
  • 网络vector control;media control
  1. 媒介控制可通过环境治理和化学方法来实现。

    Vector control is implemented using environmental management and chemical methods .

  2. 其它控制活动包括帮助开展媒介控制和健康促进。

    Other control activities include assistance with vector control and health promotion .

  3. 结果揭示使用了40多年的DDT室内滞留喷洒为主的疟疾媒介控制措施不能完全有效地阻断疟疾传播。

    These results proved that present malaria control mainly by DDT residual spraying can not completely prevent malaria transmission .

  4. 即使在今天,媒介控制也是无处不在。

    Even today , media controls are ubiquitous .

  5. 柬埔寨的国家登革热传病媒介控制项目似乎没有对登革热的发病率产生影响。

    The national vector control programme appeared to have little impact on disease incidence .

  6. 类似该课题研究在国外主要是媒介控制研究。

    In overseas , Similar to the research is mainly in control of media .

  7. 媒介控制喷洒、人和动物监测以及社会动员活动仍在继续进行。

    Vector control spraying , human and animal surveillance and social mobilization activities are continuing .

  8. 同样,马尔代夫已就其登革热媒介控制的社会动员活动获得支持。

    Similarly , Maldives has received support for their social mobilization activities on dengue vector control .

  9. 大众传播媒介控制新闻。

    The media controls the news .

  10. 已在全州内开展了媒介控制活动,特别是在里约市区。

    Vector control activities were implemented throughout the State and especially in the Municipality of Rio .

  11. 如同老传统的传病媒介控制一样:这种情况就是要以虫治虫。

    Along with good old vector control : in this case , fighting bugs with bugs .

  12. 原有对媒介控制和使用权利的分配模式也产生了显著变化。

    As the result the customary distributive model of media control and use has also changed greatly .

  13. 世卫组织还为媒介控制活动提供了技术支持和物资(喷雾器和杀虫剂)。

    WHO has also provided technical support and materials ( sprayers and insecticide ) for vector control activities .

  14. 4种不同液体蚊香在野外对流行性乙型脑炎媒介控制效果研究

    Research on the efficacy of four kinds of electric liquid repellents for the Japanese encephalitis vectors in the field

  15. 目前正在受影响地区努力加强疫情监测、病例管理、卫生教育和媒介控制。

    Efforts are ongoing to intensify surveillance , case management , health education and vector control in the affected areas .

  16. 控制裂谷热传播的其他办法包括媒介控制和防护蚊虫叮咬。

    Other ways in which to control the spread of RVF involve control of the vector and protection against their bites .

  17. 在世卫组织、日本国家传染病研究所和美国国际开发署的支持下,卫生部正在开展媒介控制活动。

    The Ministry of Health , with support from WHO , NIID , and USAID are carrying out vector control activities .

  18. 媒介控制系统、媒介整体倾向和媒介传播艺术是这三个媒介评论中的基本问题。

    This paper explores three basic topics in media criticism : media control system , overall media orientation and media communicative art .

  19. 适当地使用蚊帐是有效的媒介控制措施,减少人类于晚间被蚊子叮的机会,从而达致预防感染。

    Proper use of the nets is an effective vector control measure which protects people from the bite of infected mosquitoes at night .

  20. 媒介控制者根据自己的宗教信仰来制定信息的议程和框架以达到预定目的;

    The controllers of the media work out the information agenda and outline to achieve the desirable goals by following their own religious beliefs ;

  21. 在疾病流行期间,紧急媒介控制措施还包括广泛使用杀虫剂,使用手提或车载喷药机器,甚至飞机,大范围喷洒。

    During outbreaks , emergency vector control measures can also include broad application of insecticides as space sprays using portable or truck-mounted machines or even aircraft .

  22. 围绕散发病例开展的调查活动可能会发现少批未接受过免疫接种的人员,这类调查会对本地针对高危人员开展的计划免疫和媒介控制策略提供指导。

    Investigation around sporadic cases may identify pockets of unimmunized individuals and guide immunization and vector control strategies at the local level for those at risk .

  23. 因此,访问团建议加强监测系统,以查明新增黄热病病例,并实施媒介控制措施。

    As a result , the mission recommends that the surveillance system to detect new yellow fever cases is strengthened and that vector control measures are implemented .

  24. 如果蚊子滋生地点可以明确确定并且范围和程度有限,就地采取杀幼虫措施就是十分有效的媒介控制形式。

    Larviciding measures at mosquito breeding sites are the most effective form of vector control if breeding sites can be clearly identified and are limited in size and extent .

  25. 作为一个额外收获,与该组疾病进行抗争,振兴了媒介控制领域的工作,使人们更加重视兽医公共卫生的作用。

    As an added bonus , the drive to combat this group of diseases is revitalizing the field of vector control and bringing greater attention to the role of veterinary public health .

  26. 本论文共分四部分,以传播学的媒介控制理论以及国际关系学建构主义理论为理论基础,以2003-2005年香港政制发展问题为研究平台,分析美国媒体对此事件负面报道的理论根源和规律。

    This thesis falls into four parts . It is theoretically based on the media control theory in Communication and the constructivism theory in International Relations . The relationship is analyzed between early world-wide communication and international relations and politics .

  27. 并总结出一套适合当前海南实际的媒介控制经验。1992~1994年在50个重点乡镇推广,亦收到良好效果。

    So a series of experiences which are fit for the actual situation of Hainan Island were , summarized , and they were proved to be effective hy means of spreading the experiences in 50 important townships of dengue epidemic for several years ( 1992-1994 ) .

  28. 以Internet为媒介进行控制信息的传送,是远程控制发展的重要趋势,而Internet传输时延的不确定性,使得这样的远程控制信息闭环控制系统难以实现。

    Transmission of control information via Internet is an important trend in remote control , whereas the uncertainty characteristic of the network time-delay brings great difficulties in thus closed-loop remote control system .

  29. 〔目的〕摸清T3航站楼施工工地的鼠密度本底情况,收集媒介生物控制基础资料,指导今后的灭鼠工作。

    Objective To probe the rodent composition and density at the construction site of Terminal 3 of Capital Airport and collect the fundamental data of medical vectors control for the rodent prevention and control at Capital Airport .

  30. 针对近年来无线传感器网络所设计的MAC协议从不同角度对S-MAC进行了改进,但均没有考虑周期性数据传输的特性这一问题,提出了基于时钟的媒介访问控制算法TB-MAC。

    The most recent MAC protocols for sensor networks improved S-MAC from different points of view other than periodic data transmission situation . A time-based medium access control algorithm TB-MAC was presented specifically for periodic transmission applications .