
  • 网络Xinhui;xinhui district
  1. 在江门的新会区。

    In Jiangmen 's Xinhui District .

  2. 江门市新会区甲状腺功能检测结果的调查分析

    Survey of Detected Result of Thyroid Fuction in Xinhui Area of Jiangmen City

  3. 江门市新会区华支睾吸虫病流行现状调查与分析

    Investigation on Clonorchis sinensis Infection in Jiangmen , Xinhui City

  4. 新会区5岁以下儿童营养不良流行病学调查与分析

    Survey on the Malnutrition of Children Less than Five Years Old in Xinhui Area

  5. 最后,借助于各种新农村建设的情况,总结出新会区新农村建设的优点与不足之处,为以后的规划起借鉴作用。

    Finally , with the help of a variety of new rural construction , summed up the New District in the new rural construction the advantages and disadvantages , for the subsequent programming helpful .

  6. 广东新会维管植物区系的研究

    Study on vascular plants flora from Xinhui regions in Guangdong province , China