
  • 网络Technology media;Media Technology
  1. 科技媒体theverge指出,这是沃兰达自2007年推出以来的首次大改。

    The Verge notes that this is the first major redesign of the Volt since it debuted in 2007 .

  2. 科技媒体很快指出,此事令数字货币比特币2015年开局不利,财经新闻网站QUARTZ曾称比特币为2014年最糟糕的投资。

    As the tech press were quick to point out , it was a worrisome start to the year for a digital currency that Quartz had already declared the worst investment of 2014 .

  3. 同时,科技媒体TechCrunch的乔什•康斯丁在表达对LindedIn的不满时更为直接。

    Over at techcrunch , meanwhile , Josh constine was much more earnest with his umbrage .

  4. 对于一些聪明的公司来说,CES还为它们提供了一个机会,来推出主打产品,引起消费科技媒体的关注。

    It also was an opportunity for a few clever companies to launch major products and to grab the attention of the personal-technology press .

  5. 此外,尽管用户对TouchPad的总体评价可谓好坏参半,但科技媒体领域的许多评测都对其搭载的操作系统WebOS赞不绝口。

    And while reviews of the touchpad are a mixed bag , many in the tech media have showered praises on WebOS , the operating system that powers it .

  6. 正如美国科技媒体Mashable特约撰稿人阿德里奥·斯川吉所言,金色,黑色和银色在亚洲被视为奢华的代表。

    As Mashable 's Adario Strange explained in detail , gold , black and silver are colors associated with luxury in Asia .

  7. 新闻博客网站Mashable对它的形容是“优雅”;科技媒体TechCrunch也表示:“在运行谷歌软件系统的可穿戴设备中,它很可能是有史以来最好看的产品之一。”

    Mashable called it elegant and TechCrunch said " it 's easily one of the best looking devices ever to sport Google 's wearable software platform . "

  8. TheVerge(美国的一家科技媒体公司)表示GalaxyA8并不是如今市面上最薄的手机,像是中国的VivoX5Max和OppoR5分别厚4.75和4.85毫米。

    The Verge noted that the Galaxy A8 is not the thinnest phone on the market today -- phones like the Vivo X5 Max in China and the Oppo R5 are 4.75 and 4.85 mm thick respectively .

  9. 科技媒体对此的争论更加激烈,主要围绕着Facebook是否能保持其高速增长速度,是否能从其现有用户身上获得更多收入,以及该公司如何才能在不疏远用户的前提下从移动网络上赚钱。

    In the Technology Press , the debate has been even more spirited , centered primarily around whether Facebook can maintain its torrid growth rate , whether it can draw more revenue out of its existing members and how it can make money from the mobile web without alienating users .

  10. “iWatch”就是这样一款产品&根据科技媒体的“传言”,苹果对这款智能手表的研究已经有一年有余。

    Enter the " Iwatch " & the apple Smartwatch that the company has supposedly been working on for over a year or so , that is , of course , if you believe the tech press .

  11. 消息传出之后,各大科技媒体立即开始紧张地分析两家公司分手的原因。

    The digerati have been busy dissecting the unexpected breakup .

  12. 科技媒体最喜欢有故事可写。

    The technology press loves a good narrative .

  13. 奥利弗继续解释道,除此之外,科技媒体还会发布进一步断章取义的报道,并对这些科研成果的内容信息进行误读。

    From there , he explained , scientific press releases further dumb-down and misrepresent thestudies " informational content .

  14. 中国在世界事务,经济,整治,科技媒体和艺术领域里都承担着更多的责任。

    China is assuming more responsibilities in world affairs , economy , politics , security , science and technology , and media and arts .

  15. 今年在欧美的科技媒体上获得了几篇热情洋溢的好评之后,一加手机在距离中国千山万水之外的科技迷中引起了轰动。

    After winning a few glowing reviews this year in the American and European tech press , the One became a sensation among techies far beyond China .

