
  • 网络media power
  1. 认识西方媒介权力研究的历史与方法

    Understanding the Origin and Approach of Media Power Research in the West

  2. 论大众传播时代的媒介权力

    Media Power in the Age of Mass Communication

  3. 论大众媒介权力的滥用及其社会控制

    The Abuse of Power in Mass Media and Its Social Control

  4. 大众传媒是公共领域中最为活跃的话语平台,媒介权力本质上是一种非强制性的公共权力。

    Media power is a kind of optional public rights in nature .

  5. 从民生新闻看媒介权力的变化

    The change of medium power from the news about people 's life

  6. 仿真世界中的媒介权力:鲍德里亚传播思想解读

    Interpretation of Jean Baudrillard 's Media Theory : Media Power in Simulation World

  7. 论媒介权力的来源与特性

    On Media Power 's Origin and Nature

  8. 媒介权力与司法监督

    The Media Power and the Judicial Supervision

  9. 媒介权力是历史的产物,有着自己的特征及来源。

    Media power is a historic product .

  10. 在政治逻辑下,媒体的所谓客观性、独立和自由、媒介权力的实质等,都是值得怀疑的;

    By political logic , the objectiveness , independence and freedom of media are doubtable ;

  11. 媒介权力是新闻信息传播的基础和隐性的社会控制力量。

    Media power is the basis of information dissemination and a recessive power of social control .

  12. 从民生新闻看电视媒介权力和角色的失衡

    The Unbalance of Media 's Power and Role as Viewed from TV News About People 's livelihood

  13. 媒介权力是传媒在职能范围内对社会生活的支配力量。

    Medium power is a controlling force that the media have to social life within the range of its function .

  14. 媒介权力的本质是一种公众权力,是公众委托给“把关人”行使的权力。

    In nature , Media power belongs to the public while the public consigns it to the " gatekeepers " .

  15. 从孟买恐怖袭击事件中的自媒体传播看公民新闻背景下的媒介权力转移

    WE Media in Mumbai 2008 Terrorist Attacks : A case for investigating the transfer of media power with the background of Citizen Journalism

  16. 布尔迪厄的权力理论以一种独特的视角审视现代社会,为媒介权力研究提供了一个可操作性的分析框架。

    Examining the modem society in a tmioue perspective , Bourdieu 's theories of power present an operational analytical pattem for medium power studies .

  17. 在新技术时代,由于媒介权力大小悬殊,信息分配还是贫富不均,甚至二极分化更厉害。

    In age of new technology , because of difference in the power of media , distributing of information is inequal , even polar .

  18. 检视西方媒介权力研究,对促进和加强我国传播学领域中相对比较薄弱的媒介权力研究有重要意义。

    A review of medium power studies in the West is of great significance to promotion and enhancement of relatively weak medium power studies in China .

  19. 然后,从讨论媒介权力入手,解析了企业宣传报道与新闻媒介的互动关系,论述了企业与媒介互动合作的理论依据和现实证据;

    Secondly , by using the concept edia power ? the thesis reveals the interactive relationship between business report and mass media and describes the theories and realities of the inter-cooperation between them .

  20. 而媒介权力的畸形分布、媒介话语权的不均衡正是我国突发公共事件报道中存在的问题之根源所在。

    The root of these questions of news about the abrupt public affairs is the abnormal distribution of the power of the mass media and the imbalance of the Discourse Power of media .

  21. 因此,我们必须确定大众媒介权力的合理限度,依靠社会力量对大众媒介权力的主体行为进行控制,实现大众传媒的良性秩序。

    Therefore , we must determine a reasonable limit of the power endowed with mass media , and depend on social forces to supervise the body of mass media with the aim of keeping mass media in good order .

  22. 解读大众传播媒介的权力

    An Analysis on Mass Media Power

  23. 媒介的权力及其异化

    Media Power and Its Alienation

  24. 这种新闻形式不仅为新闻的发展开辟了一条新路,一定程度上扩大了媒介的权力,同时也为大众提供了一个信息交流的有效平台。

    Such news opens new road for the development of news and enlarge the medium power to a certain degree , and at the same time , provides an effective platform for information exchange .

  25. 在全球化的浪潮中,媒介对权力的依附性和作为权力的主体性借助传播技术手段的现代化,在世界范围内发挥着自己的影响力。

    With the current of globalization , the mass media 's dependency to power and the subjectivity of power , with the help of the modernization of the technology , bring the influence into play in the worldwide .

  26. 新闻媒介的职能权力

    Functional power of journalism

  27. 作为传送图象的媒介,他的权力是在无中生有地变出他们上。

    In a medium meant to convey images , his power was in conjuring them out of thin air .

  28. 本文的观点是,媒介监督政治权力的权利具有双重法律性质,兼具私益性和公益性。

    The opinion of the article is , the right of media to supervise political power has double law characters .

  29. 本文尝试用传播政治经济学的视角去看待和分析这些问题,探讨政府、广电媒介、其他权力利益集团和公众在其中呈现出的复杂的互动关系。

    The thesis try to treat and analyze these problems through the visual angel of Political Economy of Communication , and try to explore the interactive relationship of the government , medium and other benefit group behind them .

  30. 美国新闻式电视批评在媒介体系中的权力角色

    Journalism Television Criticism : Power Role in Media System of America