
  1. 在媒介产业化进程中政府行为具有双重属性。

    The governmental conduct has double attributes to the media industrialization .

  2. 中国媒介产业化背景下广告效果评估的初步研究

    The Elementary Study of Advertisement Effect Evaluation under the Background of Media Industrialization in China

  3. 与此同时,政府行为又成为媒介产业化改造的对象,在管制和放松管制间不断调整,形成了媒介产业和政府行为的博弈关系;

    The government conduct is changing between control and deregulation . The relationship between the government and media industry is playing games .

  4. 媒介产业化发展要求减少地方保护负面影响,重要途径之一是加强媒介区域联合,为媒介产业统一市场的形成做准备。

    To strengthen the zone-allies of media and make more preparations for the unification of media industry markets are the important ways to decrease these adverse effects .

  5. 随着市场经济的发展,媒介产业化日益提上日程。而广告费用是报业经济来源的主体,报纸广告与其网站广告整合策略的开展将带动媒体广告经济的运作,进而实现媒介产业运作的需要。

    With the development of the market economy , the industrialization of the media become more and more important , and the income of the ads is the main pocketbook , so it is very necessary and important to discuss the integration strategy on newspaper and its web advertisement .

  6. 因此,媒介的产业化问题已成为我国传媒业改革的焦点。

    Therefore , the media industrialization has become the focus of our country media industry reform .

  7. 媒介的产业化运营,也为资本市场注入了新的生机和活力。

    Operation of the media industry , but also for the capital market into a new vigor and vitality .

  8. 随着媒介传播竞争的加剧和媒介产业化的发展,电视节目的传播效果倍受关注。

    The effects of TV broadcasting have aroused much attention thanks to the accelerated competitions in communications and the industrialization of mass media .

  9. 在保持自身优势的基础上,进行媒介资源的重组,与传统媒体的交互合作不仅是媒介资源产业化整合营销的要求,也是现代市场生存的需要和中国加入WTO的必然结果。

    On the basis of keeping it 's own advantages , reforming media resource , cooperating mutually with traditional media is not only the requirement of " combining marketing " about media industrialization , but the inevitable outcome of modern market and WTO .