
  • 网络media management
  1. 事业与营业:胡政之媒介经营理念略论

    Enterprise and Management : the Analysis of Hu Zhengzhi 's Media Management Thinking

  2. 媒介经营管理学科建设中的问题与对策

    Problems & countermeasures in the subject construct of media management

  3. 否则会给媒介经营带来无以挽回的损失。从娱乐至死到理性回归

    Otherwise it may bring loss . From the Entertainment Left to the Rational Return

  4. 品牌延伸:媒介经营的双刃剑

    Brand Extension : a Couteau in Medium Management

  5. 纸质媒介经营管理策略模型分析

    Pattern analysis of managerial strategy of paper media

  6. 国内跨媒介经营正处于从第二种向第三种迈进的阶段。

    And Chinese cross-media operation is in moving from stage two to the third .

  7. 造成这一特殊现象的主要原因是媒介经营管理学科建设中的诸多矛盾和问题。

    It is mainly because of the contradictions and problems in the process of the discipline building .

  8. 活动,媒介经营的核心

    Activity-Core of the Media Business

  9. 跨媒介经营初探&发展内容产业实现跨媒介经营

    General Exploring the Cross-media Management - Realizing the Cross-media Management on the Base of Developing the Content Industry

  10. 林如鹏副教授,长于新闻采访和新闻评论的教学和研究,同时兼及新闻媒介经营管理研究。

    He is the deputy director of Journalism School and does well in teaching , research and administrative work .

  11. 跨媒介经营是传媒市场发展到一定阶段后的必然选择。

    Admittedly , cross-media operation is the inevitable trend with the development of the media market to a certain stage .

  12. 第四章从媒介经营管理的角度具体分析了传媒集团的并购战略、产品方式和营销战略。

    The fourth one analyzes the mergence strategy , products , marketing strategy of media groups in the light of media management .

  13. 国外跨媒介经营的发展主要经历了单一媒介集团化、跨媒介和行业集团化、跨国集团化三个阶段。

    The development of foreign cross-media operation through three stages : single media group , cross-media and industry group , and multinational group .

  14. 另一方面,产业化和市场细分化也是市场经济条件下媒介经营的内在要求。

    On the other hand , industrialization and subdividing the market are also an internal request to mass media that run in market economy system .

  15. 媒体的企业化经营管理是目前经济全球化、媒体集团化的趋势下媒介经营管理研究方向的核心问题。

    Accompanied with the economic globalization and media grouped trends , the corporation management of media company has become the core feature of media management .

  16. 面对危机,我们应该积极主动地去挖掘拓展新的空间和方式,解决跨媒介经营过程中所出现的问题,让报业重获青睐。

    Thus , we should take the initiative to develop new space and ways for the boom again of the newspapers industry in the cross-media operations .

  17. 目前,我国高校媒介经营管理的课堂教学与媒介对人才的实际需求之间出现了明显的脱节。

    At present , there is a gap between the college classroom teaching of media management course and the actual demand of media personnel in China .

  18. 同时,从报业自身的发展背景来看,跨媒介经营也是其谋求生存的不二法则。

    At the same time , cross-media operation is the natural result of the development of the newspaper industry , which enables it to survive in nowadays situation .

  19. 在如此激烈的竞争面前,怎样走出一条有特色的媒介经营之路,成为众多省级电视台地面频道深感困惑的问题。

    In the face of so keen competition , how the media go out of the way of a feature becomes a embarrassing question for the numerous TV at the provincial level .

  20. 从事业经营的层面来看,将媒介经营提升到策略层面进行全面性的思考,应该才是在认清未来市场变化的状况下,提出有效因应之道的方式。

    In this sense , media operators need to explore their future and examine their strategies from a broader approach first , and then they may lead their organizations toward a better future .

  21. 本文在考察我国广播媒介经营现状、发展特点及趋势的基础上,深入分析了我国广播媒介经营中存在的问题,如体制不顺导致政企不分,层次过多;

    On the basis of researching on the present situation and analyzing the problems of broadcast management in our country , which mainly include : functions of enterprises and government is not separated , excessive levels ;

  22. 此外,鲁斯对于员工的股权激励制度,品牌公关活动以及系列出版,培育未来读者群等的管理观念与实践,也是《时代》成功的因素之一,成为媒介经营的范本和财富。

    Otherwise , such managements as employee stock purchase , public relation activity in molding brand , publishing in series and activities in cultivating future consumers are all factors for Time 's achievement and fortune for the whole industry .

  23. 通过对《财经》期刊数字化个案的深入分析,通过新闻的生产流程、传播过程和媒介经营管理数字化三个方面对《财经》的数字化途径进行探讨。

    Through the " Caijing " Journal of digital in-depth analysis of the case through the news production processes , communication processes and management of digital media , three aspects of the " Caijing " to explore the digital channels .

  24. 新闻媒介在经营上走向市场;

    The news media 's management follows market principle ;

  25. 随着我国传媒体制的改革,媒介的经营环境发生改变。

    With the reform of the media system , the media business environment has changed .

  26. 当前,电视媒介广告经营的内外环境正在发生着许多剧烈变化。

    Currently , both the interior and external of TV media ads business environment is changing drastically .

  27. 媒介的经营和管理以及实现最终的盈利成为媒体考虑的重要问题。

    Thus , the management of media and achieve the ultimate profit of has been a priority .

  28. 在中国新闻史上,胡政之以重视媒介的经营管理而著称,但其经营的根本目的不是为了赢利,而是为了保障新闻职业的独立自主。

    The fundamental purpose of his management was not for profit , but to protect journalistic independence .

  29. 传媒产业就是从事传播媒介的经营和管理及其相关活动的企业集合。

    The media industry is engaged in the vector the management and the management and the related active enterprise gathers .

  30. 网络环境就是以互联网为媒介的经营环境网络化、以信息技术为代表的技术环境网络化和以人为本的社会依存关系的网络化。

    The paper makes a deep research on the concept of network environment , involving internet-based environment , the technology IT-oriented environment , and social network relationship .