
yín hánɡ jǐ duì
  • bank run;run on the bank
  1. 分析人士表示,这就是美国之所以能够避免类似于英国银行挤兑事件的原因之一,英国抵押贷款银行北岩(NorthernRock)正是被这场危机拖垮的。

    Analysts say this is one reason why the US has avoided a bank run of the kind that crippled Northern Rock , the crisis-hit UK mortgage lender .

  2. 因此,银行挤兑或许就是希腊需要的一剂苦口良药。

    So maybe a bank run is the bitter medicine Greece needs .

  3. 早在1983年,迪威格就与芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)经济学家道格•戴蒙德合著了一篇论文,探讨为什么会发生银行挤兑。

    Back in 1983 , Dybvig co-authored , along with University of Chicago economist Doug diamond , a paper on why bank runs happen .

  4. 在近代史上,英国好几次险些发生银行挤兑,例如上世纪70年代的次级银行危机,当时英国央行(bankofengland)的幕后行动阻止了问题的发生。

    There have been several near misses in modern times , such as the secondary bank crisis of the 1970s when the problems were averted by Bank of England action behind the scenes .

  5. 德国则希望市场能够提供帮助,而仅仅只是把EFSF作为一旦出现银行挤兑时的后备力量。

    Germany wants the market to help fund the bailout with the EFSF acting as a backstop to any further bank runs .

  6. 银行挤兑、债务危机蔓延到其它国家、触发信用违约互换(CDS)合同、以及在欧洲引起激烈的政治争吵,这些只是可能紧随其后而来的一部分后果。

    Bank runs , a contagion to other countries , the triggering of credit default swaps and heated political recriminations within Europe are but some of the consequences that could quickly follow .

  7. 1933年,为了有效抑制银行挤兑和由此诱发的银行恐慌,美国《格拉斯&斯蒂格尔法》通过了建立联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)的法案。

    In 1933 , Federal Government established Federal Deposit Insurance Company ( FDIC ) in order to restrain Bank Runs effectively .

  8. 另一个短语是runonthebank(银行挤兑),如果许多人都想从银行提走自己的所有存款,就会发生挤兑现象。

    Another financial expression is " run on the bank . " That is what happens when many people try to all their money from a bank . A " run on the bank " usually happens when people believe there is danger a bank may fail or close .

  9. 其次,衍生品交易商和投资者从被视为弱小的对手方那里转走业务现代版的银行挤兑的可能性,形成了监管者对于otc市场必须如何改革的观点。

    Second , the potential for derivatives dealers and investors to switch business from a counterparty considered to be weak a modern version of a run on the bank has formed regulator views on how the OTC market has to change .

  10. 在一种情况下预言可能会自我应验:银行挤兑。

    One case where prophecies can be self-fulfilling is a bank run .

  11. 从经济上看,最大的危险在于银行挤兑潮蔓延。

    Economically , the greatest danger lies in a contagious bank run .

  12. 防范化解银行挤兑风险的对策研究

    Study on preventing and extricating the risks of the runs on banks

  13. 因此,英国央行认为,透明度本身导致银行挤兑一定会发生。

    So , argues the Bank , transparency itself guaranteed a run .

  14. 银行挤兑或许会登上新闻头条。

    A bank run may get the big headlines .

  15. 更为糟糕的是,银行挤兑具有传染的特性。

    Worse yet , bank runs can be contagious .

  16. 欧元区发生银行挤兑的后果非常致命,原因就在于欧元区的法律构架。

    What makes bank runs so lethal in the eurozone is the legal framework .

  17. 商业银行挤兑问题研究

    Research on the Bank Run of Commercial Banks

  18. 银行挤兑能起到这种效果吗?

    Might a bank run do the trick ?

  19. 储户还没开始去银行挤兑,但已在蠢蠢欲动。

    Depositors have not yet begun to run , but they are starting to jog .

  20. 银行挤兑通常都会带来金融灾难。

    Bank runs typically spell financial disaster .

  21. 有那么一个时刻,人们确实担忧会出现银行挤兑。

    There was a moment when there was a real fear of a bank run .

  22. 上一次真正大规模的英国银行挤兑事件,于1866年发生在Overend&Gurney银行身上。

    The last really large UK bank run was on Overend & Gurney in 1866 .

  23. 正如默文金爵士所述,接下来参与银行挤兑可能就是理性行为。

    And as Sir Mervyn said , it may then be rational to take part .

  24. 银行挤兑危机的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Bank Squeezing Crisis

  25. 存款保险制度能有效降低改革中银行挤兑及银行恐慌发生的可能性。

    The deposit insurance can reduce the probability of bank run and even bank panic effectively .

  26. 银行挤兑会继续下去吗?

    Would the bank runs continue ?

  27. 这个模型的一个重要启迪是,银行挤兑完全可能是理性行为。

    The important point of this model is that a bank run can be perfectly rational .

  28. 但美国当时允许银行挤兑,亏损的风险帮助调节了经济。

    But bank runs were permitted , and the threat of losses helped regulate the economy .

  29. 这虽不叫银行挤兑,但可能是银行挤兑的序幕。

    This is not a bank run . But it may be the beginning of one .

  30. 其它欧洲外围国家的储户们将开始去银行挤兑,恐慌可能接踵而至。

    Depositors would start a run on banks in other peripheral countries and panic could ensue .