
  • 网络Media agent
  1. 媒介代理的韩国经验与台湾教训

    Korea Experiences and Taiwan Lessons on Media Agency

  2. 2009年中国区媒介代理公司,全权负责其媒体计划制订及媒介购买业务。

    Insurance group AIA has hired Carat to run its media planning and buying business in in2009 .

  3. 而媒介代理公司作为代理的主体,它的功能就是对广告主和媒体进行双向代理服务。

    Advertising media agencies as the main body , its function is to advertisers and media two-way service agent .

  4. 至少五年以上媒介代理,营销或公关管理岗位经验,岗位与现有公司架构相同。

    A minimum of five years in an advertising , marketing or PR management position within a similarly structured company .