
  • 网络Media Ecology
  1. 媒介生态学:中国新闻史研究的新路径

    Media Ecology : the New Research Way of Chinese Journalistic History

  2. 利用媒介生态学的观点研究图书馆生态系统

    Using the Viewpoint of Media Ecology to Study the Library Ecosystem

  3. 媒介生态学视角下上海电视娱乐资讯节目研究

    The Study of Shanghai TV Infotainment Programs Based on Media Ecology

  4. 媒介生态学视域下的电视公益节目与和谐传播

    Welfare-related TV Program and Harmonious Propagation in the View of Media Ecology

  5. 媒介生态学为研究微博提供了一个很好的切入视角。

    Media ecology provides a good perspective to study micro-blog .

  6. 用一种媒介生态学的思想来关注教育,就会发现一系列的问题。

    As Postman is concerned , education is facing a series of problems .

  7. 基于媒介生态学的电视购物频道研究

    Research of TV Shopping Channel Based on Media Ecology

  8. 台湾公共新闻学:乌托邦式的幻象&一种媒介生态学的视角

    Public Journalism in Taiwan : A Mirage of Utopian

  9. 通过媒介生态学视角可以客观地对网络广告进行考察,从而给出更客观、全面的评价。

    The media ecology provides a new means to study internet advertisement objectively .

  10. 我国电视生态环境浅析&基于媒介生态学的视角

    Analysis on TV Entironment in China & From the Perspective of Media Ecology

  11. 媒介生态学视域中的网络广告研究

    Research on Internet Advertisement in Media Ecology Sight

  12. 从理论渊源来看,媒介生态学是媒介与生态进行交叉研究的产物。

    From the theoretical origin of view , Media ecology is the study of media and cross-product of Ecology .

  13. 媒介生态学把世界看做一个生态系统,媒介作为生态系统中的一个组成,同其他系统之间相互影响。

    Taking the world as an ecosystem , media system is one of the component , interacts with the other systems .

  14. 尼尔·波兹曼也是一个教育学者,在他所创立的媒介生态学理论中,把教育也纳入了媒介的生态环境中进行研究,体现出一个传媒学者深刻的人文关怀。

    In his theory , education is brought into the media ecology , which embodies the humanism thought of a media scholar .

  15. 本文将在媒介生态学的框架下对微博的种种表现做详细梳理,希望对微博进行全景式关照。

    This paper will comb the manifestations of micro blog in the framework of media ecology , and hope to get comprehensive description .

  16. 媒介生态学将人类社会视为一个生态系统,而将媒介与受众视为存在其中的生物因素。

    Media ecology of human society as an ecosystem , and the media will be there with the audience as the biological factors .

  17. 本论文选择以媒介生态学的批判视角,运用媒介生态学理论方法,通过对电视相亲节目发展历程和特点的研究,界定了电视相亲节目的概念。

    This paper tries to define dating shows in the critical angle , using theories and methods of media ecology through their development and characteristics .

  18. 其次,从媒介生态学的角度分析《新安晚报》的种内和种间竞争形势。

    In the second chapter , the intra-specific and inter-specific competition situations of Xin ' an Evening News are analyzed from the view of media ecology .

  19. 本文试图从媒介生态学的视角研究网络新闻评论,除引言和结语外,本文分为五个章节。

    This paper attempts to research reviews of network news from the perspective of media ecology . Except the introduction and conclusion , this article includes five chapters .

  20. 林文刚:《媒介生态学在北美之学术起源简史》,陈星译,《中国传媒报告》2003年第2期,第4-16页。

    Lum , Casey M.K. " A Brief Academic History of Media Ecology in North America "( translated by Chen Xing ), Chinese Media Report , 2003 ( 2 ), pp4-16 .

  21. 媒介生态学研究的最核心概念是媒介生态系统,它是由:媒介系统、社会系统和人群三要素,以及它们之间的相互关系和相互作用所构成。

    The core conception of media ecology research is the media ecology system , it consists of three elements : media system , social system and human beings . It is composed by their mutual influence and impact .

  22. 媒介生态学20世纪60年代起源于北美,它借用了生物学中生态学的理论,用以研究媒介系统、社会系统和人群,以及这三者之间的相互关系和相互作用。

    Media ecology 20th century originated in the 1960s in North America , it used a biology ecology theory , to study media system , social system and the crowds , and between the three of mutual relations and interactions .

  23. 本文试图借用媒介生态学中有关环境方面的理论来阐述媒介生态环境在近代民营报纸发展过程中的作用和影响,找出影响中国近代民营报纸短命和长寿的个中原因。

    Trying to use the media ecology theory about the environment describes the role and impact of the development of private newspapers , finding out the reason how to make the Private Press " short-lived " or " long-lived " in this article .

  24. 本文创新点在于:把新闻自律与媒介生态环境关系放在媒介生态学中研究,把媒介环境作为社会信息系统的一个子系统,研究它的运作规律以及人与它的相互关系。

    This text innovates and clicks lying in : Is it put in media studying in the ecology with media ecological environment relation to contain news by oneself , regard environmental media as a subsystem of the social information system , study its operation law and people and its interreaction .