
  • 网络media freedom;free press
  1. 年度透明度报道还指控斯里兰卡未改善人权和媒体自由状况。

    The annual Transparency report also for not improving human rights and media freedom .

  2. 李光耀政府对于政敌的强硬举措,以及对媒体自由的限制都让他备受指责。

    His administration often face criticism over its harsh treatment of political opponents and restrictions to media freedom .

  3. 该组织称,对民意报(RaiAlShaab)职员的逮捕,对报社的关闭是苏丹政府长达两年来反对媒体自由的活动的一部分。

    The group says the arrests and the closure of the newspaper are part of a nearly two-year campaign against media freedoms by the Sudanese government .

  4. “许多人都在寻找遇难者的面孔,尽管政府宣称没有对群众射击,”伊朗媒体自由保护协会(societytodefendpressfreedom)的发言人mashallahshamsolvaezin表示。

    " Many were looking for the face of a victim when the government was claiming that it was not hitting anyone , " said mashallah shamsolvaezin , spokesman for the society to defend press freedom in Iran .

  5. 媒体自由也是一个争论的焦点。

    Media freedoms have also been a bone of contention .

  6. 媒体自由在伊拉克也同样遭受打击。

    Press freedom is also under attack in Iraq .

  7. 受这些影响的不只是一般的媒体自由捍卫者。

    These go well beyond the usual media-freedom campaigners .

  8. 以色列外国记者称,该警告引发了关于媒体自由的严肃问题。

    Foreign journalists in Israel said the warning raised serious questions about press freedom .

  9. 南非媒体自由面临威胁。

    South African press freedom faces threats .

  10. 如果这样的准则被通过,它几乎不可避免地要破坏媒体自由。

    Were such a code to be enacted , it would almost inevitably erode media freedoms .

  11. 而且在无价的媒体自由与其不道德的诽谤之间划出一条确定的界限不大可能。

    and no other definite line can be drawn between the inestimable liberty of the press and its demoralizing licentiousness .

  12. 我们呼吁各方坚持国际标准,保证媒体自由和新闻记者的安全。

    We call on all sides to uphold international norms that guarantee freedom of the press and the safety of journalists .

  13. 尽管突尼斯临时政府承诺媒体自由,然而,这些承诺还没有变成法律。

    Even though Tunisia 's caretaker government has vowed free expression , those promises have yet to be translated into law .

  14. 保障食品安全还包括强有力的消费者安全法,独立司法体系,媒体自由报道以及民权组织。

    Food is also kept safe by strong consumer safety laws , and independent legal system , free media , and civil society organizations .

  15. 传媒界人士称杀害该记者是对媒体自由的挑战,要求政府提供更多的安全保障和严格的法律来惩罚那些威胁记者的人们。

    Journalists call the killing a challenge to media freedom and are demanding more security and a tough law to punish those who threaten reporters .

  16. 他限制媒体自由,还允许贫富差距,这导致新加坡的贫富差距在所有发达国家中最大。

    He restricted the press and allowed the gap between the rich and the poor to become one of the widest in the developed world .

  17. 与此同时,在价值观念和具体职业操作中,要严防媒体自由度的过界,维护司法的独立性,提高司法的公信力。

    Meanwhile , in order to maintain the credibility of the judicial we should prevent excessive freedom of media in value and in specific professional operation .

  18. 代表私人和个人的权利以及媒体自由,以其全部的能量来保留其它相关有益条款;

    to preserve in their full energy the other salutary provisions in behalf of private and personal rights , and of the freedom of the press ;

  19. 今晚各位所代表的就是这样的传统精神。媒体自由让我们不怕质疑,敢于调查,直言批判。

    And one of those traditions is represented here tonight : a free press that isn 't afraid to ask questions , to examine and to criticize .

  20. 拜登参议员说,对巴基斯坦的领导人来说,现在是他们着眼于未来、恢复宪法秩序、保证媒体自由和司法独立的时候了。

    Senator Biden says it is time for Pakistani leaders to focus on the future , restore constitutional order , insure a free media and an independent judiciary .

  21. 在全球面临多种急需应对的挑战的时代,通过媒体自由地交流信息和思想可以将人民和国家联系起来,形成网络,追求共同的事业。

    And in an era of pressing global challenges , the free exchange of information and ideas through the media can connect people and countries in networks of common cause .

  22. 程序合法性关注的是法治如何实施,决策过程的透明如何确保,媒体自由如何保护,以及政策制定过程中民众参与度如何保证。

    It concerns the way the rule of law is applied , transparency in decision making is implemented , media freedoms are protected and wider participation in policy making is ensured .

  23. 报告称,香港在很多方面已经和新加坡拉开了差距,包括监管透明度和媒体自由度。这两个城市正在激烈争夺金融中心的地位。

    The report said Hong Kong had pulled away from Singapore , a fierce rival as a financial centre , on a range of issues , including regulatory transparency and media freedom .

  24. 欧盟的几个新成员国在司法独立、媒体自由和法治方面的问题仍没有解决,甚至可能正在恶化。

    In a number of the new EU member states problems to do with judicial independence , media freedom and the rule of law remain unaddressed and may even be getting worse .

  25. 但目前,俄罗斯和中国的中产阶级更感兴趣的似乎是平板电视和外国轿车,而不是媒体自由或是新的政治活动。

    But , at the moment , the Russian and Chinese middle classes seem much more interested in flat-screen television sets and foreign cars than in a free press or new political movements .

  26. 罗格表示,让外国媒体自由报道北京奥运会,意味着中国向国际奥委会做出了重大让步,他预期这一举措将延长到2008年以后。他相信,这将成为中国社会发展的一个关键因素。

    Mr Rogge said China had given significant ground to the IOC by opening access to foreign media for the Olympics , which he expected to be extended beyond 2008 and believed would be a key factor in the social evolution of the country .

  27. 这也是为什么信息和思想在互联网上、并通过媒体自由流动是如此重要。因为那是我们发现真理的途径,那使我们得以了解我们的社群、我们的国家和我们的世界到底在发生着什么。

    And thats why its so important for information and ideas to flow freely over the Internet and through the media , because thats how we discover the truth . Thats how we learn whats really happening in our communities and our country and our world .

  28. 媒体之自由与多元性应受到尊重。

    The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected .

  29. 我绝对支持媒体的自由。

    I 'm all for freedom of the press .

  30. 他表示中东地区动荡带来了一些新媒体的自由。

    He says the turmoil across the Middle East has brought some new media freedoms .