
  • 网络media regulation
  1. 中国媒介规制的发展、问题与未来方向

    Development , Problems and Future Directions of Chinese Media Regulation

  2. 并揭示了当前中国体育电视娱乐化的现状及存在的问题,通过对具体案例收视率的分析和媒介规制困境的现状,提出目前的娱乐化并不足以挽救中国体育专业媒体。

    And reveals the current Chinese sports TV more entertaining present situation and the existence question , through the analysis of the specific case of ratings and media regulation dilemma , the present situation of entertainment is not enough to save the Chinese sports media professionals .

  3. 本文以美国为例,解析公共利益与广电媒介规制的复杂关系,意在提醒人们关注媒介规制的公共利益本体。

    The paper takes the US as a case study of the complicated relationship between the public interest and broadcasting regulation .

  4. 媒介融合规制研究的反思:中国面向与核心议题

    Reflections of Research on Media Convergence Regulation : China-oriented Principle and Core Issue

  5. 广电媒介政府规制的正当性是公共利益,规制目的是为了调和产业利益与公共利益之矛盾。

    The goal of regulation is to mediate the conflict between the interest of broadcasting industry and interest of the public .

  6. 近代以来,欧美、日本以及苏联的媒介制度基本上规制了中国媒介的演化路径。

    In modern China the media institutions of Europe , America and Japan have basically regulated the evolution path of those in China .

  7. 本文主要论述日本广播电视体制的两个基本特征:广电媒介产业的政府规制体制,公营与民营广电媒介的并存体制。并对数字化时代日本广电媒介体制的变革趋势作了简要分析。

    The essay discusses two essential features in the Japanese broadcasting and television system : government regulation and co-existence of State-run and private-owned medium .

  8. 同样,媒介产业市场准入规制也没有达到规制的预期目的,反而阻碍了竞争,降低了社会总福利水平。

    Likewise , the market access regulations also did not reach the expected purposes , but hindered the media market competition , lowered the total social welfare level .

  9. 政府对媒介产业采取不同规制将产生不同福利效果,有些政府规制增进社会福利,而有些政府规制降低社会福利。

    The different regulation policies that the governments adopt to the media industry will produce various welfare effects . Some government regulation policy will improve the social welfare , while some other regulation policies will reduce the social welfare .

  10. 因此,论文的研究结论是:技术变迁与媒介融合背景下的政府规制必须打破传统媒介规制的思维模式,要从全媒体角度考虑规制体制调整与规制权力配置问题。

    Therefore , the research conclusions of this paper include : in the perspective of technical change , the media regulation must break through the thinking mode of traditional media regulation and take the regulation system adjustment and regulation power allocation into consideration from the view of all-media .

  11. 未来我国传媒业政府规制体制也将努力适应媒介融合态势并加快改革步伐,建构适合本国国情且适应媒介融合趋势的规制框架。

    In the future , the government regulation system in Chinese media industry will work hard to adapt to the new trend and speed up the pace of reform to establish a regulation framework adapting to the national conditions as well as the integration trend of media .