
  • 网络Media Globalization
  1. 媒介全球化:是机遇还是挑战?

    Media Globalization : Opportunity or Challenge ?

  2. 因此,这两种主流理论不能对媒介全球化的历史进程以及国家在此过程中所扮演的作用提供系统的解释。

    Accordingly , they cannot provide a systematic account of the historical process of media globalization and the role of the nation-state .

  3. 媒介全球化语境中民族文化的受众视角

    Nation culture 's attention to audience in the context of media 's globalization

  4. 媒介全球化的价值宝库

    Globalization of the media

  5. 面对媒介全球化的强劲挑战,中国媒介虽然在整体上具有一定的比较优势,但劣势也十分明显,并且大多数媒介对将要遇到的挑战都准备不足。

    Being faced with the challenge of media globalization , China 's media industry is in an inferior position though it occupies some superiorities as a whole .

  6. 媒介全球化开辟了文化传播和文化交流的新时代,同时它对文化和意识形态的影响也逐渐加深。

    Intermediary globalization breaks a new era of culture spread and culture communication . At the same time , its influence on culture and ideology also gradually deepens .

  7. 笔者认为,报业集团的产生是中国报业产业化的结果,报业集团的合并就是媒介全球化竞争的重要表现。

    The author thinks that the Chinese news media corporations are the result of press industrialization , and the joint venture of newspaper groups is the important performance of media competition globalisation .

  8. 媒介文化全球化与当代意识形态的涵化

    The globalization of media culture and the cultivation of contemporary ideology

  9. 第一章对跨国传媒集团所由产生的全球化背景做了一个总体描述,并对媒介与全球化之间的关系进行了分析。

    The first one aims at generalizing the international background of transnational media groups and analyzing the relation between media and internationalization .

  10. 理论层面的讨论是围绕着现代性、经济的组织、大众传播媒介和全球化的语境下展开。

    Accordingly , theoretical discussion is put in the Chinese context in the perspective of modernity , economic organization , mass media and globalization .

  11. 当代大众媒介日益国际化和全球化。

    The contemporary mass media is becoming transnational and global .

  12. 这一过程始于19世纪,自那时起,中国媒介就融入了全球化进程,经历了一个个冲击调整适应的演化过程。

    Since the 19th century , the media in China has begun to enter into the process of globalization , going through the evolution of " shock - adjustment - adaptation " .

  13. 本文从媒介所有制结构、广告、媒介集中化、全球化进程对媒介经济的影响、市场透明度及政府干预几个方面考察了俄罗斯媒介经济的模式。

    The article makes an analysis on economic models of media in Russia from such angles as ownership system of media , advertisement , media integration , globalization 's effects on media economy , market transparency , and government interference .

  14. 近代以来,媒介传播逐渐进入大众传播阶段,目前更是已发展为媒介全球化之趋势。

    In modern times , media gradually spread to the mass communication stage , and present has been developed to the trend of media globalization .