
  • 网络mediated society;media society
  1. 在媒介化社会,受众选择、使用、依赖媒介,对于信息永无止境的需求甚至依赖是媒介化社会形成的主体牵引力;媒介则反映、渗透、建构社会环境。

    The never-ending demand for information and the rely on the information is the main traction , which forms the media society . The media reflects , permeate and build the social environment .

  2. 媒介化社会的情感倾诉及其传播效果&报纸倾诉类栏目的内涵与价值取向分析

    Emotional Pouring Out and Its Media Effects & An Analysis of Connotation and Value Orientation of " Emotional Pouring Out " Column in Newspapers

  3. 随着信息化、媒介化社会进程的推进,公众对于公共信息主要的发布者&政府的关注度越来越高。

    Along with the development of the information technology and social media , the public pay more attention to the public major information promulgator-the government .

  4. 21世纪是媒介的世纪,在媒介化社会里,人们需要具备媒介素养,才能独立的、坦然的面对各种媒介和媒介所传播的信息,做出正确的判断,进而利用媒介为自己服务。

    Content : 21 century is the century of media , people need media literacy to face the media and the information communicated by it independently , make correct decisions and then use it .

  5. 那么,在传统媒体时代下异常艰难的跨文化新闻传播在进入新媒介时代以后,会有什么样的改变呢?随着媒介技术的飞速发展,媒介化社会已然形成。

    So , what would happen in the frontier of cross-cultural news coverage when we have entered into the era of new media ? With the rapid development of media technology , media community is already taking shape .