
  • SINA;sina.com;sina.com.cn
  1. 这位居民在新浪微博上分享了这张照片并写道:“暴雨中,是您们扛着这面旗帜冲锋。致敬逆行者!”

    He shared it on the microblogging service Sina Weibo and wrote : " In the rainstorm , it is you who carry this flag to charge to the front . Pay tribute to the heroes in harm 's way . "

  2. 新浪、Google、Yahoo图像搜索引擎比较

    A Comparison among the Image Search Engines of Sina , Google and Yahoo

  3. 澳大利亚新浪潮派中最为振奋人心的导演之一

    one of the most exciting directors of the Australian new wave

  4. 要让投资者支持新浪的股票,就需要厘清这种不确定的状态。

    It is going to take clearing of this haziness for investors to back this stock .

  5. 行动开始以来,腾讯、抖音、豆瓣、新浪微博等多个平台均发布公告,开始清理各类乱象。新浪微博禁止用户在昵称中使用“八组”、“瓜组”等字眼,同时加强对娱乐圈偶像相关帖文的管理。

    Sina Weibo , a Twitter-like platform , has banned netizens from using words such as gossip or onlooker of posts involving entertainment idols .

  6. 一名取名ACLaoShen的博客作者在新浪微博上写道。

    , wrote a blogger under the name AC Lao Shen on Sina Weibo .

  7. 新浪版的Twitter新浪微博目前已拥有1亿用户,而且用户数量仍在迅速增长。

    Its version of Twitter – Sina Weibo – now has over 100m users , and is still growing fast .

  8. 莉莉每天有5个小时泡在网上,使用类似Twitter的新浪微博,在网上购买化妆品和衣服。

    Lily spends nearly five hours a day online , uses Twitter-like microblogging services on Sina and buys cosmetics and clothes online .

  9. 对新浪ceo曹国伟来说,自2006年5月起其网站主要攻的将是“高质量的内容”。

    For Charles chao , the CEO of sina since may2006 , this preeminence is based primarily on a single factor : high-quality content .

  10. 首席执行官曹国伟(charleschao)承诺,新浪微博可从今年第二季度起产生营收。

    Charles Chao , chief executive , promises that Weibo ( meaning microblog ) can make revenues by the second quarter .

  11. 据两位知情人士表示,新浪已聘请高盛(GoldmanSachs)和瑞信(CreditSuisse)安排微博在纽约上市事宜。

    The company has hired Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse to manage the New York listing , according to two people familiar with the matter .

  12. 本文是以案例分析为主,分析上市公司粤美的和新浪的MBO的相关问题及其影响来说明二者的差异。

    This case study is mainly of listed companies Midea and Sina MBO related issues and their implications to explain this difference .

  13. 这名25岁的流行歌手通过他的新浪微博分享了他的激动之情:“追求我的梦想,谢谢你,NBA。”

    The 25-year-old pop star has shared his excitement through his Sina Weibo account , saying " chasing my dream , thank you NBA . "

  14. 唐骏辞职是继段永基辞去新浪董事长、汤美娟离开TOM集团之后,中国IT行业一周内发生的又一次高层变动。

    Tang Jun resigns is afterwards Duan Yongji resigns sina president , Shang Meijuan leaves after TOM group , happen inside a week of Chinese IT industry again the high level is fluctuant .

  15. 一项调查显示,新浪(SinaCorp.)微博(中国最受欢迎的微博平台)的活跃度立马出现下降。

    A survey of activity on Sina Corp. 's Weibo , China 's most popular microblogging platform , showed a drop immediately after .

  16. 上周,中国政府吊销了新浪公司(SinaCo.,SINA)的《互联网出版许可证》和《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》,导致其股价在两天内下跌10%。

    Last week , Beijing stripped portal site Sina Corp. of some publishing licenses over pornographic material , sending shares down 10 % over two days .

  17. 一位新浪微博用户写道,再加一条,有出国的机会。新浪微博是中国最大的类似于推特(Twitter)的微博平台。

    ' Add this to the list : the opportunity to go abroad ! ' one user of Sina Weibo , China 's biggest Twitter-like microblogging platform , wrote .

