
  1. 媒介安全是运用大众传媒战胜恐怖、恐慌和恐惧的非传统安全,分为国家安全、公共安全和群体安全三个层面。

    Media security is defined as non-traditional security to fighting against terrorism , panic and fear by means of mass media , which could be divided into three dimensions including national security , public security and group security .

  2. 出版安全问题的实质是文化安全问题,进而上升为国家安全问题,其具体表现为出版体制安全、出版机制安全、出版内容安全、出版媒介安全、出版贸易安全。

    The substance of publishing security problem is the cultural security problem , gradually becoming the state security problem . It generally includes publishing system security , publishing mechanism security , publishing content security , publishing media security and publishing trade security .

  3. 但是,移动存储媒介的安全问题也已经日渐被大众所关注。

    However , the problem of the safety of mobile storage media have increasingly public concern .