
  • 网络Media Social Responsibility
  1. 媒体社会责任是新闻伦理学的重要内容之一,其含义是指新闻媒体在谋求自身经济利益的同时,所应承担的维护和增进全社会利益的职责和义务。

    Media social responsibility is one of the most important content of the news ethics . It refers to the duties and obligations that protect and promote the public advantages the mass media should have when he works for the economic interest .

  2. 网络媒体社会责任与商业利益的平衡

    Balance Between Social Responsibilities and Commercial Profits of Online Media

  3. 当前我国网络草根媒体社会责任研究

    A Study of the Social Responsibility of Chinese Current Internet Grass-root Media

  4. 我国媒体社会责任现状及成因分析

    Probing into Social Responsibility in Media of China

  5. 研究造成当前我国媒体社会责任现状的主要原因是:媒体的传播观念从单一观念向多维取向的转化;

    The reasons of them is that : the tropism of media value transforms from single to excessive ;

  6. 坚持政治家办报,坚持正确导向的意识和媒体社会责任的意识;坚持以人为本,实践“三贴近”原则;

    Firstly , we should hold the practice of " statesman running newspapers ", stick to correct leadership and stress the media 's social responsibility consciousness .

  7. 当前我国媒体社会责任的现状表现在以下几个方面:世俗化与媚俗化同在,新闻性与猎奇性共生,监督功能与违规违法交织,文化传承与文化沙漠并存。

    Second , the writer analyzes the status of social responsibilities of media in China . Secularization trend and lowness trend accrete , news quality and seeking novelty complex , supervising function and irregularity interlace , undertaking culture and desert exist together .

  8. 公共危机中媒体的社会责任和消极影响

    Media 's Social Responsibility and Negative Effect in Public Crisis

  9. 媒体的社会责任因此而变得十分重大;

    Therefore , the social responsibility of media has become very important .

  10. 媒体的社会责任与广告营销

    Media 's Social Responsibilities and ADs ' Marketing

  11. 新闻媒体的社会责任与文化品位

    Social Responsibility of News Media and Its Cultural Quality On Equality in Responsibility The cultural differences

  12. 这关乎大众媒体的社会责任与历史使命,也是建构媒体主流新闻价值观的必然要求。

    And it is also an inevitable requirement to construct the mainstream values of mass media .

  13. 从整治互联网低俗之风看网络媒体的社会责任

    On the Social Responsibilities of Internet Media with the Context of Renovating Vulgar News on Internet

  14. 论网络媒体的社会责任

    On Social Responsibilities of Network Media

  15. 从时尚传播来看,必须要加强媒体的社会责任感;

    In view of its spread , the sense of social responsibility of media has to be strengthened ;

  16. 在此基础上,本文选择从利益相关者角度来研究网络媒体的社会责任评价问题。

    On this basis , the author studies the network media social responsibility problem from the stakeholder angles .

  17. 二是继续秉持媒体的社会责任和公益使命,在行业内外开展更多的公益活动。三是为主席团成员以及全球媒体搭建沟通、交流与合作的平台。

    Two is to continue to uphold the social responsibility of the media and public mission , both inside and outside the industry to carry out more public activities .

  18. 发挥新闻策划的舆论引导功能,坚持正确的舆论导向,是媒体的社会责任。

    The social resposibility of mass media is to give play to the public opinion guiding function of news plan , to stick to the correct direction of public opinion .

  19. 由雅俗共赏透析文学的传媒消费从整治互联网低俗之风看网络媒体的社会责任

    Viewing the Media Consumption of Literature via Enjoyment of Both Highbrows and Lowbrows ; On the Social Responsibilities of Internet Media with the Context of Renovating Vulgar News on Internet

  20. 地震发生的第二天,就及时地发布了相关信息,并且此后又进行了连续报道、跟踪报道,彰显了一家主流媒体的社会责任意识和大报风范。

    The relevant information about the earthquake was shown the next day , then following continuous coverage , tracking reports , which has shown a sense of social responsibility and newspaper style .

  21. 因此本文在最后强调了媒体的社会责任,对媒体提出了相关的对策和建议,试图通过媒体社会公器的作用,来促进社会的良性发展。

    Finally , the article discussed the social responsibility of the media , and made some suggestions on improving the reporting measures , in order to promote the society development through media as a society public institution .

  22. 本文认为,要增强新媒体的社会责任就应当建立一个新媒体公共平台,以公共利益为核心来履行新媒体发展的社会责任义务。

    This article holds that the new media to enhance the social responsibility of the media should establish a new public platform to the public interest as the core to meet new media development of the social responsibility obligations .

  23. 当前弘扬民族精神是中国网络媒体的主要社会责任。

    It is the main community responsibility of the Chinese network media to carryforward national spirit at present .

  24. 邀请政府部门、高等院校、相关协会、企业及媒体共同探讨社会责任的热点话题。

    Each year the CSR center will work with governments of large and medium-sized cities on the selection of forum themes and the invitation of speakers from advisory organizations .

  25. 从而推动我国网络媒体积极履行社会责任,更好的服务于社会和公众,促进社会和谐发展。

    Thus the Chinese network media can perform corporate social responsibility actively , and to service the society and the public better , so as to promote the social harmonious development .

  26. 在网络环境中,“文化同一性”为媒体的“社会责任”指明了方向,媒体不至于迷失自我;“受众本位”意识又要求大众传媒在网络平台上重铸形象和品牌。

    In the internet era , assimilation of cultures points out the way for the social responsibility of mass media , thus , the media can hardly go so far as to lose its direction .

  27. 对评价结果进行分析,发现这两家网络媒体公司的社会责任履行情况属于一般和较好的水平,相对较好的承担了企业社会责任,但还存在一些不足之处,有待于进一步加强。

    By analysis the results of evaluation , we found that the two network media corporate social responsibility performance belongs to the social responsibility of the " average " and " better " level , relatively undertook corporate the social responsibility well .

  28. 首先,从观念上,要强化媒体从业人员的社会责任意识,需要明自民众的认同,才是媒体能够持续、长远发展的基石。

    First of all , from concept to strengthen the sense of social responsibility of media professionals need to understand the identity of the people is the media can be sustained , the cornerstone of long-term development .

  29. 然后将样本公司按社会责任评分结果分为高低两组,验证了媒体对企业履行社会责任的报道越多,越能提高公司价值。

    Then , this paper divides the sample companies into high and low two groups according to the results of social responsibility ratings , in order to verify that the more of media coverage of corporate social responsibility , the more improvement of firm value .

  30. 法律法规和制度的引导对企业社会责任会计信息披露水平在形式上有着非常积极的作用;媒体关注情况、社会责任行业敏感性对企业社会责任会计信息披露水平在实质上有着积极的影响。

    The guidance of laws and regulations has a very active role on the level of the corporate social responsibility accounting information disclosure in form ; media attention and industry have a positive influence on the level of corporate social responsibility accounting information disclosure in substance .