
  • 网络journalists;media people;Media Man
  1. 国际商业机器公司(IBM)的一位本地经理GeorgeChen写到,这些媒体人令人厌恶,他们没有职业底线。

    ' These media people are disgusting , ' wrote local IBM executive George Chen . ' They have no professional bottom line . '

  2. 其次对社会各界,特别是一些学者和媒体人对此事件的看法和忧虑进行了关注。

    Second , he pays attention to the opinion of academics and media people .

  3. 上周,英国资深媒体人皮尔斯•摩根(PiersMorgan)拥抱了一种丑陋的新思潮,他评论称自己只对金牌得主感兴趣。

    This week , Piers Morgan , a British journalist , embraced an ugly new ethos , when he commented that he was interested only in gold medal winners .

  4. 他提到了约翰·克里斯(JohnCleese)饰演的巴塞尔·弗尔蒂(BasilFawlty),以及史蒂芬·库根(StevenCoogan)饰演的艾伦·帕特奇(AlanPatridge)(一个自恋的媒体人),尽管库根之后又复兴了帕特奇的几次。

    He cited John Cleese 's Basil Fawlty and Steve Coogan 's Alan Partridge ( a narcissistic media personality ) , though Mr. Coogan has resurrected Partridge a few times .

  5. 面对以媒体人为主的观众,首席执行官杰夫o贝佐斯发布了这家在线零售业巨头的最新产品:FirePhone手机。这款手机拥有4.7英寸的屏幕,2.2GHz的四核处理器以及2GB的内存。

    CEO Jeff Bezos spoke to a crowd made up mostly of members of the media to announce the online retail giant 's newest product : the Fire phone , a device with a 4.7-inch screen , a quad-core 2.2 GHz processor and 2 gigabytes of RAM .

  6. 一个名为SavedYouAClick的推特账号就是其中之一,该账号的主人杰克贝克曼今年25岁,是一名专业媒体人。

    The Twitter account @ SavedYouAClick , run by 25-year-old media professional Jake Beckman , is one such example .

  7. 黑客31日通过匿名邮件向多位媒体人公布这次入侵行动,邮件中写道:“你们好啊。互联网时代最大的一次泄露正在到来,是谁呢?我忘了,哦对,是HBO和《权力的游戏》

    On Sunday , an anonymous email was sent to many reporters announcing the hack : " Hi to all mankind . The greatest leak of cyber space era is happening . What 's its name ? Oh I forget to tell . Its HBO and Game of Thrones ...... !!!!!!

  8. 第二部分为媒体人微博的应用比较研究。

    The second part will consist of a comparative study on the application of microblog for journalists .

  9. 太多的时候,美国人,尤其是那些国会议员和媒体人,都怀有一种优越感。

    All too often Americans , especially those in Congress and the media , harbour a superiority complex .

  10. 这么说吧,部分媒体人看问题总是有一种独特的角度。

    Let 's just say that some in the media have a certain way of looking at things .

  11. 置身于这样的传播背景下,中国的媒体人必然要肩负起传播本土文化的重担。

    In such background , China ' smedia worker must carry the burden to spreading native culture and civilizations .

  12. 参加本次戛纳电影节的有知名媒体人杨澜,流行歌手李宇春以及电视节目主持人李思雨等。

    Renowned names included well-known media figure Yang Lan , pop singer Li Yuchun and TV host Li Siyu .

  13. 身为资深媒体人,我试著从中找出一些启示。

    Being part of the media group , I tried to search for enlightenment from the diversified design concepts .

  14. 此外,两杂志中的中国媒体人也对国家命运进行了思考。

    Besides , Chinese media people who were on the " two magazines " thought about the fate of the nation .

  15. 一个节目被“叫停”并不奇怪,况且它也不能否定媒体人近几年为丰富中国的电视节目形式而做出的努力。

    The show 's cancelation is not surprising when one considers China 's recent efforts to censor more forms of media .

