
  • 网络Media Organization
  1. 利益博弈与身份呈现&媒介组织作为经济组织的可能性与约束条件

    Interests Game and Identity of the Media Organization

  2. 媒介组织文化:构筑都市报核心竞争力的关键

    Media Organization Culture : The Key of Constructing the Core Competition of Metropolis Daily

  3. 一项新的研究肯定了“媒介组织”(intermediaryorganisations)在联结科学界与决策者们更紧密工作方面发挥了非常有价值的作用。

    A new study confirms the valuable role of'intermediary organisations'in bringing scientific and policy-making communities closer together .

  4. 而且,我国媒介组织自身还缺乏强有力的核心竞争力。

    Further more , our media organizations still lack strong core competency .

  5. 论坛是媒介组织,而虚拟社区则是社会群体的聚合形态。

    Forum is medium organization whereas virtual network community is aggregation morphology .

  6. 显而易见,《申报》的新闻报道策略是特定历史时期媒体的外在决策行为,其新闻传播活动受到了政治、市场、媒介组织等因素的影响。

    Its activities were affected by politics , market , media organizations and other factors .

  7. 北京&禁止中国媒介组织和出版社在出版物中随机混合外来语。

    BEIJING-Chinese media organizations and publishers are banned from randomly mixing foreign languages with Chinese in publications .

  8. 通过本文的研究,期望能对我国媒介组织核心竞争力的培育起到一定的借鉴作用。

    Through the study , it expects to have lessons for the cultivation of the core competency .

  9. 紧接着分析了我国媒介组织人力资源管理的发展现状,以及存在的不足和原因。

    Then , it analyzes the status quo , the deficiencies and the causes of media organizations in China .

  10. 当下媒体竞争的白热化趋势加剧,媒介组织文化将逐渐成为竞争的核心竞争力。

    The current media competition turns white-hot trend aggravate , media organization culture will become the core competitiveness of the competition .

  11. 但这并不是强调媒介组织文化就是核心竞争力形成的唯一原因。

    But that is not to say that organization culture is the only reason of the formation of the core media competition .

  12. 从这个角度观照我国近年来的新闻改革,我们认为除了实现媒介组织结构的市场化再造以求做大做强之外,还应考虑如何构建一个合理的媒介生态系统以促进社会的协调、健康发展。

    Therefore , in conducting journalist reform , it is necessary to construct a sound media ecosystem in order to promote the harmonious development of society .

  13. 新闻传播政策,是政府就新闻信息传播问题对传媒及媒介组织实施管理所采取的政治行为。

    The communication policy is the political behavior implemented by the government on the news information communication in order to administrate the media and the medium organization .

  14. 我国媒介组织要想生存发展不仅要应对来自国内同行的竞争,更要应对来自外国竞争者的竞争。

    Our media organizations should not only deal with competition from domestic counterparts , but also deal with competition from foreign competitors for its own survival and development .

  15. 文章最后提出了基于人力资源管理视角打造我国媒介组织核心竞争力的对策建议,同时辅以具体的案例分析。

    It concludes with countermeasures of building our media organizations ' core competency according to the perspective of human resource management , at the same time supplemented by detailed cases .

  16. 当前媒介组织危机公关中多采取保持沉默的态度,采用冷处理的手段,或者利用不对等的沟通方式等。这些被动消极的危机公关直接或间接的损害了媒介组织形象及公信力。

    They just keep silent ; use the cold treatment means or the unequal way of communication , etc. These negative behaviors will damage the image and credibility directly or indirectly .

  17. 后者是将存在互补优势的媒介组织与非媒介组织以战略联盟形式构筑并拉长产业链条。

    The latter is to construct the medium organization that the existence repairs the advantage with each other with the non - medium organization with the strategic alliance form and make the industry chain longer .

  18. 革新新闻传播政策政治职能基调和专项政治职能,确保媒介组织的相对独立性,削减政策管控、创建施控新机制,是实现新闻传播政策政治职能政策效应优化的必由之路。

    It is the essential way to optimize policy effect of political function of news communication policy to guarantee the relative independence of the medium organization , to reduce policy control and to found new control mechanism .

