
  • 网络Media Capital
  1. 综观媒介资本进入资本市场的个案,大部分可归结为直接上市和间接上市两种主要模式。

    Media capital into market can be divided into two models , direct list on stock market or indirect list stock market .

  2. 而在本文中,博弈论为我们重新透视和研究媒介资本市场提供了全新的理论视角和分析工具,为打开资本市场这个神秘的黑箱,深化资本市场理论提供了可能。

    But in this article , the game theory has provided the brand-new theory angle and the analysis tool for the research media capital market , and also provided the possibility of turning on capital market this mystical black box as well as the deepening capital market theory .

  3. 20世纪90年代以来,中国媒介资本市场出现了前所未有的活跃局面。

    Since 1990s , there has emerged an unprecedented stimulating atmosphere in the capital market .

  4. 产权制度改革和媒介资本运营,是当前学术界研究的热点问题。

    Property Rights Reform and capital operation of media industry in China are the research 's focus in today 's China media study .

  5. 从全球传播的视角来分析其对本土文化的影响。媒介资本的集中、传播新技术的聚合和传播的全球化形成了新的图像空间,改变了人们传统的时空概念。

    On the basis of the idea that the capital of media monopoly is the material foundation for this global phenomenon , this paper analyses the impacts of global communication on the local culture .

  6. 媒介产业资本运营的现状和前景分析

    An Analysis of the Present Situation and the Prospect of the Industrial Capital Management of the Media Industry

  7. 大众媒介人力资源资本化的必然

    On the Inevitability of the Capitalization of the Mass Media Human Resources

  8. 我国媒介产业的资本运作

    Media Industry and Capital Management

  9. 然而,一旦私人媒介机构改善了资本结构,实体经济企稳,美联储就应该退出向私人机构直接提供贷款的角色。

    However , once private intermediaries recapitalise and the real economy firms up , the Fed will want to withdraw from direct intermediation of private loans .

  10. 媒介购并是媒介资本经营的主要方式,也是媒介企业迅速做大做强的基本途径。

    The merger and acquisition ( M & A ) of media is the main pattern of media capital administration and the fundamental approach to rapidly enlarging and strengthening the media enterprise .

  11. 因此知识资本的三个构成是相互影响,相互依托的,共同促进企业绩效的提升;知识资本的构成间是以人力资本为媒介的,顾客资本和结构资本通过人力资本对企业绩效产生间接影响。

    So the three components of intellectual capital are interacting and interdependent . They jointly accelerate the promotion of performance ; Customer capital and structural capital pass indirect effectiveness via human Capital upon performance .