
  • 网络Media Diplomacy
  1. 媒体外交(MediaDiplomacy)是形成于上世纪初叶,兴盛于1990年代的一种区别于传统外交理念以及形式的外交学新概念。

    The concept of " Media Diplomacy " was put forward at the beginning of the last century and got a prosperousness in the 1990s .

  2. 其中起到主要作用的是媒体外交与文化外交。

    And media diplomacy and culture diplomacy has played the most important part in it .

  3. 媒体外交及其运作机制

    Media Diplomacy and Its Operating Mechanism

  4. 试论媒体外交在美国对华政策中的影响

    A Research on the Impact of the " Media Diplomacy " upon the America 's China Policy

  5. 新媒体外交的出现得益于新媒体技术的普及,它在本质上从属于公共外交。

    The spread of new media technology contributes to the coming of new media diplomacy which is based on traditional media diplomacy and belongs to public diplomacy in essence .

  6. 第二章是第29届奥运会与中国公共外交,主要通过公共外交的两种主要形式,即媒体外交与文化外交进行阐述,并叙述公共外交的开展对中国国家形象的影响。

    Chapter 2 centers on the 29th Olympic Games and the impact of public diplomacy on China , chiefly through two kinds of forms , media diplomacy and culture diplomacy .

  7. 本文在界定媒体外交概念、特点以及分析其兴起原因的基础上,进而探讨媒体外交的主要内容以及运作机制。

    This essay expounds upon the content and operating mechanism of media diplomacy on the basis of explanations of the concept , its characteristics , as well as the reasons for its rise .

  8. 第四章是如何应对美国强大的媒体外交攻势,该章指出发展中国家在进行媒体外交时面临的东西方信息传播不平等,以及努力争取建立国际新闻传播新秩序的问题。

    At the fourth part I discuss the media diplomacy through the Voice of America and point out that information dissemination is not equal between the East and West country when they carries on the media diplomacy .

  9. 通过一般理论和具体案例相结合的论证方法,本文试图探析媒体外交的运作机制、影响力、影响方式及如何在媒体外交时代有所作为。

    By using the combinative methods of both general theories and specific cases , the author attempts to explore the operational mechanism 、 the influence 、 the influencing methods and how to do something in the era of " Media Diplomacy " .

  10. 在中东地区主要通过媒体外交活动和教育与文化交流活动开展公众外交,并注意沟通的技巧、注重不同部门之间的合作协调以及加强对普通民众尤其是妇女的重视。

    In Middle East , the United States develops the public diplomacy mainly by means of media diplomatic activities and educational cultural exchange activities . Meanwhile , special attention was paid on communication skills , cooperation between various departments and adequate recognition of ordinary people , esp. women .

  11. 西方国家新闻媒体同外交决策的关系

    Mass Media of Western Countries and Foreign Policy Decision - making

  12. 国营媒体引述外交部一名官员的话说,这是中国第一次接受了外国的专业人士为抢险救灾和救援行动。

    State media quoted a Foreign Ministry official saying it was the first time China had accepted foreign professionals for a disaster rescue and relief operation .

  13. 发布会称会议同时也为外国的媒体和外交使节提供了英语、法语、西班牙语、俄语、日语、德语、阿拉伯语的文件。

    Documents in English , French , Spanish , Russian , Japanese , German and Arabic languages will also be available for foreign media and diplomats during the session , the press center said .

  14. 随着信息技术革命的发展和大众对政治参与程度的加深,媒体与外交之间的互动关系发生了巨大的变化,媒体日益成为现代外交的一个重要组成部分。

    With the development of the revolution in information technology and the deepening of mass participation in politics , great changes have taken place in the interactions between the media and diplomacy . Media diplomacy has increasingly become an integral part of modern diplomacy .

  15. 正确处理媒体关系与外交关系;

    Right processing medium relation and diplomacy relation ;

  16. 与此同时,一些日本和中国媒体将此次外交失败描述为日本官员误解的结果。

    Meanwhile , some Japanese and Chinese media have portrayed the diplomatic debacle as the result of a misunderstanding by Tokyo officials .

  17. 近年来互联网技术在中国飞速发展,与此同时网络媒体对中国外交决策的作用日益明显。

    In recent years development of Internet technology in China is rapidly maturing , while network media on the role of Chinese foreign policy has become increasingly evident .

  18. 但是,媒体对政府外交决策的影响力是多种元素综合作用的结果,因而这种影响力充满了不确定性与局限性。

    However , media influence on the government foreign policy is a result of the combined effects of the various elements . So the consequence is full of uncertainty and limitations .

  19. 第三章主要介绍了巴黎和会期间的舆论媒体在国民外交中所扮演的角色,其中既包括静态的电报、报章杂志等的报道,也包括各种民间团体组织的动态的活动。

    The third chapter basically introduces the Paris peace conference in national public media during the role of diplomacy , which includes both static cable , newspapers , magazines etc , also includes various reports of folk organizations dynamic activities .

  20. 媒体能够影响政府外交决策,其方式有:为政府提供国际信息;

    The media can influence the foreign policy of the government . The ways are as follows : Offering the international information for government ;