  16. 小罗斯福是一个媒体人:他开创了炉边谈话的广播讲话形式,需要的时候他的口才甚至可以赶上丘吉尔。

    Roosevelt was a media man : he inaugurated radio fireside chats and could be as good a speaker as Churchill .

  17. 它将作为一个搞一个媒体人的职业生涯规划必不可少的参考,购买和研究。

    It will serve as an indispensable reference for anyone pursuing a career in media planning , buying , and research .

  18. 虽然这段辉煌历史较为短暂,但如昭示方向的灯塔照耀着媒体人的理想。

    Although it was very short as a brilliant period of history , it has become the lighthouse shining the ideas of journalists .

  19. 这主要是因为所谓的茶叶党基层保守派运动和格伦·拜克等保守派媒体人的努力。

    That is thanks in large part to the grass roots movement known as the Tea Party and the efforts of conservative commentators like Glenn Beck .

  20. 凯(音译)是一位2008年从北京前往英国的专业媒体人,先求学后就业。

    Kai , 26 , is a media professional who came to the UK from Beijing in 2008 , first to study and then to work .

  21. 有时我写科比会特别困惑,这个人已经到了登峰造极的地步,我们作为媒体人应该从何写起?

    Sometimes I write Kobe will be particularly confusing , this person has reached a culmination point , we as media people should come to write about ?

  22. 对于媒体人来说,敏锐的市场嗅觉,独到的新闻眼光,深入的调查分析,是一种成熟的标准。

    To some media editors , penetrating market olfaction , original insight to news and wide investigation , all of these are the standards of being mature .

  23. 网友投票产生提名名单,接着由一群包括影评人、媒体人、剧作家以及学者在内的专业评委评选得出最终结果。

    Nominees are first chosen through netizen voting , while a group of professional film critics , journalists , scriptwriters and scholars decide on the final winners .

  24. 媒体人希望通过让受众接受低碳环保、公益性的自行车媒体载体的基础上来实现自行车媒体认可度的提升。

    Media professionals want to increase the degree of public approval on bicycle media through making the public realize it is low carbon emission , environmental friendly and charitable .

  25. 眼下那地方特时髦,满脑子抱负的媒体人都爱去,上那儿见见朋友没准儿能帮她回到过去的轨道里。

    This was the currently fashionable spot for high-flying media people , and seeing a few friends there might help her ease herself back into the swing of things .

  26. 今年的五月份,我收到英国领事馆文化教育处的邀请,参加他们专门为中国媒体人组织的“文化创意产业之旅”。

    I have been invited by the Culture and Education section of British Council to take part in the visiting program called " Culture and Creative Tour in London " .

  27. 全球范围内的新闻组,在选出的一群媒体人之间讨论每个想了解的话题,已经是很平常的事,并且这种现象得到进一步的普及。

    Worldwide newsgroups , with discussions on every conceivable topic , are already commonplace among a select group of people , and this phenomenon will grow to include the population at large .

  28. 体育电视媒体人应自觉承担这一社会责任和使命,为民众制作、研发高质量、高水平的体育电视娱乐节目。

    Sports TV media should undertake the social responsibility and mission , as the sports TV entertainment programs , research and development of high quality people making , a high level of .

  29. 任凭一帮科学家、观光客、媒体人、环保者以及厄瓜多尔政府等了二十年,为了看他成功交配或者只是雄起一下,他就是不给力。

    Scientists , tourists , journalists , conservationists and the government of Ecuador all waited for two decades for him to mate successfully or , indeed , get it on at all . He wasn 't playing .

  30. 凯(音译)是一位2008年从北京前往英国的专业媒体人,先求学后就业。当我到达伦敦的时候,我想我开始切实的想念北京的食物。

    Kai , 26 , is a media professional who came to the UK from Beijing in 2008 , first to study and then to work . When I arrived in London I thought I was really going to miss Beijing food .