
  • 网络media convergence;Media Fusion
  1. 媒介融合背景下广告素养教育的兴起

    On the Rising of Advertising Literacy Education under the Media Convergence

  2. 媒介融合下的数字电视发展策略研究

    Study on Strategy of Digital TV Development under the Media Convergence

  3. 媒介融合背景下媒介组织战略弹性的构建

    The Strategic Flexibility Construction of Media Organization under Media Convergence Circumstance

  4. 媒介融合就是在这种背景下,应运而生的思潮。

    The idea of media convergence is thus developed for this need .

  5. 角度·视野·轨迹&试析有关媒介融合的研究

    Angle , Prospective , Path : on the Researches of Media Convergence

  6. 对媒介融合时代媒体运营策略的几点思考

    On the Strategies of Media Operation in the Era of Media Convergence

  7. 媒介融合成为当前媒介发展的大趋势和必然之选。

    The media convergence becomes the current trend and the inevitable choice .

  8. 数字时代,媒介融合成为了传媒发展的重要趋势。

    On figure times , media convergence has become the important trend .

  9. 媒介融合现象已出现在我们的身边。

    The phenomenon of media convergence has emerged in our daily life .

  10. 新闻采编与制作专业的发展背景是媒介融合;

    The developing background of news editing and production is media integration ;

  11. 媒介融合已经成为了大众传播业的发展趋势。

    Media convergence has become a mass communication industry trends .

  12. 论媒介融合格局下的文化生产力发展

    The Development Of Cultural Productivity In Media Integration Age

  13. 媒介融合规制研究的反思:中国面向与核心议题

    Reflections of Research on Media Convergence Regulation : China-oriented Principle and Core Issue

  14. 主要研究成果归纳如下:1.报业易将媒介融合的概念狭义化。

    Narrow the concept of medium convergence . 2 .

  15. 媒介融合在近年来已经成为新闻业界研究的热门词汇。

    Recently media convergence has been the hot point in the media industry .

  16. 规制变革:媒介融合发展的必要前提&对世界多国媒介管理现状的比较与思考

    Regulating Reform : the Precondition of Media Convergence

  17. 媒介融合俨然成为媒介变革过程中显而易见的趋势。

    The media convergence is becoming the obvious trend in the media revolutionary process .

  18. 从新一代电子报刊看媒介融合走向

    Trend of Media Convergence : From an Aspect of Digital News Papers and Digital Magazines

  19. 融合新闻是从应用新闻学视角对媒介融合发展进行的一种探索与研究。

    Convergent journalism is a new development of media mergence in light of applied journalism .

  20. 暴发期表现出了媒介融合、反应迅速和立体报道的特征;

    In the outbreak , the media integrated , responded quickly , and covered full aspects ;

  21. 随着媒介融合的趋进,我国传媒业对人才的要求面临着重大转型。

    On the trends of media integration , the media industry has undergo a great transformation .

  22. 由此可见,流媒体的发展同媒介融合是一个相互作用的过程,在媒介融合的过程中,新的信息传播技术发挥着重要作用。

    This shows that the development of streaming and media convergence is a process of interaction .

  23. 规制变革:媒介融合研究的新定向&基于文献回顾与探讨

    Regulatory Innovation : The New Orientation of Media Convergence & Based on the Review of the Documents

  24. 媒介融合在这种背景下,开始成为传媒业界和学术界讨论的热点话题。

    Media mergence in this context , start to become the media industry and academia debated topic .

  25. 适宜的土壤加上媒介融合理论的指导,网络电视应运而生。

    Suitable foundation and the guiding theory of the media integration made the network television came into being .

  26. 媒介融合需要技术,社会需求和产业政策这三个条件才能支持它的发展。

    Media convergence requires three conditions to support its development , which are technology , demand and policy .

  27. 电视台网站,已经不是新鲜事物,它是网络与电视两大媒介融合的产物。

    Television website has not fresh things , it is the fusion of the two media-network and television .

  28. 媒介融合前景下的新闻传播变革&试论融合新闻及其挑战

    Transformation of Journalism and Communication in the Prospect of Media Convergence : On Convergence Journalism and Its Challenge

  29. 而媒介融合正是数字传播技术发展带来的媒介形态变革。

    Media convergence , accordingly , marks a new change in media form brought about by emerging digital technologies .

  30. 第二部分概述我国图书出版的媒介融合,对重要概念及图书出版媒介融合形式做界定。

    The second part has summarized media convergence of book publishing in China and the definition of important concepts .