
  • 网络media criticism
  1. 第一部分:媒介批评的理论背景。

    The first part : The theoretic background of media criticism .

  2. 论我国媒介批评理论体系的本土建构

    On the Local Construction of Chinese Media Criticism Theory System

  3. 解读媒介批评新视野中的女性主义

    Feminism : A New Field of Vision for Criticism by Media

  4. 略论媒介批评的概念及其起源

    A Brief Discussion of the Concept and the Origin of Media Criticism

  5. 论中国现代媒介批评的文体形态及其表现

    On Stylistic Form and Expression of Chinese Modern Media Criticism

  6. 胡愈之媒介批评思想初探

    Hu Yuzhi and his critical conception of the media

  7. 西方媒介批评的四大理论背景

    The Four Theoretical Background of the Media Criticism

  8. 论媒介批评视野下的新闻自律

    Press Self - discipline under Media Criticism

  9. 本文是作者在2008第二届媒介批评国际学术论坛上的演讲稿文本。

    This paper is originated from a keynote speech of2008 International Forum on Media Criticism .

  10. 本篇论文的研究对象是基于网络平台的新闻媒介批评。

    The object of research is News Media Criticism based on Network Platform in this thesis .

  11. 法兰克福学派的大众传播思想是媒介批评的理论源头;

    The media thought of the " Frankfort School " is the origin of the media criticism .

  12. 西方媒介批评理论中,有四个代表性阶段和人物尤其重要。

    There are four representative stages and figures which are very important in the Western media critical theory .

  13. 这为我们开展媒介批评与新闻自律的机制建设提供了很好的借鉴。

    The awareness of this can benefit us in establishing the mechanism of media criticism and press self-discipline .

  14. 20世纪初美国的媒介批评与新闻专业主义确立

    Media Criticism and the Establishment of the Professional Journalism in the US during the Turn of 20th Century

  15. 符号化传播的魅力&从媒介批评的角度析《士兵突击》的文化影响

    The Charm of Symbolic Communication & An Analysis of Cultural Effects in The Soldiers Sortie in Terms of Media Criticism

  16. 后现代对现代性的反思批判成为后现代语境下媒介批评的特殊视角;

    The Later Modem to the reflection criticism of the modernity become the special angle in the context of the media criticism .

  17. 媒介批评所具有的叙事性和道德性使媒介批评成为社会角色的对话空间,在这个空间里,文明型的媒介批评家和颠覆型的媒介批评都可以畅言对媒介的期望,无论是不是得到实现。

    Media criticism has been made as a dialogic platform for social actors because of the narrating nature and morality of media criticism .

  18. 目前在媒介批评领域,许多学者都注意到并提出了新闻传播的神话性问题。

    Currently in media criticism field , many scholars have noticed and put forward the problem of the myth communication manner of the news .

  19. 这四个阶段的媒介批评理论有着一些共同的精神与传统,并体现出一定的逻辑联系和发展脉络。

    There are some common sprit and tradition which embody certain logical connection and development process in these four stages of the media critical theory .

  20. 在对媒介批评的考察中,主要是着眼于媒介批评中新闻专业主义的自我批评、西方马克思主义的媒介批评和女性主义的媒介批评。

    In the study of media criticism , this chapter focused on self-criticism of journalistic professionalism , media criticism of Western Marxism and feminist media criticism .

  21. 本文分析了19世纪末、20世纪初美国媒介批评对新闻专业主义建设的贡献。当时美国的媒介批评越来越多地针对新闻媒介的专业表现,从而走向成熟。

    This paper analyses the contribution of the media criticism to the establishment of the professional journalism in the US during the turn of the 20th century .

  22. 本文从媒介批评的理论视野出发研究新闻自律的有关问题,提出了一个极具整合性和创新性的概念&媒介批评视野下的新闻自律。

    The paper studies press self-discipline and the related problems in terms of media criticism theory and puts forward a radical and creative concept - press self-discipline under media criticism .

  23. 米兰·昆德拉著名作品的媒介批评具有独特的美学品格,包括已经译成中文的10部小说、3部随笔和1部戏剧。

    The famous works of Milan Kundera display special aesthetic characters on its media criticism , including 10 fictions , 3 essays and 1 play , which have been translated into Chinese .

  24. 但新闻叙事在这种时代转换中,也伴随有一些消极现象出现,因此需要加强媒介批评,培育健康的新闻生态环境。

    However , there is some negative phenomenon coming together with era reconstruction of news narration as well . Therefore , media criticism should be enhanced to create a healthy news environment .

  25. 本文把法国哲学语境下的媒介批评本身作为文本进行解读,对法国媒介批评的思想理论进行了初步的探讨。

    Tomlinson considers himself as representative of " developed countries ", substitutes " text " for " culture " in terms of hermeneutics , and rejects the idea of " media imperialism " .

  26. 这一部分主要对法兰克福学派、麦克卢汉、后现代以及全球化等四个重要阶段和人物的媒介批评作一个理论的廓清与梳理。

    This part mainly covers the theory of the media criticism of the four important stages and figures of " Frankfort School ", " Mcluhan ", " Later Modem ", and " Globalism " .

  27. 词典批评可以大致分为文本批评、共时-历时批评、功能批评、理论批评、媒介批评、元批评、宏观-微观批评。

    The writer maintains that the most dictionary criticism types are text dictionary criticism , sychronical-diachronical dictionary criticism , functional dictionary criticism , theoretical dictionary criticism , media dictionary criticism , meta-dictionary criticism and macro-micro-dictionary criticism .

  28. 它使媒介批评走出了文化主义的阈限,从社会结构及其表现系统来看待电视的内结构和外结构,将电视文化由一般文本扩大到社会文本。

    It makes media criticism go beyond culturists and expands TV culture to social texts from common texts . It comments the internal and external structures of TV through its social form and its expression system .

  29. 论文最后指出,在我国,建立健全有效的媒介批评与新闻自律机制,应该首先解决好两个问题:一是媒介的自主意识、自律意识和专业主义意识亟待提升;

    The paper conclusively points out that a sound and effective mechanism of media criticism and press self-discipline bases on the solution of two problems as follow : firstly , the awareness of self-independence , self-discipline and professionalism should be urgently strengthened .

  30. 本文试从文化的层面、批评的角度,通过对媒介批评理论的梳理,以及对报纸、广播、电视、互联网等四大媒介的剖析,来探询当代大众传媒的本质属性、文化价值和美学意义;

    The article tries to probe into the nature of contemporary popular media , cultural value and aesthetical significance through cultural levels . critical angle and analysis of the media criticism theory and the four media of newspapers , broadcast , TV and internet .