
  • 网络media ethics
  1. 由此,对于媒介伦理的研究和媒介伦理的建设就成为社会转型时期一项十分紧迫与重要的理论与现实任务。

    Thus , the research of media ethics and the construction of media ethics are very urgent and important theoretical and practical tasks in the social transitional period .

  2. 媒介伦理是对于大众传播媒介、媒介机构、媒介从业者及其受众的基本的道德要求,是各媒介主体及其相互之间在信息传播与交换活动过程中所应当遵循的价值准则与原则。

    Media ethics which is the basic requirements of morality to the mass media , media institutions , media practitioners and their audience is the values and principles of the main body of the media and the process of the media in information dissemination and exchange activities .

  3. 从媒介伦理看和谐社会的构建

    The Discussion of Harmonious Society from the View of Media Ethic

  4. 从两个视角对我国三网融合媒介伦理问题进行理论观察。

    From both a theoretical perspective on the observation of triple play .

  5. 因此,三网融合媒介伦理问题也渗透在我们生活的各个角落。

    Therefore , Media ethics problem exists in every place we live .

  6. 在大众传媒的背景下,媒介伦理的重要性得到进一步的凸现。

    In the context of mass media , the importance of media ethics is further highlighted .

  7. 其问题,如媒介伦理本体价值的缺乏、媒介伦理建设上社会性资源的缺失,均可从政治文化层面得到独到的解释。

    It concludes that the lack of ontological value and social resources in media ethic can be interpreted in the context of political culture of the time .

  8. 大众媒介伦理道德建设已经迫在眉睫,因此,我们不得不回到上世纪20年代初提出的报刊的社会责任论,思考这个经典理论对如今的指导意义。

    Therefore the construction of mass media ethics is imminent . Therefore we have to go back to the social responsibility theory proposed in the early 20th century , and think about the significance of the classical theory .

  9. 浅析大众传播媒介的伦理问题

    On Moral Values of Mass Media

  10. 翻译,作为两种语言及文化之间相互沟通与交流的媒介,与伦理有着不可分割的联系。

    As a cross-cultural medium between two different languages , translation is inevitably related with ethics .

  11. 媒介载道&传媒伦理研究

    The Mass Media Should Embody Tao : Study of Media Ethics

  12. 试论媒介公信力的缺失与重塑&媒介商业化的伦理反思

    Discussion on the medium 's lack of credibility and remodeling & Ethical reflection on the medium commercialization

  13. 在媒介发展的不同历史时期和阶段,有着不尽相同的媒介伦理。

    In different historical periods and stages of the development of media , it has different media ethics .

  14. 媒介中的性别成见可能会强化社会上的性别偏见和性别歧视,导致不利于女性发展的后果,也附带产生一些媒介的伦理道德问题。

    The gender prejudice in medium is probably apt to intensify the sex prejudice and discrimination in society which is harmful to women 's development ethic and moral problems in medium may ensue .