
  • 网络geography of media
  1. 在媒介地理学的视野下,新闻媒介政策在一定意义上可以被看做地理环境造就的延伸物。

    From the vision about geography of media , media policy in a sense may be viewed as an extension of the geographical environment .

  2. 这样才能分别为媒介地理学、媒介学、地理学,进而为建设和谐社会做出自己的贡献。

    After all , the subject could contribute to geography of media , media and geography ; furthermore , make contribution to construct a harmony society .

  3. 媒介地理学不仅强调人文地理环境对媒介的形塑作用,更重视地理样本在媒介中的呈现。

    Media geography pay more attention to the presentation of landscape .

  4. 论媒介地理学的发展历程与学科建构

    On Development and Discipline Construction of Media Geography

  5. 媒介地理学是一门研究人类同媒介、地理的相互关系及其互动规律的学科。

    Media geography is a study on mutual relationship and regulation among human , media and geography .

  6. 媒介地理学关注地理因素对媒介形态的影响以及媒介对地理样本的建构。

    It focuses on geographic factors ' influencing on media forms and construction of media to geographic samples .

  7. 于是,本研究将媒介地理学作为一种观察的视角去审视城市景观,希望能够对城市文化、城市人群、城市空间及其与媒介的关系进行解读。

    So , this research uses geography of media as a visual angle to observe the city landscape , expecting to explain the culture , space , society , and human beings in cities .

  8. 本文从媒介地理学的视角,探讨地理环境、媒体、地域文化三者之间的互动关系,尝试通过对地方传媒的分析来总结其在地域文化的传承与建构中所起的作用。

    In this paper , from the Angle of geography , geographical environment , the media , to the interactive relationship between regional culture , attempts through the analysis of the local media to conclude its regional culture inheritance and construct the role .