  19. 用好议程设置这把双刃剑,媒介组织必须在议题的选择和议程的安排上,在报道议题的角度及倾向性方面慎重行事。

    To use this two - edged sword properly , the media enterprise has to act cautiously in choosing the topic , arrangement of agenda , and in the choice of proper angles of reporting and tendentiousness .

  20. 三网融合使得整个媒体生态发生了巨大的转变,如新闻信息源结构的重组、媒介组织结构融合、受众的数字化生存、新闻生产方式的转型等。

    The whole media environment has undergone tremendous changes for network convergence . Triple play makes the reorganization of the structure of the news and information source , media integration and organization structure transformation of the audience being digital , and so on .

  21. 媒介组织具备公共组织和私人组织的特征,而不同组织因利益相关者利益诉求不同导致价值判定标准的差异性,因此两种不同的价值判定标准共存于媒介组织。

    Media organization presents the characters of both public organization and private organization , and the two kinds of organizations have different value standards because of their different interest demand , therefore , two kinds of different value judgment standards coexist in a media organization .

  22. 媒介组织承担目标的多元性,是造成其在风险传播中低效的根源。第三部分,主要针对目前媒介报道活动中存在的一些问题,提出一些可能的改进策略。

    Media organizations assume the goal of diversity is caused by the root of the risk of the spread of " inefficient " . The third part , for a number of problems in the current media coverage of activities , some possible improvement strategies .

  23. 新闻传播政策及其政治职能两位一体、不可分割,根本原因就在于传媒及媒介组织的新闻传播活动不仅是单纯的信息传播活动,而且是一种力量强大、影响深远的政治活动。

    Communication policy and its political function can not be divided mainly because the news information communication of the media and the medium organization is not only pure information communication but also one kind of political activities which is of strong strength and profound influence .

  24. 歌德学院作为德国最大的媒介组织,以推广德语、促进文化交流、宣传德国为根本任务,是德国对外文化教育政策的主要执行机构之一。

    As the biggest mediator in Germany , Goethe Institute is one of the primary operational institutions for German cultural and educational foreign policy . Its basic tasks include promoting the study of German abroad , encouraging international cultural exchange , and fostering knowledge about Germany .

  25. 宏观环境是媒介组织不可控制的社会因素,因而媒介产业结构也是媒介不可控制的,媒介只能在给定的条件下采取对策适应产业结构,以实现利润最大化。

    Macro-circumstance is an uncontrollable social factor for the medium organization , so , the medium can 't control the medium industrialization too . Medium can only adopt the corresponding way to fit the industrial structure in order to realize the best profit in the given condition .

  26. 电视仪式就是以电视为媒介中心组织起来的结构性行为。

    TV ritual act as the structural behavior of modem society .

  27. 水稻齿叶矮缩病毒在水稻病叶及传毒媒介昆虫组织内的形态

    Rice ragged stunt virus in the phloem cells of diseased rice and in the salivary gland cells of infected vector

  28. 在组建阶段担当团队设计者角色,设计团队使命和名称、明确团队目标和里程碑、确定成员关系和沟通媒介并组织召开第一次团队会议;

    At the creating stage , leader display designer , design team mission 、 name 、 goal 、 milestone 、 members 、 communication medium and organize the first team meeting ;

  29. 它不仅能够树立新闻媒介的组织形象,沟通媒介组织内外关系,提高新闻采编水平,而且还是一种有效的经营管理战略。

    It can build up favorable figure of media , communicate media with the other organizations , and improve the level of the interview and editing , but also being an effective management strategy .

  30. 品牌传播要遵循一定的原则,即省级卫视的品牌要体现电视媒介的组织目标和传播功能,同时还要加强体制改革。

    Brand communication must adhere to certain principles , id est , the provincial Satellite TV channels brand should incarnate the organization goal and communication function of television media , at the same time , systemic reform is necessary .