
  1. 媒体救助性活动属于社会公益慈善活动的组成部分。

    Media curative activity is part of Social public welfare charitable activities .

  2. 不仅企业盈利需要品牌,媒体救助性活动也同样应该重视品牌的塑造。

    Not only the earning of the enterprise need brand , but the media curative activity also should attach importance to brand shaping .

  3. 媒体作为救助性活动的组织者,比其他社会公益团体和机构在公信力和传播方面有了更多的优势。

    As the organizer of the curative activity in the activities , media have more advantage than other social groups and institutions In terms of credibility and spread .

  4. 但是,由媒体发起组织的救助性活动的发展情况却参差不齐。

    The curative activity organized by media is in full swing , but the development of the curative activity vary greatly .