  16. 导向1:Uber是一家喜欢把规则当游戏的公司,这桩悲剧只是又一个例子(大多数美国的科技媒体)。

    Meme \# 1 - Uber is a company that likes to play loose with the rules and this is yet another example ( mostly tech press in the U.S. )

  17. 而科技媒体被创业者的痛楚所震动,对他的报道就好像对一位“意外吐真言”的政客。

    And the tech press , jarred by an entrepreneur teething on the hands that chose not to feed it , covered him like it would a politician making a Kinsley gaffe .

  18. 读者吉姆•尼尔表示,这位首席执行官或许已经认定,在产品发布前吊一吊科技媒体的胃口是项不错的营销策略&即便这给了竞争对手一个瞄准的靶子。

    Reader Jim Neal suggests that the new CEO may have decided that allowing the tech press to build up expectations in advance of a product announcement is a good marketing strategy & even if it gives competitors a target to aim for .

  19. GLG的格里夫斯表示,这是由于硅谷在科技、媒体及电信领域占据着极强的主导地位。

    GLG 's Mr Grieves says this is because Silicon Valley is so dominant in the technology , media and telecoms field .

  20. 他表示,与上世纪90年代末和2000年的科技、媒体和电信板块(tmt)繁荣以及随后的衰退相比,有5条理由认为,目前中国“泡沫”股市的影响不会很大。

    He says there are five reasons why the current Chinese bubble market is not as significant as the technology , media and Telecommunications boom , and subsequent bust , of the late 1990s and 2000 .

  21. 据科技博客媒体ArsTechnica报道,洛格发现,大约10%的解锁图形会构成一个字母,比如N或C。多数时候,这些字母都与用户自己或亲近的人的名字对应。

    She found that around 10 per cent of patterns create a letter , such as an N or C , which more often than not corresponded to a user 's own name , or that of a loved one , Ars Technica reported .

  22. 金融业将追随科技和媒体业已经开辟的道路。

    Finance will be following a path already trodden by technology and media .

  23. 据悉,“布莱恩特·斯蒂贝尔”基金将会给科技、媒体和数据公司投资。

    The " Bryant Stibel " fund will invest in tech , media and data companies .

  24. 像科技和媒体业一样,关键是参与者能成功将内容与平台结合起来。

    Like these predecessors , the key will be the success that participants have in combining content with platforms .

  25. 作为现代科技及其媒体信息处理技术的产物,儿童动漫正在成为影响现代童年生活的一种重要文化现象。

    As a cultural product of Modern science and media information technology , children animation is becoming a cultural phenomenon affecting the lives of children .

  26. 这些美国超级富豪从许多不同的活动中(包括科技、媒体、零售和旅游胜地)赚取(或者继承)了他们的财富。

    These American super-rich made ( or inherited ) their money from many different activities ( including technology , media , retail and resorts ) .

  27. 一些分析人士认为,医疗、科技、媒体、电信和清洁能源类股是2014年有可能实现进一步上涨的领域。

    Some analysts see health-care , technology , media , telecom and clean energy shares as some of the sectors that will rise further in 2014 .

  28. 陈纳德确信,与软件、科技和媒体公司结盟,对美国运通那著名的“绿色”信用卡的未来至关重要。

    Mr Chenault is convinced that teaming up with software , tech and media companies is crucial to the future of that famous green credit card .

  29. 文化创新对于创新活动关系紧密的主要因素有科技、媒体、市场、制度等方面的创新。

    The main elements , which cause the close relationship between cultural innovation and innovative activities , are science , technology , media , market and institution .

  30. 这种情况不会出现在2018年,尽管从科技到媒体行业的性骚扰丑闻所暴露的失衡和权力滥用问题,可能会加速这种变革。

    This will not happen in 2018 , though the imbalances and abuses of power evident in sexual harassment scandals , from tech to media , could accelerate change .