
  • 网络media market
  1. 直面数字化:媒介市场新趋势研究

    Facing to Digitization : New Tendency in Media Market

  2. 中国媒介市场大门洞开,媒介竞争越来越激烈。

    While Chinese media market opens , the competition between media is increasingly furious .

  3. 电视媒介市场供求经济学分析

    Economics Analysis of Supply and Demand in the TV market

  4. 受众研究也随着媒介市场的发展和变迁而进入一个崭新的研究阶段。

    Audience research has also entered a new phase as the media market develops .

  5. 当前我国媒介市场的竞争十分激烈。

    The competition of the present market of media of our country is very fierce .

  6. 体育媒介市场分析

    Analysis of Sport Medium Market

  7. 我国传媒业随着媒介市场化运作的开始,出现了新闻娱乐化倾向。

    With the market advancement of media in our country , there appears the tendency of news entertainment .

  8. 在人文思想和媒介市场化的影响之下,《对话》栏目对受众需要的重视程度被提高到一个空前的位置上。

    On the effect of humanism and media marketlize , thinks audience 's demands seriously to an unexampled high level .

  9. 随着媒介市场竞争的日益激烈,学界开始将影响力理论引入媒介研究。

    With the Increasingly fierce competition in media market , scholars began to bring the influence theories into media studies .

  10. 媒介市场竞争已经成为了品牌的竞争,而媒介商标是媒介品牌的载体。

    The media competitions are becoming the competitions of brands , and the media trademarks are the carrier of media brands .

  11. 面对日益严峻的媒介市场博弈,当下一些电视台都将发展的目光投向了自制剧这一特殊的电视剧类型。

    Facing the increasingly severe media market competition , some TV stations begin to focus their attention on their own station-produced TV series .

  12. 相应的提出了发展对策,旨在为我国体育媒介市场的发展提供一些思路。

    And proposing the development countermeasure correspondingly is for the purpose of providing some mentalities for the development of our country sports medium market .

  13. 本文多视角的对民营电视媒介市场进行审视,正是希望在这种高额利润面前多一份科学的、理性的分析。

    This paper contemplates the privately-owned TV media market from multiple angles , is to present a scientific , rational analysis before this high profit .

  14. 南京的媒介市场竞争具有标本意义,一直是业界关注和研究的对象。

    With its symbolic significance , competition within the media market in Nanjing has caught the eye of the media industry and has been the object of study .

  15. 作为媒介市场中不可缺少的一个组成部分,期刊的生存和发展在新的竞争环境中呈现出新的状态与趋势。

    As an indispensable part consisting in media market , the existence and development of periodicals in the new competitive environment has showed a new appearance and tendency .

  16. 这些民营电视制作机构通过独立经营、合作经营、委托制作、公司合营的方式参与到媒介市场中。

    These privately-owned TV programs producing organizations take part in the media market by ways of self-owned business , jointed ventures , entrusted enterprises , and corporate companies .

  17. 从世界范围内来看,随着媒介市场步入相对过剩的时代,电视的收视率普遍在下降。

    From a point of view in the scope of the world , the television program were losing ground in the ratings as media market coming into relative surplus .

  18. 据估计,2005年,中国文化产业规模将达到5500亿元,在中国开垦传媒产业,意味着高额的媒介市场回报。

    It is estimated that by year 2005 , the magnitude of Chinese culture industry will arrive at $ 550 billions , which means that a promising media market return .

  19. 近些年,品牌塑造作为一种在瞬息万变的媒介市场中得以立足和发展的有效手段,也已经在电视业界深入人心。

    In recent years , the branding to be based and effective tool for development , has also been deeply rooted in the TV industry as a fast-changing media market .

  20. 媒介市场竞争的日益激烈,使平面杂志不得不寻求各种有效手段塑造品牌,打造自己的核心竞争力。

    The increasingly fierce competition in the media market , the print magazine had to seek a variety of effective means to build brand , build their own core competitiveness .

  21. 在媒介市场日益多样化的今天,以微博为代表的新媒体,借助多媒体技术带来应接不暇和多种多样的文化。

    Today media market is becoming more and more diversified , represented by micro blog of new media , with the aid of multimedia technology brings overwhelmed and a variety of cultures .

  22. 从政府行为的客观属性来看,媒介市场化要求改变政府行为角色定位,改变政府行为空间和行为方式。

    In the viewpoint of its object attribute , the attaching of media to the market requires the change of role orientation , action room and action style of the governmental conduct .

  23. 所谓行政计划中心制,是指电视台的人力资源配置完全以行政计划或行政权力作依据,而媒介市场中心制指的是以媒介市场力量作为人力资源配置的依据。

    As the author mentioned , Executive-plan-centered Mechanism referred to such television manpower as is distributed in principle of executive plans or powers , and in basis of media market in Media-market-oriented Mechanism .

  24. 提倡更规范的媒介市场,保护电视方言节目对社会及媒体事业作出的贡献及不可忽视的影响力。

    Advocates of the regulation of the more media market , protect the TV show to the society and the media in the contribution to the cause and the influence of the cannot be ignored .

  25. 导致东、西部媒介市场发展差异的因素是多重的,有历史因素、地理区位因素、经济总量的影响、制度环境的缺失等等。

    Causes east , west the medium market development difference factor is multiple , has the historical factor , the geography area position factor , economical total quantity influence , system environment flaw and so on .

  26. 在如今新闻专业主义碎片化、媒介市场化、新媒体呈现不同传播特质、跨国传媒集团垄断话语权的语境下,西方的媒介社会责任观念遭遇前所未有的巨大挑战。

    In the situation of journalistic professionalism fragmentation , media commercialization , new media presenting different characteristics , transnational media group monopoly power becoming greater and greater , the concept of western media social responsibility is going to suffer huge challenges .

  27. 其未来的发展会给上海地区、长三角地区以及整个中国甚至亚洲地区的媒介市场带来何种影响?

    What are the advantages of Oriental TV Channel among all the competitive TV channels ? As its development , what effect will be brought to the medium market in Shanghai 、 changjiang delta 、 china and even the whole Asia ?

  28. 此外,面临激烈的媒介市场竞争,一些电视民生新闻过于凸显有关社会问题的负面报道,容易导致受众的各种社会认知偏差,为此,电视传媒的社会责任仍须不断强化。

    Moreover , some TV civic news excessively report negative sides of the society when facing media competitions , such is likely to lead to various social cognition bias . Therefore , the social responsibility of the television media still needs reinforcement .

  29. 在信息传播全球化、新闻媒介市场化的今天,中国的体育新闻报道正处在一个高速发展并竭力与世界接轨的时期。

    Nowadays in a massive background promoted by globalization of information dissemination and marketization of news media , reports on sports news in China have been in a state of rapid development and at a stage of endeavoring to keep pace with the world .

  30. 文章最后引伸到女性与女性报纸这个议题上,对女性与报纸的关系加以分析,得出女性报纸的发展是媒介市场细分化的必然产物这个结论。

    Finally , this paper extended to the subject of female and female newspaper . After analysis the relationship between female and newspaper , come to a conclusion that the development of female newspaper is a natural product of segments of the media market .