
  • 网络Media literacy
  1. 加拿大媒体素养教育内容及课堂教学活动分析

    Class Content and Teaching Activities of Media Literacy Education in Canada

  2. 媒体素养被认为是一种21世纪的素养。

    Media Literacy is regard as literacy for 21st century .

  3. 基于网络学习平台的媒体素养提高策略

    The Strategies to Improve Media Literacy Based on E-learning Platform

  4. 中小学教师《媒体素养教育》培训课程设置研究

    On the Training Curriculum of Media Literacy Education for Primary and Secondary School Teachers

  5. 学生媒体素养教育研究

    Research on Students ' Media Literacy Education

  6. 阻碍俄罗斯中等学校开展媒体素养教育的因素分析

    An Analysis of the Factors of Impeding the Development of Media Education in Russian Secondary School

  7. 浙江省高校本科大学生新媒体素养实证调查研究报告

    The Empirical Research Report of the New Media Literacy of Undergraduate Students of Zhejiang Province 's University

  8. 另外需要加强新传媒道德与社会公德的培育,以及开展新媒体素养教育。

    Meanwhile , we should strengthen the new media morality , and carry out new media literacy education .

  9. 如果你和许多人一样,对演讲有恐惧感,那么我建议你接受媒体素养训练。

    If you suffer a phobia about public speaking – as many do – then I recommend you organise media training .

  10. 该文分别从宏观与微观两个层面分析加拿大媒体素养教育的内容设置及课堂教学活动安排,以期对中国的媒体素养教育产生一些启示。

    This thesis analyzes class content and teaching activities of media literacy education in Canada , to inspire media literacy education in China .

  11. 俄罗斯开展媒体素养教育已有80多年的历史,但在正规教育层面进展一直非常缓慢。

    Media education in Russia has been carried out for more than 80 years , but it advances slowly in the area of formal education .

  12. 本文以台湾高校为研究对象,以其媒体素养通识教育的课程设计为研究内容。

    This paper takes universities of Taiwan as the research object , with its general curriculum design of media literacy education for the study content .

  13. “拿来主义”的西式媒体素养教育理论在台湾政治、经济与文化的环境中“水土不服”。其二、实践中的困境。

    However , because the media literacy education was based on the theories which derived from western countries , it has turned out to be something unsuitable in Tai-wan .

  14. 初中学生媒体素养现状与培养对策研究在信息时代,青少年的媒介素质教育是一个不可或缺的方面。

    Study on Media Literacy Status and Cultivation Countermeasures of Junior School Student Media literacy is a necessary aspect for the quality education of youngsters in the information era .

  15. 在实践层面则表现为:阅听人媒体素养意识的缺失;教育政策虽令不从的尴尬,商业性媒体的缺席与回避。

    The theoretical limitations are stated as follows : lack of media literacy consciousness , embarrassment of disobedience to the educational policy , absence and avoidance of commercial media .

  16. 本文讨论了媒体素养的意义,介绍了国内外媒体素养教育概况,对高校图书馆可以实行的策略提出具体的建议。

    This paper explains the definition of media literacy , describes the present situation of media literacy education abroad , and puts forward some suggestions on how to implement it .

  17. 本研究旨在通过相关的理论分析和实证研究的方法,力求在目前我国暂时处于空白状态的中学媒体素养教育的研究方面做出些许的基础性和开创性贡献。

    The purpose of this thesis is to do contribute creatively and fundamentally to china 's related research by theory analysis and empirical study , which has been in blank condition for a long time .

  18. 公民教育的内容也很丰富,包括公民权责教育、道德教育、媒体素养教育、个人社会与健康教育和世界公民教育。

    The contents of civic education are also very rich , including the powers and responsibilities of citizenship education , moral education , media literacy education , personal social and health education and civic education in the world .

  19. 近年来,大众传播学和教育技术学等领域的一些学者又开始关注媒体素养教育,但研究的深度和广度都迫切需要深化。

    In recent years , some scholars in the fields of public communication and educational technology begin to pay attention to the education on media literacy , but the depth and the width of the research urgently need expansion .

  20. 作为微博时代的公众,则必须提高新媒体素养,培养思辨能力和公民精神,以进一步促进微博的良性发展,促进社会的进步。

    Being the public in Micro-Blogging age , the public of must raise new media literacy , develop critical thinking skills and civic spirit , to further promote the healthy development of the Micro-Blogging , and promote social progress .

  21. 作为起步阶段的新媒体素养研究,积累实证案例分析资料和第一手原始数据极为重要,这是学理研究的基础,而这也正是本论文的价值成果所在。

    As a first step of the new media literacy studies , accumulation of empirical cases and first-hand data are extremely important , which are the theoretical basis of the study . And that is where the precise value of this paper lies .

  22. 本文从对素养和媒体素养等核心概念的考察入手,从历史维度着力分析台湾媒体素养教育发展的背景,从宏观的视野对其进行政治经济学的考察。

    Beginning with the survey on core concepts such as literacy and media literacy , this paper focuses on the analysis of the background of Taiwan media literacy education from the perspective of history and examines the problems in terms of political economy within the macroscopic views .

  23. 推广媒体资讯素养:香港科技汇流时代的扫盲任务

    Promoting " Infomedia Literacy ": A New Task for Hong Kong in the World of Technology Convergence

  24. 本研究从探究新媒体和媒介素养的内涵入手,并在两个概念的基础上衍生出了一个新的概念:新媒体素养。

    This paper start with study on new media and media literacy , from which a new concept , new media literacy , is derived .

  25. 因此,有必要通过完善相关的配套制度、提高网络媒体的媒介素养、加强网民的信息素养和自律能力来实现网络问责的制度化和规范化。

    Therefore , it is necessary through the improvement of relevant supporting systems , by increasing media literacy , through the strengthening of users of information literacy and self-discipline to achieve the institutionalization of accountability and standardization of the network .

  26. 本文根据既有的新媒体研究、媒介素养理论以及营销学的相关理论的研究现状,针对当前最热门的网络消费中存在的问题进行全局性的简要现象描述。

    In this paper , based on the existing new media research , media literacy theory and the theory of marketing research , in view of the current network of the most popular consumer issues that exist in a brief overall description of the phenomenon .

  27. 远程教育质量的提高需要一支高永平的技术人员队伍来保障,这就对媒体技术支持人员的媒体素养提出了更高的要求。

    It is obviously necessary to improve the level of media literacy of technicians .

  28. 因此,与传媒的合作成为草根慈善组织谋求发展的一个最为现实的选择。但由于媒体自身的局限性,以及媒体工作者专业素养等原因,并不是任何报道都会取得积极作用。

    Collaboration with the Mass Media is a more realistic option for them , however , due to the limitations of the Media itself , and the level of media professionals , not every media report would get positive feedback .

  29. 本研究以浙江师范大学大学最近开发的现代教育技术网络课程为例,深入探讨教学内容与媒体呈现之间的关系,并检验现代大学生的媒体素养。

    This study investigated the relationship of instructional contents and media delivery , as well as examined college student 's media literacy , based on a web-based course designed by the Normal University of Zhejiang recently .

  30. 本文在课程发展理论和媒体文化理论的跨学科研究中,提出了一个解读媒体素养教育课程发展取向的理论分析框架。

    Through the cross-subject research , the paper puts forward a theoretical outline on the analysis of curricular developmental orientation of media literacy , which is based on the theories of curriculum development and cultural theory of media .