
yín pán
  • silver plate;galactic disk;silver dish;galactic disc
银盘 [yín pán]
  • (1) [silver plate]

  • (2) 银制的盘

  • (3) 家用银质的或贱金属上镀银的盘碟和中空器皿

  • (4) [galactic disk]∶在银河系的旋臂和银道面中,恒星和星际物质的扁平分布

银盘[yín pán]
  1. 疏散星团金属丰度样本和银盘金属丰度梯度

    Metallicity distribution of open clusters and abundance gradient of the Galactic disc

  2. 他这句话的回声还在甬道里回荡未绝,一个英俊、和蔼、赤膊的年轻人便出现了,他头顶着一只银盘走过来,并不用手去抹,银盘里盛着一只鸡。

    His voice yet echoed in the archway when a handsome , graceful , and half-naked young man appeared , bearing a fowl in a silver dish on his head , without the assistance of his hands .

  3. 银盘似的月亮悬挂在空中。

    The silvery globe of the moon hung in the sky .

  4. 她把银盘擦得很亮。

    She rubbed up the silver plates to a high gloss .

  5. 速度分布和银盘厚度效应对正常脉冲星Z向分布的影响

    The Influence of Velocity Distribution and Thickness Effect of Galactic Disk on the z-Distribution of Normal Pulsars

  6. 银盘电极盐酸柔红霉素电化学行为及其与BSA的相互作用

    The Electrochemical Behavior of Daunorubicin Hydrochloride on Galactic Disk Electrode and its Reaction with BSA

  7. 是基于WDF写的一个实现虚拟磁盘驱动,用部分内存虚拟出一个硬盘(实际不存在的银盘)。

    Is based on the WDF to write a virtual disk drive , some memory with a virtual hard disk ( the actual silver does not exist ) .

  8. 银盘似的月亮朝地平线落去。

    The silvery globe of the moon sink towards the horizon .

  9. 仆人继续端着用银盘盛着的食物。

    The servants kept on carrying their silver trays of food .

  10. 银河系的结构主要分为核球、银盘和银晕几个组成部分。

    Galaxy is composed of Galactic bulge , plate and halo .

  11. 一轮圆月就像银盘一样悬挂在水面上。

    A moon hung above the water like a silver plate .

  12. 仆人们正用银盘端着宴客的食物和饮料。

    Servants were carrying great silver trays of party food and drinks .

  13. 给我干果用银盘子�

    Bring me my nuts , on a silver plate .

  14. 女仆们开始擦亮银盘。

    The maids began to polish up the silver dishes .

  15. 首次将银盘电极用于示波计时电位法直接进行示波测定,讨论了银盘电极上的示波计时电位法。

    The use of silver disk electrode for oscillographic chronopotentiometry is described .

  16. 银盘电极交流示波计时电位法及其机理的研究

    The Investigation of Oscillographic Chronopotentiometry at Silver Disk Electrode and Its Mechanism

  17. 女主人将信放在小银盘上递给我。

    My Mesdames handed me the envelope on a small silver tray .

  18. 铅于旋转银盘电极上欠电位沉积的计时库仑法研究

    Investigation of Underpotential Deposition of Lead on Rotating Silver Disk Electrode by Chronocoulometry

  19. 银盘恒星运动学和化学丰度与银河系结构

    Disk Stellar Kinematics and Abundance with the Galactic Structure

  20. 月亮升得高高的,明亮犹如银盘。

    The moon rose high , shining as brightly as a silver plate .

  21. 他把她的名字刻在这只银盘上。

    He engraved her name on the silver plate .

  22. 他把玉轮比成一个小银盘。

    He compared the moon to a silver plate .

  23. 我被赠予一个大银盘。

    I was presented with a silver platter .

  24. 银盘电极制备简单,寿命长,使用时不需镀汞,无污染。

    Silver disk electrode exhibits long term stability , and no use for mercury .

  25. 我的头颅被摆上银盘。

    For my head on a silver plate .

  26. 放在彬彬有礼的厌世侍者托着的银盘上(金融时报)

    Borne on silvery trays by ceremonious world - weary waiters ( Financial Times )

  27. 年轻星体附近冷分子气体外流的准直性及其在银盘上的分布

    Collimation and Distribution on the Galactic Disk of Cold Molecular Gas Outflows Near Young Stellar Objects

  28. 东罗马银盘·葡萄文化·丝绸之路

    Grape Culture and the Silk Road

  29. 客人们盘腿围坐在一张矮桌子周围,从银盘中取菜吃。

    The guests sat cross - legged around a low table and fed off silver dishes .

  30. 结果金盏银盘总黄酮含量茎中为0.47%,叶中为2.54%。

    Results The total amount of flavones was 0.47 % in stalks and 2.54 % in leaves .