
  • 网络Media asset;media properties;Media Asset Management
  1. 上周五(12月11日),中国互联网巨头阿里巴巴宣布收购SCMP集团的媒体资产,其中包括总部在香港的最具影响力的一份英文报纸:南华早报(SCMP)。

    On Friday , the Chinese Internet giant announced it is to acquire the media assets of the SCMP Group , including one of the most influential English language newspapers based in Hong Kong , the South China Morning Post ( SCMP ) .

  2. 高校媒体资产管理系统的构建与应用

    The Construction and Application of Media Assets Management Systems in Higher Education

  3. 因而,媒体资产管理(MediaAssetManagement,MAM)是当前广播电视行业所面临的一个重要问题。

    So , MAM ( Media Asset Management ) become the first problem must be resolved of the broadcast and TV industry .

  4. MD5算法在高校媒体资产管理系统中的应用研究

    Study of MD5 Algorithm in the System of Colleges and Universities'Media Asset Management

  5. 合作的目标是加速美国竞技游戏大联盟作为一项主流媒体资产的增长,增加其官网MLG.tv的观看人数,强化Relativity公司在游戏领域的分量。

    The goal of the collaboration was to accelerate MLG 's growth as a mainstream media property , drive appointment viewing to MLG.tv and further strengthen Relativity 's presence in the gaming space .

  6. 默多克创立了一系列媒体资产(或者再创了在其他人手中原本江河日下的品牌),从《太阳报》(Sun)到天空电视台(BSkyB)。

    Mr Murdoch has founded ( or retooled from brands that had been allowed to fade by others ) a range of media properties , from The Sunnewspaper to BSkyB , the satellite broadcaster .

  7. 最后重点分析了该网络突破以往的实现高清编辑、对松下公司P2存储卡式摄、编系统的支持、网络化实时播出的技术实现、媒体资产管理的创新点。

    Finally analyzed the realization of the network HD editing , Support of Shooting , editing systems of Panasonic P2 memory card , network real-time broadcast technology , media asset management implementation .

  8. 网络环境媒体资产管理核心技术研究

    Research of core technical in media asset management on the network environment

  9. 城市台建立媒体资产管理系统之我见

    My Opinion on Building Media Asset Management System at City TV Station

  10. 媒体资产管理系统中的视频图像质量评价研究

    The Research of Video Image Quality Assessment in MAM System

  11. 电视台全台网建设中媒体资产管理系统应用的研究

    On Media Asset Management Application in the TV Station Network

  12. 面向硬盘播出应用的新型媒体资产管理系统

    New Medium Asset Management System Applied to Hard Disk Play

  13. 内容检索在媒体资产管理中应用的探讨

    Content-Based Retrieval and its Application in Media Asset Management

  14. 数字电视媒体资产管理系统的研究

    The Study of Media Asset Management in Digital TV

  15. 构建实用型数字媒体资产管理系统

    Constructing Practical Digital Media 's Assets Administrative System

  16. 高校媒体资产管理系统关键技术的研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of Key Technologies for Media Asset Management System in Higher Education

  17. 基于媒体资产管理平台的视频检索预处理原型的研究

    Research of the Preprocessing Prototype for Video Search Based on the Media Asset Management Platform

  18. 校园媒体资产管理研究

    Media Asset Management of The Campus

  19. 媒体资产管理的存储体系

    Storage System of Media Asset Management

  20. •我想深入了解这样一个巨大的媒体资产运作的机制。

    • I wanted to study how a large media property works from the inside out .

  21. 本论文研究分布式行政管理体系下的媒体资产管理。

    This paper mainly researches the media property management under the system of distribute administration management .

  22. 媒体资产管理系统综述

    Talking over Media Asset Management System

  23. 要想施加影响力,几乎没有什么方法比拥有规模巨大且生机勃勃的媒体资产更加有效了。

    To project might , few things are as effective as owning big , throbbing media properties .

  24. 根据电视节目制作特点,对各种存储方式和技术进行了比较,并介绍了多级存储技术在媒体资产管理系统中的应用。

    The applications of multilevel memory patterns in medium asset management system are introduced in the paper .

  25. 媒体资产管理系统是电视台制作、播出综合网络的资源核心,也是全台网络工作流程高效、安全的关键。

    Media asset management ( MAM ) system is the core of network for TV programs producing and broadcasting .

  26. 最后,又介绍了本文所述的媒体资产管理系统的设计和应用在广电行业中的应用前景。

    Finally , I introduced application prospects of designing and application of media assets managing system in broadcasting and television industry .

  27. 尤其是随着高效数字采编播手段的应用和节目形式创新的需求,积累了海量数字媒体资产。

    Nowadays , NPBS accumulation massive digital media assets with the application of efficient digital editing broadcast and the demand of show innovation .

  28. 媒体资产管理系统中的智能化检索技术克服了传统文本检索的缺陷,成为当前的一个研究热点。

    The intelligent retrieval technology of Media Asset Management system overcome the shortcomings of traditional text retrieval , and become a research focus .

  29. 媒体资产管理是当前广播电视行业所面临的一个重要问题,其核心是媒体资产的存储体系。

    Media Asset Management is an important problem which broadcast and television industry have to face currently , the keystone is the storage system .

  30. 数字媒体资产管理系统是解决当前图书馆视音频资料管理和使用问题的最佳方法之一。

    Digital media assets management systems are one of the best methods in resolving the current problems in library audio / video frequencies management and use .