Management

  2. 能力素质、自我实现、工作关系、工作特征、绩效管理、组织因素是员工消极情绪的主要来源,且与各种消极情绪的相关度不同;

    Competency , self-realization , work relationship , work character , performance management , and organization factors are the main negative emotional sources of knowledge workers , while their correlations with each kind of negative emotions differ from each other .

  3. 进入21世纪以来,美国图书馆学会(ALA)为了实施21世纪能力素质的使命,大力推进信息素质教育,为此已经规划了上百万美元的项目。

    In the 21st century , the American Library Association ( ALA ) has planned a multimillion-dollar project for the implementation of the mission of the " 21st century capability and literacy " and the promotion of the Information literacy education .

  4. 贵州省中学地理教师专业能力素质调查研究

    Investigation on the quality of Guizhou geography teachers ' professional capacity

  5. 科技管理人员能力素质测评方法研究

    Study on the Capability and Quality of the Scientific and Technological Manager

  6. 论青年田径教师教学能力素质的培养及提高途径

    Research on Bringing up and Improve the Young Teachers ' Teaching Ability

  7. 论高等数学教师能力素质的培养

    On the Training of the Ability of Advanced Mathematics Teachers

  8. 公务员能力素质建设的制度选择&以武汉市公务员能力素质建设为例

    On the Construction of Civil Servants ' Competence in Wuhan

  9. 协调:领导者必备的能力素质

    Coordination , the Essential Ability and Quality of a Leader

  10. 实践教学对提高大学生能力素质的思考

    Consideration to promote university student 's ability character by the practice teaching

  11. 能力素质模型是一种技术含量高且十分有效的人力资源管理工具。

    Competency model is the technical and effective tool for human resource management .

  12. 21世纪大学生应具备的知识结构与能力素质

    Structure of knowledge and ability that college students should have in 21st century

  13. 基于能力素质模型的企业员工培训方案设计

    Competency Model Based Training Plan Design Through the Case Study of W Company

  14. 关于建立人的能力素质模型的研究

    Research on Building Competency Models for Effective HR Management

  15. 论中学数学教师的能力素质

    On Mathematics Teachers ' Ability in Middle School

  16. 创造性素质是美术专业大学生必不可少的能力素质。

    Creativity is an essential ability for the students majoring in the fine arts .

  17. 论班主任的能力素质

    On the Capability of a Class Instructor

  18. 然后提出提高司法人员能力素质,主要包括刑事诉讼专门机关人员和辩护律师。

    Next , improve the ability of judicial officials which include legal staff and layers .

  19. 近几年来人们开始关注能力素质模型研究,在这个领域中每个研究者和应用者都在自己研究的范围内对素质模型进行定位、研究。

    Some people devote their attentions to the research of competency model in recent years .

  20. 素质教育主体所应具备的主体素质包括思想政治素质、理论素质、创新教育素质和能力素质四个方面。

    The required subjective quality includes political quality , theoretical quality , enterprising quality and ability .

  21. 医院管理者一般管理能力素质评价体系的实证研究

    The construction and demonstration of the evaluation system on the quality of generic administrant ability in hospital

  22. 我们要重视提高能力素质,更要重视提高思想道德素质。

    In particular , the promotion of their capacity quality and ideological level should be paid an attention .

  23. 在抓国防生能力素质建设时,要加强心理素质的培养力度,努力锻造国防生过硬的军事心理素质。

    We should strengthen the training of both capability and psychology to help them have strong military psychology .

  24. 能力素质模型研究更多关注点是企业经营者、中高层管理人员、核心员工等。

    It is the enterpriser , middle-level managers and core employees that pay more attention to the model .

  25. 党员的思想政治素质、业务能力素质以及他们发挥先锋模范作用的情况,直接关系和影响到党的执政能力和党的先进性。

    Construction of the Party team is directly related to pioneer character and fighting capacity of the Party .

  26. 高校人才培养规格已由单一的专业型向综合能力素质型转变,大学生的人文素质显得日益重要。

    The cultivation requirements for the college students have changed from single profession-oriented model towards comprehensive quality-oriented model .

  27. 教学大师的素质结构中,专业文化素质是基础,能力素质是核心,师德素质是关键。

    As to the qualities of the masters , major knowledge , competence and morals are the fundamental necessities .

  28. 本文从思想教育工作者应具备的基本素质、合理的知识结构及工作能力素质二方面加以论述。

    This paper disserts on three aspects : the basic qualities , the reasonable knowledge structure , and the work capacity .

  29. 基于能力素质理论建立的各种能力素质模型在人力资源管理实践中发挥着重要作用。

    The various competency models which are established based on the competency theory are playing an important role in human resources management practice .

  30. 目标体系主要包括:思想素质、业务素质、能力素质、文化素质、文明素质、身体及心理素质。

    The goal system primarily includes ideology quality , operation quality , ability quality , culture quality , and physical and mental quality .