
  1. 转型期的新闻媒介与决策监督

    On News Media and Decision-making Supervision in Time of Social Transformation

  2. 随着全球经济和贸易的飞速发展,会计信息作为国际商业通用语言,已成为交易的重要媒介和决策的重要依据。

    With rapid economy and trade development around the world , the accounting message is becoming the important universal commercial language .

  3. 在接受调查的600人中间,46.7%是科学家,34.7%把自己界定为知识传播媒介,18.3%是决策者。

    Of the600 individuals who responded to the survey , 46.7 per cent were researchers , 34.7 per cent identified themselves as knowledge intermediaries , and18.3 per cent were policymakers .

  4. 由于受政府与市场双重制约,加之大量民众欠缺媒介素养和公共决策参与意识,媒体在政策制定领域发挥作用受到局限。

    Due to the double constraint of the government and the market , in addition to the lack of media literacy and consciousness of participating in public decision making among a large amount of people , the role of the media in the field of policy formulation is limited .

  5. 最后还将一个贝叶斯博弈模型应用于解释新媒介和传统媒介转换的决策,并得到唯一的贝叶斯纳什均衡。

    At last , we applied a Bayesian game theory model to explain the switch decisions between the old media and the new media , and obtained an unique Bayesian Nash Equilibrium .