
  • 网络Hsinchu City
  1. 第20届执委会会议于2009年6月19日在中华台北新竹市成功召开并解决了我们面临的很多问题。

    The20th Executive Board Meeting held in Hsinchu City , Chinese Taipei on June19th , 2009 was very successful and solved many of the issues we were facing .

  2. 根据本研究初步评估结果,2005年县市评比排名前5名分别为:台北市、台北县、台中市、高雄市与新竹市;

    This research shows that the top five cities of2005 competitiveness evaluation are Taipei City , Taipei County , Taichung City , Kaohsiung City , and Hsinchu City ;

  3. 我在新竹市的青草湖社区大学学习英文。

    B : I learn English at the Qing-Cao-Hu Community University in Hsinchu .

  4. 台湾新竹市国中生摄取西式快餐行为及其相关因素研究

    Study on the Influence Factors and Status of the Fast-Food Eating Behaviors of the Junior High School Students in Hsinchu County , Taiwan

  5. 有关决定将中华台北新竹市作为此次会议所在地一事,我想咨询您的意见。

    Therefore I would like to ask your opinion about deciding the Hsinchu City in Chinese Taipei to be a host city for this meeting .

  6. 1986年,李长荣化工在台湾新竹市的工厂被当地居民举报向供水系统排放有害化学物质,该厂被迫关闭。

    In 1986 , LCY 's plant in Hsinchu City in central Taiwan was forced to shut down after residents complained the factory was emitting hazardous chemicals into the local water supply .