
  • 网络media management
  1. Twitter也在考虑推出增强的品牌页面和媒介管理工具,后者可让广告商在预定时间发送140个字符的简短消息。

    It is also looking at introducing enhanced profile pages for brands and media management tools , which could allow advertisers to pre-schedule 140-character posts .

  2. 从中央电视台获得第一张ISO质量管理体系标准认证证书以来,山西电视台、厦门电视台、黑龙江电视台等各个电视台都在开始尝试将质量管理体系纳入电视媒介管理之中。

    Since CCTV got the fist certification of ISO quality management systems , many TV station such as Shanxi , Xiamen , Heilongjiang TV station are trying to add quality management systems to media management .

  3. 边缘地区媒介管理及发展分析

    Analysis about the Management and Development of Media in Border District

  4. 新媒体的个人化趋势与媒介管理和控制

    The Individualized Trend of New Media and Media Management

  5. 其差异来自于两地不同的文化背景和媒介管理体制。

    The differences come from two different cultural backgrounds and media management system .

  6. 家长在媒介管理、媒介获取与媒介应用三方面都显著偏弱。

    The educational level of parents and the media literacy are in positive correlations .

  7. 持续性的环境和媒介管理,仍然是预防通过媒介传播的被忽视热带病的主要方法。

    Sustained environmental and vector management remain key approaches for the prevention of vector-borne neglected tropical diseases .

  8. 试析我国信息管制的传统及其现实挑战&兼论新闻媒介管理中应转变的几种观念

    Analysis of the Tradition and Challenge of Information Management & Discussion of Several Concepts to be Changed in News Media Management

  9. 邵培仁:浙江大学传播研究所教授、长,主要从事传播学和媒介管理学研究。

    Shao Peiren : Professor , head of communication research institute , Zhejiang University ; mainly interested in communication and media management .

  10. 而且,电视媒介管理的研究和实践存在着严重不协调,媒介产业经营的理论仍严重滞后于产业经营的行为。

    Since there was a serious lack of research on the TV media operation , the theoretical foundation still fell behind the behaviors of the media .

  11. 近年他又努力开辟媒介管理学研究的疆域,获得了学界认可,《媒介管理学》、《媒介战略管理》是这方面的代表作。

    In recent years , professor Shao has also made great effort to open the new field of media management research and received the authorization from the academy .

  12. 本文拟以几个国家的媒介管理现状的比较,来探讨媒介融合所需具备的政策条件,为我国当下的媒介管理提供一定的借鉴。

    By comparing the media administrations of several countries , this article tries to discuss the political environment for the media convergence , and provide a frame for our government .

  13. 陈兵:浙江大学传播研究所博士生,浙江省科技厅《今日科技》编辑部副主任,从事传播学和媒介管理学研究。

    Chen bing : ph.d.candidate , communication research institute , Zhejiang university ; vice director , newsroom of today 's science & technology ; mainly interested in communication and media management .

  14. 媒介管理的任务就是根据媒介传播的特点使之趋利避害,对社会文化的形成和发展产生积极的影响。

    The mission of the media management is a characteristic that turns to move the media dissemination to make it tend the benefit or avoid harm , bringing about aggressive influence on the formation and development 's of the society culture .

  15. 构建公平、公正、客观的评估体系是现代媒介管理体系创新的迫切需要,也是发展有中国特色广播电视事业的一个不可或缺的环节。

    It is the urgent need of the modern media management innovation system to create a set of fair , just and objective assessment system , and it is also the demand for developing the broadcasting and television with Chinese characteristics .

  16. 其中定性分析参考了传播学、媒介管理学、媒介营销学的有关理论资料和案例分析材料、湖南弱势纸媒部分报纸公布的部分数据资料和与弱势纸媒的主要部门领导访谈的记录。

    Which made reference to a qualitative analysis of communications ? Media management , media marketing of the theory of information and case study materials , paper-borne part of Hunan vulnerable part of the newspaper published data and vulnerable paper media interviews with the major departments of the record .

  17. 接着,逐步阐述了从政务信息发布,媒介管理和新闻报道等三方面所反映出的我国政务报道现状,并结合实例进一步分析了我国政务报道的一些特点。

    Then , step by step , reflects in three aspects of the status quo in our country for political affairs report from the government information on the releases , media management and news report . Combining the further analysis of examples of some characteristics of government affairs report .

  18. 基于关系数据库ORACLE的多媒介信息管理系统

    A Multimedia Information Management System Based on Relational DBMS & ORACLE RDBMS

  19. 这个想法来自WPP旗下媒介投资管理机构群邑(GroupM)。

    The idea had come from Group M , the media buying agency that is part of WPP .

  20. 在关系数据库系统ORACLERDBMS的基础上,研制了基于关系数据库的多媒介信息管理系统ORAMIMS。

    A multimedia information management system ( ORAMIMS ) based on ORACLE RDBMS is developed .

  21. 论媒介战略管理的环境分析

    On the Environmental Analysis of the Strategic Management of Medium

  22. 媒介经营管理学科建设中的问题与对策

    Problems & countermeasures in the subject construct of media management

  23. 控制传病媒介环境管理专家小组

    Panel of Experts on Environmental Management of Vector Control

  24. 纸质媒介经营管理策略模型分析

    Pattern analysis of managerial strategy of paper media

  25. 媒介战略管理案例分析。

    Media strategy management case analysis ii .

  26. 面向对象的方法和多媒介信息管理系统

    Object-Oriented Approach and Multimedia Information Management System

  27. 造成这一特殊现象的主要原因是媒介经营管理学科建设中的诸多矛盾和问题。

    It is mainly because of the contradictions and problems in the process of the discipline building .

  28. 林如鹏副教授,长于新闻采访和新闻评论的教学和研究,同时兼及新闻媒介经营管理研究。

    He is the deputy director of Journalism School and does well in teaching , research and administrative work .

  29. 在此理念支配下,媒介生产管理出现了从编辑中心制到集成管理的创新变化。

    In this concept domination , media production management appeared from the editors center system to integrated management innovation changes .

  30. 品牌起初作为一个经济管理学方面的概念出现,现在越来越多地被运用到媒介的管理上来。

    Brand , initially invented as a concept of economics and management , is now more often applied to the media management .