  18. 在中国拥有上千万用户的社交网站新浪微博(Weibo,中国版推特(Twitter))上,许多网友对关天朗的成就表示了通常的祝贺,并称关天朗让中国人自豪。

    His achievement drew the usual congratulations and expressions of national pride on Weibo , the Twitter-like microblogging site which has millions of users in China .

  19. 最近,阿里巴巴集团还同意收购中国最大微博网站新浪微博(SinaWeibo)18%股份。

    Only 10 days earlier , Alibaba agreed to buy an 18 per cent stake in Sina Weibo , China 's largest Twitter equivalent .

  20. 百度(Baidu)、人人(Renren)和新浪(Sina)等公司的估值所表现出的摇摆不定通常很难用各公司基本业务的表现来解释。

    Valuations for companies like Baidu , Renren and Sina show gyrations not always explained by the performance of their underlying businesses .

  21. 3月28日,张继科和女演员景甜在新浪微博上公开了恋情,他们分享了一张两人在海滩上携手散步的照片,并配文“K爱T”。

    On March 28 , Zhang and actress Jing Tian confirmed their romance on Sina Weibo , by sharing a photo of themselves walking hand in hand on a beach , with the caption " K loves T. "

  22. 过去几周里,新浪微博增添了类似foursquare的基于位置的服务(lbs)和一个即时通讯工具。

    Over the past few weeks , the service has added a location-based service resembling foursquare and an instant messaging tool .

  23. 凤姐频繁更新自己的新浪微博(中国版Twitter),向自己的140万粉丝发布信息。去年12月她重申了自己将择偶作为人生重心的态度。

    Ms Feng posts frequently to her 1.4 million followers on Sina Weibo - the Chinese equivalent of Twitter - and in December she reasserted her focus on finding a mate .

  24. 李开复是新浪微博上所谓的大V评论人士中的一位主要人物。大V指的是那些账户有V字认证、颇具影响力的用户。

    The executive is a leading member of the so-called ' Big V ' class of commentators on Weibo , influential users whose accounts are stamped with the letter ' V ' to indicate their verified status .

  25. 在“中国版推特(Twitter)”新浪微博(Weibo)上,博主们经常将日本人称为“倭寇”,这是明代中日交战时对日本人的一种蔑称。

    Microbloggers on Weibo , the " Chinese Twitter , " often refer to the Japanese as " dwarf bandits " - a wartime ( and Ming-era ) insult .

  26. 昨日下午,中国央行利用其新浪微博(Weibo,类似于Twitter的微博客平台)账户“央行微播”,告诉紧张不安的市场:它已向相关银行提供了紧急资金。

    It used its account on Weibo , China 's Twitter-like platform , yesterday afternoon to tell a jittery market that it had provided banks with the emergency cash .

  27. 据易观国际,位列第四名的门户网站运营商新浪(Sina)的市场份额为8.89%,仅落后于谷歌0.01个百分点。

    Internet portal operator Sina , in fourth place , had an 8.89 % share that put it 0.01 percentage points behind Google , according to Analysys .

  28. 新浪与MSN中国合作大力发展微博,人人网也在积极扩张的进程中兼容第三方控件。

    Sina has teamed up with MSN China to boost its microblog services , while Renren is expanding aggressively to include third-party-developed tools .

  29. 去年该公司收购了新浪(SinaCorp.)微博业务18%的股份,并把淘宝网的一些电子商务服务与微博进行了整合。

    Last year , it took an 18 % stake in Sina Corp. 's Twitter-like Weibo service and integrated some of Taobao 's e-commerce services with the microblog .

  30. 2009年秋,当中国门户网站新浪(sina)推出微博时,这个新平台被淹没在全球网络的喧嚣之中,几乎无人注意。

    In the autumn of 2009 , when the Chinese web portal Sina launched its microblog , the new platform was barely noticed in the worldwide online cacophony .