
  • 网络Media Alliance
  1. 根据审计媒体联盟(AllianceforAuditedMedia)统计,《花花公子》的发行量已经从1975年的560万册跌到如今的80万册。

    Playboy 's circulation has dropped from 5.6 million in 1975 to about 800000 now , according to the Alliance for Audited Media .

  2. 根据审计媒体联盟(allianceforauditedmedia)的数据,去年,美国杂志单本销量同比下滑9.5%,至2670万本。

    Single copy sales fell 9.5 per cent to 26.7m in 2012 from the previous year , according to the Alliance for audited media .

  3. 根据审计媒体联盟(AllianceforAuditedMedia)的数据,尽管《经济学人》在美国的总发行量从2013年的833104份,下降到了2014年的795501份,其数字受众的规模却在不断扩大。

    While The Economist 's total circulation in the United States declined to 795501 in 2014 from 833104 in 2013 , its digital audience is growing , according to the Alliance for Audited Media .

  4. 纽约社区媒体联盟主席胡安娜·雷诺指出,少数族裔媒体致力于推动社区事务,同时是他们的受众与主流社会之间的沟通媒介。

    NYCMA director Juana Ponce de Leon explains that the ethnic press often advocates for its communities , and acts as an intermediary between the audience and mainstream society .

  5. 每年,纽约社区媒体联盟会都会表彰少数族裔和独立媒体最优秀的记者、摄影师和编辑。

    Each year , the best work by reporters , photographers and editors of New York 's ethnic and independent media is honored with awards from the New York Community Media Alliance ( NYCMA ) . Those awards are known as Ippies .

  6. 对等网络流媒体系统中,联盟管理服务器管理着对等网络流媒体网络中的联盟及联盟中的成员。

    In the streaming media system of P2P network , the alliance management server manages the union and its member in P2P streaming media network .