
  1. 选择测试菜单中的测试媒体驱动程序命令可用此驱动程序播放示范内容

    Select " Test Media Driver " from the Test menu to play a sample using this driver

  2. 管理可移动媒体、驱动程序和库。

    Manages removable media , drives , and libraries .

  3. 本文重点介绍使用Accept标头执行媒体类型的服务器驱动的协商,但此处涉及的问题和技术实际上还可用于其他Accept标头。

    This article focuses on server-driven negotiation of media types using the Accept header , but the questions and techniques posed here also really apply to other Accept headers as well .

  4. 人们,请不要相信那些别有用心的媒体和被利益驱动的理论家。

    Friends , please have a second thought before you decide to believe the motive-driven mass media and some of the critics .

  5. 我的感觉是,公关只是一个平衡块,平衡媒体由商业利益驱动的对负面新闻的贪欲。

    My hunch is that PR is merely a counterweight to the media 's strong , commercially driven appetite for bad news .

  6. 但消费者还是需要冷静看待最近媒体大炒电力驱动汽车新车型的消息。

    But consumers need to take the latest flurry of press releases touting forthcoming electric-drive vehicle models with a few grains of salt .