
  1. 试论新闻媒体侵权现象及其法律预防

    On Torts of the Medium and Legal Prevention

  2. 在引言部分对媒体侵权的现状、本文的研究背景做了简要的概括说明,引出本文研究的意义。

    In the introduction section of the status quo of media tort , this article research background , a brief outline , and raises the significance of this article .

  3. 在媒体侵权行为发生后如何进行法律维权进行规范是法律学研究重点;如何防止新闻侵权的发生,以及发生后在自律框架内如何处理是新闻学的研究重点。

    In media tort happens how specification is law research focus on legal rights ; How to prevent the occurrence of news tort , and happens in self-discipline within the framework of how to deal with the research emphasis is journalism .

  4. 电视、报纸、杂志、广播、通信社等传统媒体侵权案件越来越多,网络、手机等新兴媒体也日益成为侵权的重要媒体。

    Not only the traditional media-related torts such as those through TV , newspapers , magazines , broadcast and communications are more and more , the new-born media such as the network and the phones also becomes the main carrier of the media-related torts .

  5. 当前学术界对新闻媒体侵权的研究比较多,多从新闻传播学、法学以及新闻传播学和法学相结合的学科角度进行研究,研究面也比较广泛。

    Current academic research of the news media infringement begin from the perspective either the Journalism and Communication or the Law , and the combination of Journalism and Communication , Law and Journalism and Communication and Law research , The scope of the study is relatively broad .

  6. 通过本文的研究,对促进媒体监督侵权方面的立法,界定媒体权限、保护个人隐私权的合法利益具有重要意义。

    This research is very important for legislation of media monitoring , defining the media rights and protect personal privacy .

  7. 主张保护商事人格权的文章,主要集中于对商事人格权的全面保护,没有对媒体作为侵权主体的具体法律问题进行阐释。

    As to the articles concerning commercial personality , they are limited to simple claims that the right of personality should be protected overwhelmingly without deep analysis of many important specific legal issues about news media if media be the main body of torts .

  8. 新闻媒体避免名誉侵权应注意的几个问题

    Ways of Avoiding the Defamation of News Media

  9. 论新闻媒体在商誉侵权中的法律责任

    On the Tort of the News Media 's Hurting of the Right of Good Will

  10. 在新闻名誉侵权法律责任承担方式方面,建议将更正与答辩作为新闻媒体承担名誉侵权责任的一种具体方式。

    In the aspect of liability assumption in defamation by news , propose to use correction and reply as a specific method with which the news media assumes the liabilities of defamation by news .

  11. 在司法实践中应该严格要求原告提供证据证明媒体构成新闻侵权的全部四个要件,缺乏任何一个要件,均将导致原告败诉。

    In judicial practice , accusers should be asked for providing evidence that can proof four components resulting in mess media tort . If lacking of any one component , the accusers will lose the litigation .

  12. 新闻媒体中的报道有些涉及到公民的名誉权,但是新闻媒体侵权有其特别的地方,不能将其完全视为一般侵权。

    In the news media reported that some related to the reputation right of citizens , but the news media tort has its special place , it can not be completely regarded as general tort .

  13. 多年来,由于没有专门的立法界定新闻媒体的权利和义务,新闻舆论监督权屡屡受到侵犯,舆论媒体侵权行为也时有发生。

    For many years , as there is no special legislation to define the right and obligation of press media , the authority over the news-and-public-opinion supervision is infringed repeatedly , the right of public opinion and press media are occasionally infringed , too .