
  1. 本文以我国当前大众化报纸为样本,以考察其消息来源的使用情况为切入口,意在分析媒介消息来源偏向的情形,探究偏向背后的制约因素及其后果。

    Based on the mass newspapers of our country for the time being as a sample , this paper begins from the use of new sources , analyses the facts of news sources bias in the media , and inquires the constraints and its consequences hidden in the bias .

  2. 在研究中力避单纯从媒介出发的技术决定论。第二,研究媒介域下的文学后果,媒介的偏向性,即不同媒介影响力的差异性和文学呈现的历史性。

    The author attempts to avoid technology determinism starting off from the media . Second , the text studies literature aftermath in the media field and the deflection of the media , which are differentiation of different media influences 、 historic nature literature presents .