
  • 网络Media Influence
  1. 这种情况下,收视率就被看作是评估媒体影响力和衡量观众收视行为的一个硬性指标。

    In this case , the ratings were assessed as a measure of media influence and audience behavior of a rigid target .

  2. 这份主要基于美国消费者习惯的研究报告对比了一些世界最知名时尚品牌的网络策略,如香奈儿(Chanel)和迪奥(Dior),并为这些企业的社交媒体影响力、网络营销、电子商务,以及移动平台上的日常互动进行了排名。

    The study , based primarily on U.S. consumer habits , compared the digital strategies of some of the world 's most well-known fashion houses , such as Chanel and Dior , ranking each company on their social media outreach , digital marketing , e-commerce and daily interactions on mobile platforms .

  3. 美国总统大选中的网络媒体影响力研究

    Research on the Internet Influences in America Presidential Election Campaign

  4. 重大新闻事件报道对打造媒体影响力的启示&以湖南卫视为例

    Enlightenment for Media Gaining Influence from News-reporting on Great Incident & Example as Hunan Satellite TV

  5. 研究发现,中国三峡展览馆、中国三峡建设年鉴和中国三峡总公司网位列专属媒体影响力前三甲。

    Study found that China Three Gorges Hall , China Three Gorges Construction Yearbook and Website of China Three Gorges Corporation are the top three of the list .

  6. 本文首先从传媒市场竞争的角度,提出城市传媒环境的概念,并结合市场营销学的环境分析理论,提出了城市传媒环境的三个评价要素:即传媒市场容量、传媒竞争程度和本地媒体影响力。

    The paper first proposes the concept of urban media environment . Then , based on the environment analysis theory in marketing , the paper identifies three evaluation factors : media market capacity , media competition level , and influence of local media .

  7. 提高我国媒体的影响力。

    Improve influence of internal media .

  8. 描述媒体的影响力,对青少年的性及其他风险的行为,并确定为提高媒体素养的策略。

    Describe media influence on adolescent sexual and other risk-taking behaviors and identify strategies for improving media literacy .

  9. 媒体有影响力和可信度来让所有的利益相关者对气候变化问题提起重视。

    The media has both the reach and credibility to make all stakeholders take climate change issues seriously .

  10. 品牌延伸可以扩大电视媒体的影响力,提高电视台的经营收入,占领更多的市场份额。

    The brand extension can expand TV media influence , improve television station operating revenue , and occupied more market segments .

  11. 当今媒体进入影响力竞争时代,而影响力的竞争主要依赖品牌力量。

    The medium get into an influence competition for ages nowadays , but the influence of competition mainly depend on the brand strength .

  12. 互联网正逐步改变着人们的生活,网络媒体的影响力正逐步的增强,并且已经超越了部分的传统媒体。

    The Internet is changing ours life , and the Internet media is increasing force , and had exceeded some of the classical media .

  13. 接着作者对跨媒体客户端影响力、受众最关注的客户端特点及不足进行了比较研究,探讨了传统媒体如何开辟移动新媒体市场等问题。

    Then the author compares the different influence result of the cross media research , the characteristics and shortcomings of the news apps , and discusses the issues on how to develop the new mobile media market .

  14. 在进入新的传媒时代后,以视觉符号为传播特色的电视逐渐取代平面媒体成为影响力最大的大众传播媒介,同时,它也成为海派文化重要的载体之一。

    A new era of media spread characteristics of visual symbols for the TV gradually replace print media , TV has become the most influential mass media , at the same time , it become one of the most important vectors .

  15. 随着网络、手机等通讯技术的飞速发展,人们关注体育的方式越来越多,选择的自主权越来越大,作为传统媒体中影响力最大的电视受到了强烈的冲击。

    With the rapid development of Internet , mobile phones and other communication technologies , people have increasing ways to pay attention to sports , and the autonomy of choice is more flexible than before . As the most influential traditional media , television has been strongly shocked .

  16. 阿尔芭说,如果你想把生意做大、做成功,就得在社交媒体上有影响力。

    You have to have a social-media presence if you want to have a successful business , scalable business , Ms. Alba says .

  17. 由于社交媒体拥有庞大影响力和渗透作用,如果不能了解消费者对公司的线上评论,将成为一种商业风险。

    Now , the penetration and impact of social media is such that failing to understand what consumers are saying about a company online has become a business risk .

  18. 博客严格的说并不是一种完全的媒体,其影响力的定义自然无法照搬媒体影响力。

    Strictly speaking , blog is not a complete medium , so when we define the conception of blog influence we could not copy the definition of medium influence .

  19. 批评报道是舆论监督的重要方式,已经成为媒体增强竞争力和影响力的重要手段。

    The critical report has been an important means for the media to strength its competition and influence now .

  20. 较之其它电视媒体,它的影响力的形成与发展脉络较为清晰。

    Compared with the media of other TVs , the forming and developing of its influence power is comparatively clear .

  21. 然而,现阶段区域媒体网站无论在影响力还是在赢利能力上都还不容乐观。

    However , at this stage , whether the influence or the profitability of the regional media websites is still not optimistic .

  22. 如何利用微博的优势,提高传统纸质媒体的竞争力和影响力,已经引发了越来越多的探讨。

    How to use the micro-blog advantage , improve the traditional paper-based media competitiveness and influence , have caused more and more discussion .

  23. 而同时媒体具有强大舆论影响力,被人们寄予很大希望,但是媒体在报道弱势群体时,往往存在偏差。

    While the media has a strong opinion has great influence , been promising , but the media often disadvantaged , there is a deviation .

  24. 新时期的报纸深度报道自上世纪80年代中后期兴起至今,已经成为媒体增强竞争力和影响力的重要手段。

    The contemporary in-depth report which rose in the 80s last century has been an important means for the media to strengthen its competitive power and influence .

  25. 大帝有力量,射程,出色的防守本能,优秀的脚步移动,加上社交媒体上的巨大影响力,符合联盟的时代脉搏,恩比德正在成为联盟中下一个大鲨鱼奥尼尔的路上。

    The Process has strength , range , ridiculous defensive instincts , excellent footwork and a social media command on the pulse of this league that has him on course to be the next Shaquille O'Neal .

  26. 中国网络媒体已经成为和传统媒体一样有重大影响力的新兴媒体。

    In China , Web media have become very important , just as traditional media .

  27. 声画合一、视听双通的电视媒体无疑在各种介质的媒体中最具影响力。

    Undoubtedly , among all the media , the TV media which have the syncretism of sound and picture and the bi-pass of the hearing and vision , are the most influential .

  28. 新闻报道作为媒体发展的重中之重,应该把新闻诚信作为建立媒体信誉与影响力的根本所在,以实现媒体产业的可持续发展。

    With the development of news and information industry , the requirements of audiences and readers are much concerned by the government and mass media .

  29. 电视媒体以其普及性、及时性和生动性成为千家万户的日常信息工具,具有其他媒体难以比拟的影响力,也成为价值观传播的重要载体。

    TV media with its popularity , timeliness and vitality into thousands of daily information tools , other media incomparable influence , also become important carrier of the spread of values .

  30. 社交媒体也推动了这一趋势的发展,让品牌拥有前所未有的与顾客直接交流的能力。演员的社交媒体影响力也成为挑选代言人的一个考虑因素。

    Social media has driven the development , granting brands unprecedented power to communicate their work directly to the customer , and a performer 's social media clout can be considered in the casting call process .