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  1. 由于山东省的申请人数,温州肯恩大学把山东的分数线提高了20分。

    Wenzhou Kean University raised the scores for applicants from the eastern province of Shandong , where many students were applying , by 20 points .

  2. 美国新泽西州肯恩大学与位于东部浙江省的温州大学成立了温州肯恩大学,今年该所大学将招收500名本科生,较去年的300人有所增加。

    Wenzhou-Kean University , a college founded by Kean University in the U.S. state of New Jersey and Wenzhou University in the eastern province of Zhejiang , has admitted 500 undergraduate students this year , up from 300 last year .

  3. 肯恩正在牛津大学学习经济。

    Ken is doing economics at Oxford University .

  4. 波普、库恩、拉卡托斯科学哲学思想之比较肯恩正在牛津大学学习经济。

    A Comparative Study on Scientific Philosophy of Popper , Kuhn , Lakatos ; Ken is doing economics at Oxford University .